Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 683: Putting power in a cage is not how you put it!

"Okay, stop joking.

I feel like my brother is on his way.

But now I don't want to see him at all.

My brothers and sisters all chose to wait and see, but they left me alone to protect the world?

Hmm... that seems a bit inappropriate.

But seriously, I'm protecting the world. "

Rasma's expression became a little subtle.

Perhaps this topic does not need to hide any inner thoughts.

The expressionless face is actually the greatest protection for Rasma.

Who can believe that a guy who looks gloomy is so zealous to protect the world?

It's better to do what you want to do with no expression on your face.

In this way, others will only doubt his purpose, but they will not be full of doubts about his dream.

The truth of being fearful can make sense anywhere.

Some people can ignore the harm of language, but those who are affected by these languages ​​may not only beep twice...

It's not like Rasma hasn't seen a guy who came to kill him to "uphold justice" in these years...

Rasma is a little embarrassed...

Kill each other?

Forget it, that guy really intends to uphold justice.

But the question is who said Rasma is not a good person?

Oh, it's a rumor, that's fine...

"I know, so your brother is coming soon.

I can feel that angry courage.

What a hell.

Dealing with Nephalem is too much trouble.

Angels and demons are simple, of course I do not mean simple thinking.

It's the essence...you know what you're saying?

You are the only one of the first Nephalems who has learned to strengthen themselves.

Most of your brothers and sisters are very arrogant.

It is very rare for a naturally strong guy to have good persistence in his heart, and I will not ask for more. "

Because Prius complained twice.

Ordinary people may change because of getting rich, let alone those first-generation Nephalems who are naturally powerful?

Those guys are more than satisfied with the Prius as long as they don't turn into outright villains.

"Ha, my teacher would probably be very happy to know your evaluation?

Although I am the founder of the profession of necromancer, but seriously, my teacher is the real necromancer.

The profession I created should be called the priest of Rathma. "

Rasma spread her hands, and let some long bones come out from Leoric's throne.

It's definitely not a wonderful feeling, so Leoric hurriedly stood up.

Then Rasma sat down...

"You can obviously get yourself a chair.

Then why do you have to steal it from me?

Or am I too weak? "

Leoric's face darkened.

What happened to him just now made him feel ashamed of himself.

"Just a little joke.

Leoric, don't become Skeletron.

I'm called a Necromancer, yes.

But hopefully you know that the line between life and death is broken by me, but that doesn't mean I don't respect life.

Your resurrection was done by Bourkesso, and out of respect for him, I didn't shoot you directly. "

Rasma said this very seriously.

He's not kidding.

Although Rasma couldn't erase an "existence", naturally he couldn't end Skeletron either.

But it's easy to make the skeleton grow meat, and it can also make the meat on the skeleton disappear.

Leoric is now a living person, but in essence he is still the Skeleton King.

This is probably a Tianke?

"I knew it, and I suspect that if the Prius hadn't been here, you'd have hit me directly.

Rathma, do you know how much Uldyssian has planned for his future?

Every time I thought I had seen something, I looked back and realized it was just the tip of the iceberg.

However, I still do something that I am very proud of. "

Leoric recreated a chair for himself as he spoke.

Then I made sure that nothing strange grew out of the chair before sitting on it.

"You mean that shard of the Dark Soul Stone?

I have to admit it's a good game, and even I don't think Uldyssian probably expected you to do it.

So I have reason to believe that you upset Uldyssian's initial arrangement. "

Rasma rolled her eyes at Leoric.

This look made him look more like a corpse.

Although Rasma is always dead, this body and soul are undoubtedly alive.

And live very happily.

"Did you complain with me?

This is the result of my discussions with Leoric.

In fact, from the results, Burkeseau did a good job.

At least now there is no other free will among the Demon Lords of Hell except Baal and your mother.

Uh...and another Jorez who went from barbarian to poisonous king?

Savages always surprise when they do things, but I love them. "

Imperius reached out and handed Rasma a cigar.

"I suggest you try it, this thing is made by the humans of this world.

Maybe you will like it when you get used to it?

After all, the dose of this thing is not very good, but there is no doubt that this gadget can bring people a little closer to death. "

After Prius finished speaking, he took a deep breath of the cigar.

The movement is elegant, but it seems a bit deliberate.

It seems that Prius has learned a lot of messes among humans during this time.

"Is smoking this thing in your eyes the courage to face death?"

Rasma complained, but he naturally took the cigar from Prius.

"It's the courage to numb your own life.

Well, this thing shouldn't be described as courage.

But you have to be brave in everything you do, don't you think?

Lay down your dignity, even give up your life, or even choose to escape?

Courage is always present in all aspects, but courage is not all positive. "

Because Prius muttered twice, he looked a little decadent like this?

It's like convincing yourself.

"Beautiful words, if you really thought that, you wouldn't come out to help me after I became Skeletron.

The courage in your eyes is always only the positive part.

Any negative things will only be a reason for you to spurn and abandon each other. "

Leoric patted the armrest of the chair, looking a little excited.


The door of the room was slammed open~

Yes! It's blasted!

Accompanied by an explosion of fire with smoke and dust!

"Sapuri is dead! Here's your little cutie Harley!"

Madam Harley Quezel rushed in.

Then I got three pairs of complex eyes that were different from each other.

"Because of the Prius, you seem to be fond of lunatics."

Rasma said something meaningful, and by the way looked back and forth between Harry and Leoric.

"What does this have to do with me?

Does a person have the courage to blame me for not checking whether those people are qualified to have courage?

This place is called Canduras, you should ask Leoric if he saw himself when he saw a lunatic! "

Because Prius doesn't speak very well...

