Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 669: Long time observer for the Prius!

669 The long-time observer is in the Prius!

"Then let me start with the title of Immortal King.

Do you know when I was called the Immortal King? "

The first-generation ancestor regained his calm, and it can be seen that he is very serious now.

After discovering that Sonya was wiser than he realized, the First Ancestor finally put aside his loftiness.

Originally, the ancestors of the first generation were more optimistic about the spirits of the ancestors on the holy mountain.

Not because of their strength, but because the first ancestors were very familiar with them.

Most of the guys on the holy mountain were over a few hundred years old when they died in battle.

These long years were long enough for the first-generation ancestors to observe them, and Sonya was just a powerhouse who had not yet reached her peak.

Now is the time to change your attitude.

"According to what you said, you should have changed from a 'king' to an 'immortal king'?

Add your so-called rules, and that is after you killed Vasily and got that part of the life authority. "

Sonya said without looking up, as if the bonfire just lit on the ground was more interesting than the first ancestor in front of her.

"Yes, the rules are the most important.

The term immortality can easily conjure up the authority of life.

That's why I've been described as 'immortal'.

On the contrary, when Vorusk truly became the Immortal King, it was after he died!

He was given that title while he was alive, but it wasn't until the part of death that he mastered that I recognized it. "

The first ancestor said so.

The immortality of the Immortal King is not just a good sound!

His life, Vorusk's death, and Bulkesso's nature.

All three powers can achieve immortality.

This is the immortal king!

"So Volusk won't disappear?

If you say that, then I'm going to laugh out loud. "

Sonya still didn't look up, but just threw a wooden stick into the bonfire.

When chatting, someone has to be kind to it, otherwise it's just a story.

And the narrator's favorite audience is the kind of guy who responds at the right time.

"You probably don't know it yet, Vorusk disappeared, not too long ago."

The first-generation ancestor had an ugly expression on his face.

I can't say I'm laughing, but it doesn't seem to be much pain.

Just a little awkward.

"I don't care about that, I have no friendship with Vorusk.

Even if he disappears, it is only the result of a life that must be passed.

He never said anything to us, and the only person with whom he communicated was probably Bourkeso. "

Sonya said nonchalantly.

She had never seen Volusk in battle, nor did she know how powerful this second-generation Immortal King was.

Not even interested in knowing these.

"When Bourkesso fought for the first time with Marthael on the holy mountain of Harrogath.

Volusk is capable of helping Burkesso.

Because of Vorusk, Malthael did not have full authority over death.

The Archangel of Wisdom thought about it and found that the part he was missing was on the holy mountain of Harrogath.

Otherwise why do you think he came here?

When facing the enemy, do you prefer to deal with the less powerful guy or directly deal with the strongest enemy?

There is never a fixed answer to this question.

But obviously, Marthael chose the latter. If he didn't have a plan, Li Min would be the first one he would find.

At that time, Li Min was already capable of fighting head-to-head with Marthael and still had a 30% chance of winning.

And even if the mage and the barbarian have the same threat, the mage is the kind that is easier to kill.

Death found Bulkesuo, a guy who is not easy to kill but also extremely powerful, and the income is too low!

This is not a decision that wisdom can make. "

The first generation to rent first seems to have a sense of superiority, as if he saw through the plan of Malthael is something to be proud of.

"what's next?"

"Next? If it wasn't for the accident at the time, maybe Malthael would have changed his target when Volusk couldn't help but plan to shoot!

Do you really think that the relationship between Burkesso and Volusk is good enough to sacrifice for each other?

Vorusk's arrogance only disappears when he faces one person, and that is Kanai.

Vorusk admired Bulkessel and believed that Bulkesso was the best choice to become the new immortal king.

But when it comes to Kanai, Volusk will back down.

Kanai is dead, and of course the soul will perceive it thanks to the two masters of death.

It's just that the part that Vorusk holds is no match for Malthael.

The natural result is also obvious. "

The ancestor of the first generation told this story with a long sigh.

Sonya felt a little sleepy.

She's still not interested in these things, compared to these guys who are calculating.

Sonya is a little naive.

"So why did you have to leave my realm, this is what I want to know!"

Sonya interrupted the First Ancestor rudely.

Suddenly the atmosphere became a little tense again.

"I'm going to find my friend, and perhaps Bourkesso already knows something.

He might have guessed it even when people in this world turned into demons, but I can only find them.

Or that Bourkesso now has more important things to do and has to stay on the holy mountain of Harrogath.

I'm going to find my brother! "

The last words of the first ancestor left Sonya stunned.

"Rasma has come?"

Sonya asked in disbelief.

"Of course, I can think of it.

In the battle over there, as the target of the concentrated attack, even if Malthael wins, he will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

Do you think my mother would pass up this opportunity?

Nor is the link between knowledge and wisdom as antagonistic as you know.

All we have to do is to get a chance.

As for the more specific content, I'm not going to tell you for now.

So Sonya! Can you open your realm to let me out? "

The first ancestor had a confident smile on his face.

He believed those words were enough to shake Sonya.

There may be some covert about what he said, but there is no lie.

"last question!

If Lilith is the real Diablo according to what you say, then as the old nemesis of Fear, why didn't Prius find out at all?

Or maybe he found it, but didn't do anything? "

Sonya asked the most powerful question.

It's not that the first-generation ancestors did not think about this question, and even had a maximum possible answer.

It's just that the answer isn't something that can be said right now.

"Courage and fear are different in nature, but they behave very similarly.

Maybe I might mislead you by saying this, but I can't say much more.

If you keep talking, then you will agree to my request, but you are not destined to remain in the current state. "

The riddle-like way of speaking from the first ancestor made Sonya feel the blood pressure rise after a long time.


