Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 434: Logan intends to turn against the guest

The dark barbarians are coming to Meiman. At the beginning of Meiman 434, Logan intends to turn against the guest and host the base on the moon. Wolverine is still watching the video of his "past" with some doubts in his eyes.

Although he lost his memory, some of his past behavioral styles, such as rough behavior, are still reflected in him.

He couldn't believe all of Nick Fury's claims, at least not now.

Especially the fact that the guy didn't tell him why he lost his memory at all.

Especially since this place is the moon, Wolverine wondered why he was on the moon.

Although these common sense things are also affected by memory, he doesn't know what the moon represents.

But he understood after reading popular science magazines and children's textbooks in a short period of time.

The earth has completed the moon landing, but there is no private moon landing.

Logan doubted why he appeared in this place and lost his memory.

On one side, Black Bolt sat silently beside Nick Fury, looking at the monitor in front of him.

Nick Fury's body is building a connection with the life substitute through the machine, and Black Bolt wants to see what the fearful angels who are vigilant in Nick Fury's heart look like.

Now he has seen it.

But the answer to the doubts in his heart is something that cannot be obtained through these pictures at all.

The origin of the archangels comes from those rules. They are all personal incarnations of the rules. After years, they became what they are now.

It seems that there is not much difference between them and eternity.

But in fact, the archangel and eternity are two different things.

The difference is not big, it just lies in the time when consciousness is generated.

In eternity, their consciousness appeared before the source was determined, and the consciousness of the archangels appeared after the source was determined.

It sounds like the difference between "nature" and "nurture", but it's not that big.

At least the power is almost the same.

"Why don't you tell me a few words, at least say that what that **** said is true?"

Logan said to Black Bolt.

Logan's intuition told him that Black Bolt and Nick Fury were not on the same line. Although he didn't know why the two stayed together, Black Bolt was dissatisfied when facing Nick Fury. of.

Wolverine's wild intuition can tell him a lot, and Wolverine also trusts his intuition very much.

The corner of Black Bolt's mouth rose slightly, but he didn't make a sound.

Even if he knew Logan could recover from his singing, it didn't even take much time.

But the base still couldn't bear the movement of his mouth.

Black Bolt remained silent.

It's not that he doesn't use sign language coldly, but Logan the Wolverine never heard of the knowledge of sign language before his amnesia, let alone after his amnesia.

Black Bolt was surprised that Logan could quickly master the text and use the dictionary.

Logan popped a steel claw from his palm and walked towards Nick Fury who was "sleeping".

This is not a good person.

Logan felt such a breath the first time he came here.

Even if Nick Fury didn't lie about what he told him, he was sure that what was on the video footage was him.

But there is something extremely important missing from the video, which is the picture of Nick Fury and Logan getting along.

If, as Nick Fury said, the two are friends, comrades in arms, and can trust each other, then why didn't Nick Fury come up with that kind of thing?

Unless the relationship between the two people is not very good.

Wolverine intends to hold Nick Fury hostage first, and then carefully inquire about their relationship.

Black Bolt raised his head and looked at Logan silently.

He had already learned about Logan's difficulties.

But Nick Fury can't die, no matter when, Black Bolt won't watch Nick Fury die.

Unless death is also part of Nick Fury's plan, Black Bolt will do his best to protect Nick Fury, the black-hearted bastard.

This guy will sacrifice everything, including himself.

It's just that when he sacrificed himself, it was often very late.

So he's not very pleasant.


There was a faint, almost inaudible sound from the Black Belly King's mouth, like a little movement naturally brought by a slight exhalation, but everything around him was shaking.

There were obvious cracks in the air, and it began to crowd and gradually heat up like water vapor.

The Nick Fury body behind him has no influence in that sealed container.

The function of this container is to allow Black Bolt to use a little strength to protect him, so he has an extraordinary ability to withstand tremors.

A pile of chapped wounds appeared on Logan's flesh during such an impact, and it was bleeding.

The wound appears and heals at the same time.

Only the blood that left his body hung on Logan's body, looking a little embarrassed.

"Area of ​​attack, generally such people have some shortcomings in other aspects. Although it is not necessarily natural, but if I have such a strong power, then I may not be so hard in combat."

Logan casually said what he had learned in the previous pictures.

Maybe he was right.