Like wisdom, he just scatters the things he represents into the world with errors.

If necessary, the Prius wants to fill the world.

"Ms Harley Quezel is a doomed person.

What Bourkessel said, I only extended his death a little..."

Leoric's words were a little stumped.

"Few people can refute the familiar bipolar argument when Bourkessel is stubborn in front of him.

So you and Bourkessel have a good relationship? "

Rasma asked Leoric naturally.

Although the three guys were talking about Harley Quinn, it was as natural as if they didn't see each other at all.

"Honey~ why didn't you introduce me to your friends?"

Harley Quinn sat directly on top of Leoric, like a clingy cat.

After being deeply hurt by the clown, she is much more cautious about her relationship.

Like hating everything that resembles the clown.

"Well... I remember that human skeletons don't have the part below?

Or did you, the Skeleton King, choose to put his arm bone in that position? "

Rasma's face was very strange.

Leoric was not a human being in his sight.

It was a guy with flesh and blood hanging on the bones, and it was essentially a skeleton.

Although the bones of the skeleton have the power of Shadowfang...

"Take your monkey!"

Leoric stood up cursing directly, and by the way put Harley Quinn on the ground.

The movement of the release is very peaceful, at least it didn't grab the neck and throw it out directly. Harley Quinn directly hugged and fell to the ground...

Of course, he didn't break an old scale either...

And Harley Quinn isn't getting old either.

Naturally, Leoric would not be suspended for fifteen days and fined a thousand dollars.

"Okay, this is just a small episode.

Or what are you going to do with this new Canduras?

Are you interested in..."

"Are you interested in getting Gotham City back into chaos?"

Halfway through what Prius said, Harley Quinn interrupted him.

Because Prius had to turn his head and give Harley Quinn a dissatisfied look.

"Huh~ huh?"

Harley Quinn widened her eyes and smiled, smiling beautifully...

"If you're not going to throw Gotham into chaos, would you be interested in playing ball?

Is it just throwing several **** that can bounce back and forth on the ground?

It's a dazzling performance! ? "

Harley Quinn also did the action of a clown throwing a ball, which was vividly learned.

If you go to the street to perform a mime, you probably won't starve to death.

Being a mime actor is actually a very hard job...

Not everyone likes to interact, and if the scale is not well grasped, they may be beaten.

Even sadder is that the best performance of a mime actor's life is probably when he choked to death eating a cold lunch on the street...

Do you think it's real for a mime actor to be choked?

People will only think that he is acting realistic...

"Rasma, are you interested in building your own church in Canduras?

We need some priests of Rathma as a fighting force.

At least those brave warriors who have lost their comrades can take revenge against the demons together with their comrades. "

Implius ignored Harley Quinn's performance as much as possible.

If that counts as a performance.

Because the Prius isn't that stingy yet.

At least he won't get offended by being teased and ignored by someone who doesn't understand what he stands for.

If the gods need to be angry and take revenge for those who disbelieve him or even denigrate him.

So how much time can this **** leave for himself in a day?

Then you don't have to spend all day thinking about how to take revenge on people who disrespect you?

Then you have to find a way to let those who are being revenge know that this is God's punishment, otherwise people will think that they are just plain bad luck.

Are you tired?

"Slightly interested, but IMHO, do you really think it would be good to have my church outside the world's largest religious country?

Those guys believe you crazy enough, and you tell them:

'Hey, that country out there is going to do something new. A group of priests who can make corpses and ghosts appear and fight with you.

They're able to make corpses and rotting flesh explode directly! You can also take out bones from the corpses and use them as spears to bombard demons! They are just so cool! ’

Is that right? If you are going to do that, then I have no opinion. "

Rasma is obviously not optimistic about the establishment of Rasma Church in Canduras...

Canduras surrounds the entire Vatican.

As expected of the first-generation Nephalem who had been educated and studied hard, Rasma would still think about it for others.


Seriously, I also think Necromancers are pretty cool!

I can also directly create bones to bury them in the ground.

If it was a defensive battle, they wouldn't need to think about **** a demon and use the opponent's corpse.

Where I am can become a land of the dead at any time. "

Leoric laughed outright.

It's a rare experience because the Prius doesn't have many chances to be stupid.

"What if I said I planned it this way?"

As soon as Prius' words came out, Leoric's drake-like laughter immediately stopped.

Rasma took a deep look at the other party, then nodded.

"In that case, I have no opinion.

I will train some priests, and they are called necromancers according to everyone's habit.

The location of Canduras could be used as a new fortress.

Used to fight the invasion of the Burning Hell.

They won't let Shadowfang roam around.

Whether it's me, or Marthael or even my mom.

Everyone values ​​the power that Shadowfang represents.

After becoming my priest, there is no chance to take refuge in the devil.

Only my priests can guarantee that the solemn fortress will not be broken from within. "

Rasma's words undoubtedly directly agreed to this idea.

"So my body is blocking Shadowfang, and you're going to use my kingdom to keep me in a cage?

Do not make jokes!

I cannot accept that my subjects do not obey me!

Don't be delusional, you bastards! "

Leoric was furious in an instant~www.NovelMTL.com~ He was originally killed by subjects he could not control...

According to his original plan, he would be locked up when he went crazy.

When his son Aidan returns, Canduras can continue.

The result is known to everyone.

Leoric became Skeletron, and Prince Aidan became the Dark Wanderer.

And Canduras became a legend of the past...

The reason why Leoric accepted the guys were criminals for the time being, that was because he was able to use unhumane methods without any psychological pressure when controlling these guys.

Now Rasma is going to step in and turn him into a king in a cage running the country?

That's not how you put power in a cage!

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