There seems to be nothing to be outraged about.

But there must be some frustration.

"You want me to keep my mouth shut?

But knowing this, you didn't give me a reason why I had to shut up.

Or are you going to beat me here and leave by yourself? "

Sonya looked at the first ancestor in front of her and slowly stood up.

He took the mountain-splitting axe from the ground and held it in his hand again.

"I won't fight you, of course not entirely because I can't start with my own blood.

This is only part of it.

More importantly, my power can't be drained from you too much.

The destruction of Arreat had a big impact on me.

Even in the new holy mountain of barbarians, there is no way for me to regain my strength.

The holy mountain of Harrogath belongs to Bulkesso, although my name is also Bulkesso, but my holy mountain has been destroyed. "

The words of the ancestors of the first generation seemed vague.

"In other words, I am here to fight with you, and you will become weaker regardless of the outcome?

In that case, why don't I try it?

From the beginning to the end, I have only regarded the first ancestor as a story or a legend.

But for the current Bourkessel, I have great confidence in it!

Like you said, he never made the wrong decision in my limited life!

Naturally, among your rhetoric, I will only believe him!

But I'm not going to breach the contract!

It's just that what you told me wasn't enough at the same time for me to fully live up to the promise I made in the first place!

Two choices!

One is that you can leave my realm, but I'm not going to keep my mouth shut about what's going on here!

The other is that you and I are just like in the beginning, silently staying here waiting for the final result to appear. "

Sonya looked at the first ancestor in front of her.

The result that best matches Sonya's idea is to take your ancestors to the latter option.

That way no matter what Bourkesso is planning, that won't change.

As for the first option, it's not bad for the current barbarians either.

At least they can catch up a little bit in the footsteps of these guys in terms of information.

The power of time is too powerful.

It is impossible for people of the present to know everything about the past, and this is the greatest value of the old guys.

They can provide more detailed information than those old objects can provide!

"I choose the first one, of course, you can tell the current Bourkeseau what happened here.

But when you are going to close the realm, you can see the means of the archangel. "

The first ancestor pointed to the phantom of the Temple of the Elders full of courage!

The realm of voice is filled with too many things!

It's not a bad thing, otherwise Sonya wouldn't accept it.

As long as Sonya can fully master this field, all the additions in it will become the nourishment for her to continue to be strong.

Too bad it's not now!

"The old man is really insidious!

So the Prius has always been able to hear our conversations, right?

Just like Diablo could know the thoughts of all fearful people.

The most similar and opposite courage, since the Prius can do similar things for granted, isn't it? "

Sonya moved her neck.

Before, she was the one who kept the first ancestors in her own domain.

But from this time on, the positions of the two seem to be changing.

Sonya will let the First Ancestors go, that's part of the deal.

Keeping promises is something most barbarians can do, with the occasional exception or two that they can do elsewhere.

"So, First Ancestor! You can leave now!

Although I still do not trust Rasma, the necromancer.

But if the target is you, I can still give a little credit.

So don't die! "

Sonya opened a hole in her realm with a wave of her hand!

This is the exit!

The first generation ancestor raised the corner of his mouth and walked directly over!

Before stepping out of the field, he turned around and said:

"Sony, with Prius you can trust him to a limited extent.

Because you are not Burkessel, nor Uldyssian.

But he is a guy who will never harm Bourkessel's interests. "

After saying these words, the first ancestor disappeared directly into Sonya's domain!

"So, Prius, you're going to stop me now telling Bourkesso what I heard earlier?"

Sanya turned her head and watched the Imperius emerge from the dazzling golden light.

His face was full of contempt!

Sonya is a talented warrior!

She's not in awe of the idea most of the time!

No matter who the enemy she is facing, Sonya only has pure thoughts of winning and being powerful!

It's just a fight!

What else could it be?

"Sonya, as your first ancestor said, I'm definitely on Bourkesall's side.

Although the person I trust is still called Uldyssian, I still admire him very much now.

If it wasn't Lilith who awakened Uldyssian's power, I would have done the same.

He was full of courage to make himself the only light in the sanctuary on the dark side.

As the Archangel of Courage, how could I not like such a guy?

By the way, I will correct a little.

About Lilith and Diablo.

I could feel the power of fear growing in Lilith's body.

But until the Diablo you saw dies, that fear can only be said to be a seed at best.

The seed of authority can only germinate by absorbing the free essence.

Who do you think Lilith and Diablo had more fear in their bodies at the time? "

Because Prius doesn't care.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had already grasped Solarion's gun of courage in his hand, Sonya's trust might have been greater.

"That is to say, if I tell Bourkesso what I have heard, it will only have a negative impact?

Do you think it is best for Bourkesso to act at his current rhythm and goals? "

Sonya adjusted her posture.

Although she was waiting for Impris to give an answer, no matter what the answer was, Sonya would have to fight Impris.

Even if the barbarian is squatting in prison, it should be of his own will!

Not because a strong man said, you should do it, just do it!

The brutality of the barbarians is always on the way against those oppressors!

Never give in~www.NovelMTL.com~ never give in!

Only death can stop their bodies!

But be careful, the soul of the barbarian reappears in front of you with the breath of the holy mountain, and it can only be said to be a paused battle before continuing!

"I thought so, and I thought so.

I trust Uldyssian as you trust Bulkessel.

Nothing can shake!

As for my attitude towards Burkeseau?

He is a man of courage, and I recognize him.

But he wasn't Uldyssian yet! "

Because Prius smiled, he touched the mountain-splitting axe in Sonya's hand with Solarion in his hand!

The collision of weapons seems to be telling the meaning of provocation!

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