Data Wasteland

Chapter 1075: The first thousand and eighty-fourth counterattack


Looking at the back figure that disappeared at the door of the tent, Chen Xing let out a long breath. There is both the slack of relief and the melancholy of parting from an old friend. There are so many emotions in my heart that it is difficult to express.

Traveling from the previous life, he has formed an indissoluble bond with everyone in the Lei Guang Group. He appreciates their integrity and kindness, and likes their boldness and enthusiasm. In this cold, dark and cruel world, it brought him a sense of warmth and security, and he felt at home ever since.

But as he himself said, there is no permanent banquet in the world. He is no longer who he used to be. He is no longer the boss of a certain group or organization, and needs to take care of more people and maintain a larger family.

Therefore, quitting is the best option.

Of course, he didn't just ignore it. Lei Guangtuan is still one of the important members of his new family, but they are no longer treated specially.

Chen Xing thought for a while, and when he came back to his senses, two pairs of crystal clear icy eyes were looking at him.

At some point, Lacey and Bai Yefenghua had already arrived in the account, probably because he was thinking about something and didn't disturb him.

Chen Xing glanced at the two beautiful faces, and asked in a flat tone, "Are you all ready?"

As early as a few hours ago, on the way back to the front line, Chen Xing had already decided on a counterattack strategy. To put it simply, the troops are divided into four groups, and the four fronts fight at the same time, defeating the desert army in one go.

Lacey led the Northern Army and participated in the battle on the front of Nice. As the main battlefield with the most intense conflicts among the four fronts, the Norton Legion and the River Sparrow Legion in the south will be assigned to the Northern Legion, under the unified command of Lacey.

Bai Bubai led the new army of the National Defense Army, boarded the Seagull Island fishing boat, bypassed the main battlefield, landed in the Red Rock Volcanic Zone, and cut in from the rear.

Bai Yefenghua led the southern army to attack from the front of Dongwang Fort, and the front of the soldiers pointed directly at Baihu City.

Ricardo led the reserve army and the city-state coalition army, entered the western wilderness from the Iron-blooded Fortress, entered the central wilderness north around the Dragon's Claw Mountains, and cut into the Tezera battlefield from the rear.

"All the departments of the Northern Army are in place, and the new army of Baibubai will set off by boat tonight and arrive at the target area at dawn." Lai Xihui reported.

"The southern army is rushing to the combat area and is expected to arrive in five hours. Ricardo's coalition forces have already set off and are expected to be in place before dawn." Baiye Fenghuahui reported.

"You guys have worked hard." Chen Xing nodded to express his condolences, and then looked at Bai Yefenghua, "It's almost time for you to go."

Dongwang Fort is located in the south of Ice Blue City, thousands of kilometers away from the Principality of Nice. Bai Ye Fenghua, who was the Grand Commander before the war, had to rush back.

"I'm leaving now!" Bai Ye Fenghua snapped to attention and gave a military salute.

"My lord, it's time for me to go back to the army." Lacey saluted.

"Go." Chen Xing stood up, clasped his hands and said in ancient etiquette, "I wish the two adults good luck in martial arts and victory!"

"Let's encourage each other!" The two women responded in unison, then turned and left. The battle is imminent, without a trace of muddy water.

Looking at the neat backs of the two women, Chen Xing sat down slowly, propped his hands on the table, his face was dignified and thoughtful. This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

At the same time, there was a lot of cursing in the camp of Sha Kingdom, and the entire command system was swearing at the mountain monkey for treachery, and scolded all the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the Zhao royal family.

"May the sandstorm punish these cowardly and humble mountain monkeys!"

"What godshit mountain, I think even the mound is better than them!"

"You can never trust a mountain monkey with blue blood!"

But scolding is scolding, the problem still needs to be solved.

Saudi Arabia's command system is divided into two completely opposite opinions. One is the compromise faction, which advocates an immediate retreat, and the other is the main combat faction, which advocates fighting to the end.

"Without the restraint of mountain monkeys, we cannot face a group of raging red pigs alone."

"We must retreat, the blood of the desert people cannot be shed in vain."

"Your ancestors must be extremely ashamed of your weakness today!"

