Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 95 Correct Posture for Making Money (Part 1)

Art looked at the disgusted expression on Claire Lane's face, his heart moved, and he said immediately: I thought you knew!

He made no secret of his purpose of seeking information from her.

Claire Lane twitched her eyes and gave him a sideways glance.

His expression didn't change, but an indescribable breath frightened him to the point of cardiac arrest.

I don't inquire about these things. Fortunately, Claire Ryan quickly returned to normal and said lazily.

It seemed that the person who was so curious just now was not her.

Sure enough, it's better not to speculate on the temperament of psychopaths, especially feline psychopaths.

Arthur rubbed his forehead.

What's wrong with you, have you been rubbing your forehead? Unexpectedly, Claire Lane's observation was quite careful.

Not in good spirits, Art explained.

Claire Lane stared at him for a moment, his blue eyes reflected his figure, as if he had put his soul inside.

Art's pupils shrank instinctively.

Claire Lane's eyes at this moment have no warmth at all, they are frighteningly cold.

He endured so much that he didn't dodge.

It can be seen that she has no malice.

Why do you have the breath of space? A moment later, about 3 seconds later, Claire Lane regained her popularity and asked.

You can see this?! Yate blurted out, his eyes widened instantly.


You have such a strong air of space on your body, it's strange that you can't see it! Claire Ryan looked him up and down, as if seeing some kind of novel small animal, It's really rare, you are not injured!

Same emotion as Gregoria Kate.

Let me think about it, is it because the space shuttle caused cognitive confusion, so the spirit is listless? Then, directly guess the truth.

Yate suddenly discovered that low-level professionals really have no privacy in front of high-level professionals.

Stealthily learned a big move, but it turned out to be spotted at a glance.

Well. Gregoria Kate couldn't help it, so she didn't expect her to do anything.

In Art's mind, Gregoria Kate is more reliable than her.

However, unexpectedly, Claire Ryan suddenly took off the fiery red pearl the size of a pigeon egg in the middle of the necklace, and handed it to him without hesitation: I'll lend it to you!

The tentacles were warm and greasy, with a faint fragrance, and Yate didn't have time to refuse for a moment.

Don't lose it, you have to wear it with you to be effective. Claire Lane said.

Arthur was inexplicably moved for a moment.

The fright that she gave him a sideways glance just now has long been forgotten.

Sure enough, man is a creature dominated by interests.

This pearl, even if it has no extraordinary effect, is probably priceless!

No compliments, because he really needs to.

Moreover, Claire Lane said, it was only on loan to him temporarily.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly asked, How did you take it off?

Claire Ryan couldn't help being stunned by the weird brain circuit.

Normally, shouldn't he pretend to be humble or grateful?

That's it. Immediately afterwards, Claire Ryan actually re-demonstrated it for him.

It's very simple, just pull hard.

However, the necklace is not broken.

Yate didn't waste so many tortures last night. He faintly noticed a trace of space fluctuations, and couldn't help but asked in surprise, Do you know space magic?

There is also a hint of joy.

Although he learned teleportation, it was a force-feeding method, and he didn't know anything about the so-called space spells!

Claire Lane is very nice to him, is it okay to...

I don't understand! Before he could speak, the road was blocked by Claire Ryan.

Arthur rubbed his forehead helplessly.

No complaints.

Claire Lane has no obligation to teach him, and it is even more impossible to forget the previous kindness because of this rejection.

Although he is thick-skinned, he is not shameless.

I only know how to use it, but I don't understand it. Claire Ryan didn't feel resentment from him, but re-examined him with some surprise, and rarely took the initiative to explain.

A psychopath with a changeable personality offered to explain that it was really good for you.

Same as me. Art said with a smile.

Although he can only send one.

How do I use this, can I put it in my pocket?

How to save it, will it be damaged?

Start asking about the usage, precautions, etc. of that pearl.

Just like taking medicine.

It must be worn with you, without special protection, and it is not so easy to break... Claire Lane answered one by one.

Arthur took it seriously.

Jim Thomson did not return until just before noon.

When I entered the reception room, I realized that Claire Lane was still there, and she looked very excited!

For a while, I was shocked by Art.

He was in charge of receiving Claire Lane, and he knew how difficult it was to serve her!

Not to mention him, even Moore Lane has a headache.

Moreover, in his impression, except for eating and sleeping, it is difficult for this person to be qualitative. It is unimaginable to talk to others all morning like this!

You cook! Claire Lane learned that it was almost noon, and directly asked Art to cook for herself.

Sweet and sour fish? Yate naturally couldn't refuse.

Hmm! Claire Lane laughed so that cat whiskers appeared on her cheeks again.

The sweet and sour fish cooked by the chef is not as good as his.

Without another word, Jim Thomson backed out again, leading Art to the kitchen.

On the way, he didn't ask any extra words.

No wonder he was valued by Moore Lane.

After lunch, Claire Lane went to take a lunch break, and Art finally came home.

First put the corpse of the extraordinary creature in the church.

Then he dismantled a piece of magic equipment, twisted out a gray and very strong rope, and made a small bag, put the pearl in it, and wore it around his neck.

this is okay!

When teleportation is used again, the originally chaotic thinking and perception seem to be anchored by a ship, and there is no such sense of conflict anymore.

Finally, you can send freely!

With this skill, coupled with the teleportation scroll, there is no need to worry about the black market at night.

As agreed last time, I will go to the underground black market with April Joel tonight.

The remaining half a day was not wasted, and I tried to improve the casting action of teleportation on a whim.

Many spells in Diablo have a casting swing. Increasing the casting speed can shorten the swing. He wanted to see if he could shorten this time by simplifying the casting action.

However, after almost sending himself into the wall, he temporarily dismissed the idea.

It's not that the idea is bad, but that his current strength is too low, he hasn't even learned how to crawl, he can only lie down and be fed, and still want to run?

Honestly sort out what you need to bring at night.

Teleportation scrolls, healing potions, antidotes...

Halfway through packing, he suddenly remembered something, took out an identification scroll, tore it open, and threw it on top of the pearl.

It actually works!

Thank you book friend Qiu Yi for your reward

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