Generally, there is a strong person who is invincible in a certain aspect, and will rely more on the powerful aspect itself.

But in the face of Black Bolt, this is wrong!

The power of Black Bolt became his limitation.

Opening his mouth will bring casualties, making him worry about whether he will talk in his sleep even when he sleeps.

He used all his strength only a handful of times, and most of the time, he was worried about his combat skills.

Until now, even a simple tight fight Logan has no chance of defeating him.

Especially, the current Logan has lost his previous memory and has almost zero combat experience!

The opening was just an exhortation. It seemed that Logan was unwilling to accept Black Bolt's kindness.

The sound ended, and the sound wave passed.

Wolverine strode in the direction of Black Bolt.

Anyway, there are no other people in this place, and it doesn't matter if the clothes are torn.

But more importantly, Logan has a pair of underpants with super toughness that can't be destroyed except by himself. ①

Black Bolt wanted to use sign language, but found that the guy in front of him couldn't understand sign language at all.

The communication was deadlocked, and Black Bolt could only stand up, intending to subdue the guy in front of him with melee means.

A brand new Wolverine?

There are not many opportunities to clean up Logan in melee combat, and Black Bolt is very interested in this.

Black Bolt has no shortcomings.

If he had to say that there were any shackles on his body, it was probably his most powerful point that caused him trouble.


On the holy mountain of Harrogath.

Wayne rushed back in a stinky sweat.

He is a little busy these days, and he hardly has time to rest.

But it's better now.

Master Wayne, who just announced to reporters that he is going on vacation for a month, can now get free daytime.

I came to the holy mountain today, but there is nothing important.

It's no problem to go back home and get some sleep now.

Last night, after he put that mad girl Harley Quinn in jail, there won't be too much trouble for the time being.

The last time we met, the clown was forced to sing a song to relieve sorrow. At least for a long time, that guy won't cause any trouble in the city.

Thanks to the barbarians who helped him train during this time.

Team Wang Wang made great contributions.

Wayne is an acquaintance.

After bringing spirit stones to those dogs, how smart can these dogs be.

If he hadn't personally participated in the battle, who would believe that these dogs could make tactical gestures?

Of course, these tactical gestures are all simplified, and they can be used normally with the addition of a dog's tail.

After all, it seems a bit inconspicuous that dog paws want to bend their fingers.

But this is not the point, the point is a team of dogs who can use tactical gestures?

If the dogs that S.H.I.E.L.D. can get are of this grade, then Wayne thinks it might be too good.

You must know that in return for this team's fighting power, the Wayne Group has prepared a lot of cherished or not cherished animals.

This is his gift to the ancestor of Banar, and it seems that it will be delivered in the next few days.

Banar would like it.

In this country, having money is a superpower.

At one point, Wayne wanted to ask how much the wisdom of Monk Craig, who was punching the stone in front of him, had anything to do with the Spirit Stone-style equipment.

But he still didn't dare to ask.

After all, Craig is no longer simply the immortal Mr. Immortal, but also a reincarnation chosen by a legendary monk.

At this time, Wayne has almost figured it out. If Craig's status is compared among the barbarians, it is probably not much different from the Three Ancestors.

Putting this kind of question on Maddock, it's probably a level of provocation like "You're so strong because you abandoned your wife and children."

Wayne didn't intend to recruit unpleasant people.

"Wayne, I feel like you have some questions to ask me?"

Craig turned his head and stopped destroying the huge stone.

A giant rock linked to the mountain has turned into a prototype of a Buddha statue in Craig's hands.

He got the blood that belonged to the monks, and the blood from Bourkesso and Johanna passed through Kanai's Box.

Craig became a Nephalem, although I don't know how many generations.

But no one cares about these things.

Wayne hesitated a little when he heard Craig's words.

"Well, are you interested in living in my house? I need a fighting partner and a good teacher who can benefit my life."

Wayne said this, which is also true.

A monk's thinking about the world is a very valuable thing.

In addition, this is the third reincarnation of the legendary monk, and it can also help Wayne many times.

Most importantly, Craig and Savage are not exactly the same.

Leaving the holy mountain of Harrogath is inevitable. After all, this is the holy mountain of barbarians, not the Buddhist temple of monks.

No amount of Buddha statues left here can change this.

As Wayne spoke, he looked at the opposite side of the Buddha statue.