"The will of Set will never change, the weak sand will never be blessed by the true God!"

"A brave retreat is a sign of wisdom, but recklessness and impulsiveness are a sign of stupidity."

"Weakness is cowardice, cowardice is cowardice, and no amount of excuses can change this fact."

"The desert never backs down!"

"The sandstorm will eventually sweep the whole world!"

"Long live Saudi Arabia!"

The compromise faction was a minority, and the main battle faction was the majority. Soon the voice of the main battle overshadowed the retreat, and became the only truth in the camp.

There was a lot of commotion outside, but there was silence in Saladin IX's camp. The atmosphere was dignified and deep, as if the air had stopped flowing.

There is only one voice echoing in the audience.

"Although we have suffered the betrayal of our allies, this does not mean that we will lose."

"The red country has experienced civil wars for a long time, from the internal wars in the north, to the internal wars in the south, and then to the wars between the north and the south. They lost a lot of soldiers and high-end combat power."

The speaker was a middle-aged man wearing a traditional desert military uniform with wise eyes. He is one of the four great military geniuses of the Red Earth Continent, "Eye of the Sandstorm" Aladdin Barthimu, a famous desert general who defeated 50,000 opponents with 3,000 troops.

"Now is the time when the Red Nation is at its weakest. Even without the restraint of the Qing Nation, our military strength is still not at a disadvantage."

"As long as the strategy is right, we can completely keep the results."

"It's just that, for the sake of greater value and long-term interests, we need to give up some victories that don't seem so important..."

"And for the next battle, we can't go on the rampage like we did at the beginning."

"Our opponents have come back from their disarray to emerge as a strong unit."

"We need to calm down, use the ancient wisdom of the desert, deal with each other, and use time and space to wear down their bodies and wills." "This will be a long battle, like a cold night in the desert, cold and dark, like dawn never coming."

"This is the test given to us by the God of Seth. To temper our spirit and temper our body."

"But the scimitar of the desert will eventually defeat everything!"

The impassioned speech echoed in the dome of the tent and could not be dispersed for a long time.

The gazes of everyone also changed from initial confusion to firmness.


Let everyone know what's going on.

The update has been very slow recently, because the new project of the game company is about to close.

As a literary consultant for the project, a designer of the world view and main characters, and a copywriting planner, I have a lot of work.

Collecting people's money and eliminating disasters for others is the most basic professional ethics of a worker.

So updates are delayed.

Although my time is relatively free and I don’t need to sit on duty, the team has given me a lot of creative space and personal time.

However, once you enter the world view in the game, many associations and inspirations will be biased there, and the imagination will be occupied, so there will be less inspiration in the data wasteland.

And I am a writer who pursues perfection. When I have no inspiration, I will choose not to write. In my opinion, a chapter that fails, a chapter that lacks content, spoils the sense of the work as a whole.

If you can't write well, it's better not to write. This is my principle.

So during this period of time, everyone has been wronged, and we have to wait for the update to resume. For this, the captain apologizes (bows ninety degrees).

In addition, the game will be tested soon. It is essentially the second generation of Genesis God, named "Origin". The art has been upgraded to a certain extent, the game values ​​have been reworked, and the plot has been rewritten. It is a brand new game.


The following is the point.

The "Origin" project is just a pre-product of our future new project (the name of the game will not be disclosed).

The key words of the product are: sci-fi, daily life, harem, selling meat, serious plot, and Wolf Warrior world view 4.0. The product has been developed for a year and a half, and a huge investment has been made in art.

From the art of "origin", we should be able to glimpse the tip of the iceberg in the future.

The following are some game world view settings of Genesis Origin.

City of Glory—

A city governed by gods and heroic spirits. The defeated gods in the war with the ancient evil gods hid in the ruins of the temple deep in the desert, and rebuilt the city under the protection of the remaining power of the ancient creation god. This is the last bastion against evil and darkness.

False God—

The dark emperor used deception to create many false gods. They have familiar faces to confuse and deceive the world, but in fact they are just puppets of monsters without godhead.

In the future, if you are interested, I can communicate with the team, conduct an internal test, and provide unlimited diamonds for everyone to enjoy.

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