Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 93 Space Shuttle

In any case, this skill point needs to be changed.

The only gratification is that he got free skill points in exchange, he can add them wherever he wants, and there is no occupational restriction.

Teleportation level 1, cast space shuttle ability, instantly move to the designated place (needs to be within sight range), mana consumption 30, +1% fast casting speed,

Unlike the original, the mana cost of this ability will increase with the skill level.

However, it will passively increase the character's casting speed and movement speed.

The attribute that increases the movement speed will appear after level 2.

It does not affect the title of this skill Dark No. 1 Divine Skill, because this skill has no cooldown time!

As long as you have enough mana, you can use it infinitely!

However, reality hit him head-on again.

After learning this skill, he couldn't wait to try it right away.

There was no problem with the skill this time, but something went wrong with him.

Because it involves space travel, and the spell is not as stable as the teleportation scroll, he almost spit it out!

It's not a bump, but a cognitive conflict. During the transmission process, I suddenly lost the cognition of up, down, left, right, front, back, and front.

After the teleportation ended, he suddenly regained this cognition.

The point is, the transmission time is very short, less than 1 second.

You can imagine how he felt.

He leaned against the wall and retched for a while.

But he didn't mean to stop, and soon tried again.

Force your body to adapt to this conflict.



Uh, uh!

The sound of retching frequently resounded in the basement.

When Art came to the Church of Souls again, Gregoria Kate almost didn't recognize him.

The person has not changed, but the spirit has weakened a lot, and he looks sluggish, as if he has taken a few boxes of diarrhea medicine, and he is almost unable to hold the sword steadily!

What did you do? Gregoria Kate couldn't help asking.

I have a question for you, how do you adapt to space travel? Art waved his hand and asked weakly.

At first it was retching, and then I really vomited it out.

My stomach is empty now.

But the training did have an effect, and I got used to it.

Are you shuttling through the study space? Gregoria Kate's eyes suddenly lit up with two glooms.

Yeah. Art didn't hide it this time.

Give her a little credit too.

This is something that you have only come into contact with after the third level. It is too early for you to get in touch with it now. The gloom in Gregoria Kate's eyes slowly faded, and she explained to him, Human organs cannot accept certain knowledge. Only after building your own spiritual organs can you learn this knowledge.

Naturally, he noticed that his trust level had increased.

This unknown turmoil accelerated the mutual trust between the two.

Art rubbed his forehead, digesting the meaning of her words.

Responses are a little sluggish.

Spiritual organs are easy to understand, they are organs built with spirituality, just like various props used in rituals, such as spiritual candles, it is easier to communicate with the spiritual world and various high-level beings.

Before the 3rd level, we were laying the foundation for this step, so we should not rush it.

Have you learned it? Gregoria Kate was even more curious that he was fine.

In just a few hours of effort, he actually learned to travel through space!

You can tell by seeing that there are no missing parts on him.

Barely learn, just can't adapt to that kind of cognitive conflict. Art replied.

Try more. Gregoria Kate gave the same answer as him. Humans are the most adaptable of all creatures. As long as you keep trying, you can adapt to a certain extent.

The most incomprehensible thing is how he learned to travel through space. Adapting to this symptom is actually a trivial matter.


An hour and a half later, Art returned home.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, just right.

Recruit Isodi and ask her to kill a few people.

The truck driver that day, and several drivers who were accomplices.

Send her the images of several people directly in her consciousness.

Before going out yesterday morning, I specially found Dick Barry and canceled the investigation of Hugh Defoe by the way.

Before going home at night, I had already obtained the addresses of several people.

Although Yate has a feminine personality, he is not a mother-in-law.

The reason why I didn't do anything last night was because I had decided to hand over several people to Isodi, and Isodi was injured at the time.

He knew that these people were ordinary people, but so what?

If you do it, you have to pay the price.

Don't kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Of course, if someone shoots at you, you shoot back.

Be careful on the road, the patrol has long-range weapons that can cause fatal damage to you.

If you encounter irresistible factors, the first priority is to protect yourself.

After all, it was his first time doing this kind of thing, so it was normal for him to be a bit long-winded.

Yes! Isodi only had one word.

The word obedience is vividly reflected in her body.

Moreover, after recuperating and studying systematically, her ability has improved significantly.

The most obvious is the addition of a skill of the same name labeled Dark Wanderer-in the dark, her strength will be improved to a certain extent.

She is a dark wanderer herself, and her own habits, talents, etc. have already bred a skill in this area, but it is just a little bit short of fire. The inheritance of the Son of Night just helped her make up for her lack of theory. When she returned to the dark world, she successfully took this final step.

It's a pity that the condition she put forward to the contractor, that is, Yate, was only to save her life, and she didn't get much power from the contract.

Otherwise, even if the body of a third-order extraordinary creature loses some of its power after transformation, it is still enough to improve her strength.

However, there is no need to strive for perfection, and Art is already quite satisfied.

Two hours later, Isodi returned home with a smell of blood.

Those people lived scattered, and she was not familiar with the road conditions, so it took a long time.

The bloody smell on his body was already very thin, if it wasn't for Yate's keen perception, he wouldn't be able to detect it.


It was morning when the scene was discovered.

These people all lived on the edge of the inner city, and the police were dispatched immediately.

After learning the identities of several people, the identity of the murderer also surfaced.

In other words, the murderer didn't intend to cover up.

Ever since they learned that the case of the day before yesterday was over, some people in the police station were betting on how long these people would live.

There is Major Ryan behind the sufferer, but he has not been pursued, and the power representing the other party is not small.

However, the sufferer needs to vent.

The other party will not care about the life and death of a few chess pieces.

So there is today's scene.

Hugh Defoe was having breakfast when he got the news.

I thought he would do it yesterday. Instead of getting angry, he shook his head and made a casual comment.

Those people who are not him, just spend some money, and they won't feel bad when they die.

Mr. Toot, have you marked it? Opposite him, sat a very attractive middle-aged man.

He has blond hair and average facial features, but he just gives people a very attractive feeling.

Vito Tout, the man sent by Marquess Coffey to assist him.

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