As the crowd moved, the castle’s shadow covered the square, and everyone felt better.

“Lord, the statistics have been completed, and this is the result.”

The clerk came forward, handed the information to Richard, and then reported:

“The total number of people in Changying Territory is 4021………”

This time, the statistics were extremely detailed, including the various skills possessed by the people, the number of men and women of all kinds, and the age division.

Even the livestock raised by each family were counted.

As the secretary Rhodes spoke, these data were presented to Richard one by one.

Richard then casually mentioned a few names, and they went to check, which made Rhodes sweat profusely.

He didn’t expect that their young lord had secretly mastered more detailed information than what he had counted on the spot. He was immediately scared. Fortunately, he didn’t fool around just now, otherwise he would be finished this time.

Especially after the verification, it was found that someone had just left Changying Territory to visit relatives in the countryside, and Richard was even more shocked.

Harvey, the tax officer on the side, was even more confused. He thought to himself that his life would be difficult in the future and he dared not embezzle money anymore.

Richard ignored their little thoughts and gave orders:

“Rhodes, you are responsible for dividing these people into family units and street units and re-counting them.

According to the method of one family as one household, ten households as one Jia, and ten Jia as one Bao, each Jia has a Jiazhang, and each Bao has a Baozhang, who are responsible for managing the people under them.

If someone escapes, his Jia will be punished, and the Baozhang will also be implicated to a certain extent, so that they can supervise each other on a daily basis.

After all, only people within the territory can truly understand their habits, so as to facilitate better management.

And these Baozhangs are directly responsible to Rhodes!”

As a secretary, Rhodes has his own ideas and experience in management, but he was still shocked when he heard Richard’s arrangement.

Could this be a person from a big family? Where did he learn all this knowledge?

He thought about it and seemed to have never heard of such a system in the empire. Was it newly researched? Or was it the management method within the Byrne family?

He didn’t understand, but he thought it was very powerful, so he immediately accepted the order.

After the order was passed down, the people in the territory were a little confused, and some of them didn’t understand. After communicating with each other, they all understood their future situation. This is the rhythm of being completely controlled!

But no one dared to say anything.

Some people who were originally cautious and wanted to find a chance to escape later, basically gave up other thoughts at this time.

What Richard conveyed was the Baojia system of Wang Anshi in the Northern Song Dynasty.

The benefits of this system are that it has a good effect on eliminating thieves, strengthening household registration management, and maintaining social order, and it is very convenient to manage.

Including the few people Richard added later, there are a total of 4024 people in Changying Territory, 7 Bao, 69 Jia, and 688 households.

From this point of view, it can be seen at a glance.

After the arrangement was completed, before everyone could react, he directly instructed the people:

“Now, I need you to do a few things.

First, three guards will come out. I will give you one day to dig a pit with a length of 500 meters, a width of 1.5 meters and a depth in the west of Feiying Territory. After digging, you three guards will clean up all the feces in the city.”

Richard was really fed up with the feeling of flying clouds all over the sky.

And these feces are also good things for fertilizer in the future.

These people don’t know these things, and they are wasted and pollute the environment.

“Second, send out three more guards to uproot all the crops that have been planted in the entire Changying Territory! I will give you additional seeds for unified planting, and reclaim the half of the land that has been fallow this year.”

Without fertilizer, the land can only be restored by lying fallow, so the two-field system was commonly used on the land in the Middle Ages.

The land was divided into two parts, one for cultivation and one for fallow. The two pieces of land with different uses were exchanged every other year. In other words, the land used for cultivation in the first year was left fallow in the second year, and so on.

But in Richard’s opinion, this was simply a waste.

And the things they planted in a mess had no scientific logic, and the yield was ridiculously low. It would be a miracle if they could feed people. It was simply a huge waste. They deserved to be poor and backward in this era. It was simply unbearable to watch.

“Finally, the person who protected it built a large livestock farm outside the city, and then concentrated the livestock of every household in the city to raise them, separating the species and the people and the livestock.”

Richard’s words were spoken to the people and his subordinates, and he looked at the clerk after he finished speaking:

“Have you memorized everything?”

The clerk immediately bowed his head and replied:”Don’t worry, my lord, I will supervise the whole process and make sure it is done as soon as possible!”

“Go do something! If you don’t understand something, ask me. Don’t make your own decisions!”


As he said that, the clerk began to go down to the square with some guards.

Soon, everyone was divided into seven squares according to the system issued by Richard.

Each square was a bao. After a series of operations, 7 baozhang and 69 jiazhang were quickly selected.

At the same time, all baojia were numbered according to numbers, so that they could be accurate to individuals, such as the head of household XX in 3bao9jia2.

At this time, many people were still confused and didn’t know how to react. They just followed the orders obediently.

But just like a shepherd does not need to care about the direction of each sheep, as long as he manages the head sheep, Rhodes’ experience is enough for this.

“Chiefs of 1st to 3rd wards, take your people back with the tools to dig the pits, and bring your dry food. I won’t give you time to sit down and eat!

Clean up this manure pit you live in. If anyone lets the lord smell it again, I will kill you!

Chiefs of 4th to 6th wards, pull out the garbage you planted immediately and plow the land again. The lord will need it. Chiefs of 7th wards ,……”

On the high platform, Richard stood with his hands behind his back, quietly watching the arrangements below.

He couldn’t stand the backward food production methods in this world, but he didn’t plan to explain it to them.

If these people couldn’t accept it, he could force these subjects to rebel against him, so that he could kill people and earn points.

If the subjects obeyed, it didn’t matter, as he could just get points for the lord mode.

In any case, he would win.

Seeing that his officials had already begun to arrange for the subjects to do things, he turned around and walked deeper into the castle.

At this time, the pleasant voice of the system came to his ears:

【Congratulations, host. You have completed the basic administrative planning and established the preliminary system.

You have begun to build a new city with stones and shovels, and the story of your people will also begin here.

Just like a young apprentice learning to hold a sword, you will gradually understand your position in this world.】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining 5 Lord Points! 】

Richard looked at his gains and smiled.

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