There was a tall stone statue of a barbarian standing there.

Although there is no carved face, Wayne can still recognize who this is.

The prototype of the sculpture is Korrick, and there will be no one other than Maddock who makes the sculpture.

For every additional Buddha statue on the holy mountain, a barbarian sculpture will appear on the opposite side in the process.

Whoever carves the barbarian figure also depends on whether Craig is making a Buddha, a Bodhisattva, or an Arhat.

Don't look at Maddock's appearance, he is really good at sculpture.

"Do you need inner peace? Or do you want to change your home?"

Craig took a step toward Wayne, his tousled hair shaved off.

Although I don't know who got the knife, the bald head seems to be okay.

"I want both."

Wayne said to Craig, took a bat dart from his belt and gave it to Craig.

Craig weighed it, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

This thing is heavy enough to be used as bricks.

Craig can't imagine who Wayne is flying with this thing? Or who among ordinary people can withstand the power of such a dart.

"Okay, we'll set off after I've carved this sculpture."

Craig said this, and a burst of electric light emerged from his fist, completely shrouding the sculpture up and down.

But the next moment, he waved his fists as if he was about to rub sparks in the air.

The electric light was excited several times in a short period of time, and the electric current was like a big net, beating on the ground.

And the sculpture was completely shattered by the beating.

"Okay, let's go."

Craig said this to the confused Wayne.

Wayne didn't ask why smashed became carved. He knew that the eminent monks always had their own understanding, and the form was not valued in precepts and deeds.

Not far away, Korrick popped his head out from behind a big tree and watched with regret as the two of them pulled open the portal and left the holy mountain.

Craig simply made a mistake.

Because Kelic used his aura to target him, the Thunder Fist, which should have been under control, exploded out of control.

In order to make up for the mistake, Craig can only use the energy of the Hundred Split Fist to guide the current.

And the Buddha statue was still not preserved.

Klick wanted to see Craig embarrassed, and also hoped that the monk would leave the holy mountain soon.

What a monk needs is more than pure knowledge and combat experience.

Just like the Crusaders, what they need is a strong belief.

A monk needs a unique understanding of the world and his own true perception of everything.

Every warrior monk is different, and the reincarnation of a warrior monk is also different.

Craig is not suitable for staying on the holy mountain all the time, so he will only get a Karasim or Vandaroni.

More importantly, this time, the sculpture Craig made seems to be a bit out of specification, and Klick didn't intend for Maddock to sculpt a barbarian sculpture that could match the number after the fact.

This guy even got his own sculpture out the other day.

Klick didn't want to see Bourkesso's sculpture on the mountain.

If such a thing really happened, I'm afraid that no matter how much effort it takes, there is no way to explain that this is just Maddock's personal practice.

The barbarians do not engage in fanatical worship, but establish a way of remembrance of portrait sculpture.

There were originally three sculptures on the holy mountain, but they were not simple sculptures, they were what the three ancestors of the gatekeeper looked like when they were asleep.

"Wayne, you are different from us, we don't need to change anything, we don't need the living to see us as hope, and we don't need the devil to be **** because of our existence.

We are just a bunch of savages, we just need to kill when we see something unpleasant~www.NovelMTL.com~ But your story doesn't end with killing, and it doesn't start without killing.

I hope a monk who has been reincarnated twice and lived three lives can give you some help. "

Klick said in a low voice, and by the way kicked the husky who was biting his ankle aside.

"So, you kick my dog?"

Banar's hand was on Korrick's shoulder, and the burning heat from anger made Korrick want to sneeze.

"Why are you kicking my dog? I'll wait for you to give me an answer."

Banar said with red eyes, the husky at his feet was hiding behind him, yelling at Kelik!

"Just drove him away, you know, I've never insulted my life."

Korrick said this, his eyes staring like copper bells at the husky who was baring his teeth at him.

He seemed to see an emotion called "success".

"I believe you, but I want to say, stop kicking my dog!"

Banar's red eyes subsided little by little, dragged the husky and left.

Now he is going to prepare some dog food to supplement everything the dog needs.

Otherwise, the dog will supplement this part of the nutrition through excrement. This is part of the dog's nature, so don't make a fuss.

Korrick rubbed his axe. He always felt that the dog was a little strange.

Dogs fight against people?

It does not seem.

But why did he feel strong malice from a husky?

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