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On the surface, he is the county magistrate who manages the entire Chang'an City. If he were in an ordinary place, he would also be the county magistrate. But in Chang'an City where dukes are everywhere and high officials are worse than dogs, he is simply the bottom of the list.

In summary, everyone who sees him is quite polite, but no one takes him seriously. There are many people in Chang'an City that he cannot control.

"Lord Li, excuse me. I am here to talk to some death row prisoners on His Majesty's orders. Please let me go to the prison."

Xu Chen walked into the government office of Chang'an Prefecture and saw Li Chongyue sleeping in the court. He couldn't help but touch his nose and reminded him.

The position of Chang'an Ling is really easy! The key is that the salary is not low, although there is no oil and water.���But Xu Chen liked it very much.

It was nice to be a salted fish here!

His voice reached Li Yue's ears, as if it had disturbed his sweet dream. He impatiently took out a key from his arms, and said in a daze without even looking at who it was.

"Take it... take it."

After saying that, he changed his posture and continued to sleep...

This guy is really lazy to a certain extent!

"You are living a more comfortable life than me. I will give you something to do sooner or later!"

Xu Chen took the key to the cell, complained in a low voice, and then left the court and went to the prison.

The entire Chang'an Prefecture covers a large area, but it is indeed very quiet. Even if there are bailiffs and constables, there are very few of them. Even if there are, they are dozing off. As a result, Xu Chen did not need to show his identity and entered the cell unimpeded.

But the scene in front of him made him stunned.

"big big big!"

"Open it, 234!"

"Oh, this is too bad, isn't it? You always go against me, and today is not a good day?"

"Why are you yelling? Pay the money now. Don't occupy the seat if you don't have money."

"I don't have money? I'll go to Lao Yu to borrow some!"

These jailers were actually gambling in the cell. The most terrifying thing was that after one of them ran out of money, he asked the prisoners inside to borrow money, and the prisoner actually gave it to him with a smile?! The jailers and the prisoners seemed to have reached some kind of tacit understanding. The scene was extremely harmonious, so harmonious that Xu Chen felt an unreal magical feeling.

Is this really the Chang'an Prefecture Prison with strict punishments?

"Thanks, Lao Yu. If I win later, I'll give you roast chicken and wine!"

The jailer took the coin from the prisoner named"Lao Yu" and shouted,"I'm so angry!"

"Come on! Damn it, I'll bet big this time, I don't believe I can't win!"

Then, the gambling game started again. They were having so much fun that they didn't notice that there was an extra person at the door until Xu Chen coughed.

"Ahem, um, you guys……"

Xu Chen said with some embarrassment. He had a feeling that if he never said anything and just watched, then these gambling jailers would never realize that someone had broken in.

This alert awareness was really indescribable!

This cough finally startled the jailers. When they saw someone coming in, they hurriedly picked up the punishment sticks in their hands and said with a vigilant look:

"You, who are you! How dare you break into the prison?!"

While on guard, they were also a little terrified, because Xu Chen had not changed his robe. Although they did not know the identity represented by this set of clothes, they also knew that the person who came was extraordinary!

At least, he was much higher in rank than their county magistrate Li Yue!

"Who am I? I am……"

Xu Chen looked at the group of silly jailers and was about to reveal his identity, but when the words came to his lips, he stopped again. He felt like teasing them and said with a straight face,

"I am the inspector appointed by His Majesty. His Majesty personally sent me to inspect the public security in various places. The focus is on lazy governance. Just now, your Lord Li Yue fell asleep in the court. I have reported it to the court! You guys dare to gamble here. I think you want to taste the taste of going to jail!"

Although these jailers have not committed any serious crimes, they should be punished. Otherwise, if there is a mess one day, it will affect the public security of the entire Chang'an City!

"Sir, Sir, spare my life!"

When the jailer A heard this, he was immediately shocked and knelt on the ground in panic, kowtowed repeatedly.

When he kowtowed, the three jailers B, C, and D also knelt down and begged for mercy:

"Please spare my life, sir! I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong!"

"I won’t dare to do it again, never again!"

"Woohoo, I have an 80-year-old mother above me and……"

One by one, knowing that the matter was serious, they all began to beg for mercy and play the victim. Although they had only heard about it, they also knew that the imperial court's inspectors and censors were very powerful and could even criticize the emperor at will. For people like them, being thrown into prison was just a matter of a word.

""That's enough! Look at your ugly faces. You are really bringing shame to the Tang Dynasty. Get out of here!"

Xu Chen kicked the jailer A and scolded him.

He didn't want to do anything to them. He just wanted to scare them. Now, his attention was completely focused on the gambling table. He walked over to take a look.

My goodness, the bets on it were at least several thousand coins. The salaries of these jailers were not high, only a few hundred coins a month. Where did they get so much money to gamble?

"This money?"

Xu Chen was a little suspicious at this time. Just as he was about to ask for clarification, the jailer A had already stood up and smiled flatteringly:

"These are all gifts to you. Please take them.……"

In fact, the three of them nodded repeatedly, as if the money had nothing to do with them. They just paid it as a gift, without any pain on their faces.

Xu Chen saw their expressions and felt even more puzzled. These bastards didn't take the money as money?

There must be something fishy here!

"I don't care about your little money?"

Xu Chen flicked his sleeves and looked at the four jailers, interrogating them.

"You are a jailer, and your monthly salary is only a few hundred coins, but there are nearly ten thousand coins on the table! Where did you get so much money to gamble? Tell the truth!"_Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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