Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 89 Smith Mallers (Part 1)

Teacher, have you received any big projects recently?

Teacher, can you let me see your collection?

Teacher, how is that teaching assistant doing?

Like yesterday, Art spent more time chatting with Professor Hughes.

Trying to get some information from Professor Hughes.

No matter what those people are planning, since they need Professor Hughes, they can't hide their traces.

So far, Professor Hughes has not received any projects.

Not stingy with displaying collections.

His collection is very messy, some are antiques that he is interested in, and some are items that he has not figured out the purpose of, but none of them are hidden by him like a miser. Except for the objects that need special preservation, the rest are placed casually In various places, even Yate has been in contact with it in normal times.

I am very glad that Art wants to see his collection, and it just so happens that he starts object teaching.

From each collectible to the civilization it represents.

It's much more vivid than just reading a book blindly.

But the problem is that the course of reading and studying has not been cancelled, but it is arranged for private time, which is equivalent to adding another course!

Professor Hughes has already found that Yate learns things very quickly and has a strong comprehension ability. He is not worried about his indigestion and has been speeding up the teaching process for him.

Art could only suffer in silence.

For an industry leader like Professor Hughes, I don't know how many people want to be his students!

He had no intention of accepting students before, and Hugh Defoe even approached him as a teaching assistant. Although he has ulterior motives, it is enough to prove that a teacher like him is rare.

Hugh Defoe made people kill Art, and there was also an element of jealousy.

How can Hugh Defoe not be jealous?

Where did Art get the face to bargain?

Thick skin is not used in this kind of place!


Learning is not simply memorizing, but to understand and absorb these knowledge, turn it into your own, and then draw inferences from one instance to bring forth new ones, so more energy is bound to be spent.

Otherwise, the geniuses in the field of science and technology must be professionals, but the fact is that the number of professionals is very small.

There are very few professionals who are willing to spend their energy on this.

But it has to be said that professionals have great innate advantages.

Just like Hugh Defoe, Professor Hughes doesn't like him, but he has a good opinion of him.

Solid foundation and strong learning ability.

If you don't have this talent, you won't be sent to contact Professor Hughes.

Art learned from Professor Hughes that his main research direction is Aramaic civilization.

This is a civilization earlier than the Sinai civilization, and it is said that it was established by the murlocs.

The murloc tribe also had its heyday, and was later beaten to pieces by humans and became separate tribes.

When Yate heard the news, his first reaction was the Niccolo clan's attack on the Casa clan some time ago.

I don't know if it was part of the plan.

Write it down in your notes.

By the way, he sold another 3 keys to Professor Hughes.

Said it was sent from home.

It is still 50 gold shields.

It's not that he wants to cheat the teacher, it's Professor Hughes' quotation.

To Professor Hughes, the key must be worth more than that.

Moreover, if he buys it now, someone will reimburse him in the future, so the price is very high, and he will take care of Art's life.

Just like, can the prices of public and private purchases be the same?

Another fulfilling day.

Art's dinner was settled at Jim Thomson's again.

He exchanged the deposits from Moore Lane for the corpses of three second-order extraordinary creatures, and used up all of his deposits.

Moore Lane also gave him a discount, otherwise it would not be enough to exchange for 3 pieces.

By the way, I bought some vegetables to go home, mostly meat and seafood.

The first thing after arriving home is to call Isodi over.

Isodi spent a week in the dark world, and the wound has almost healed, but there are some new small wounds on his body.

Over there, if she wanted to eat, she could only grab it.

With the equipment that Yate prepared for her, and her carefulness to only grab creatures whose strength was lower than her own, she lived a pretty good life.

It is common to have minor injuries on her body, after all, she has limited mobility and cannot use her left hand.

Master. After being summoned, the first thing she did was to take out the gift for Art.

3 broken gems.

Have you heard of the Horadrim Cube? After taking the three shattered gems, Art suddenly felt his heart skip a beat and asked.

The Horadric Cube can be said to be the soul of the Diablo game. Synthesizing items, upgrading items, refining equipment, making manual equipment, punching holes for equipment, etc., are powerful and indispensable.

Unfortunately, monsters cannot drop.

I don't know if there is a way to exchange it from the devil.

I've heard of it. Isodi replied.

Yeah. Art responded casually, his mind had already flown to the idea of ​​exchanging the Horadrim cube from the hands of the devil that just popped up.

Thinking of the functions of the Horadrim Cube, I couldn't help feeling hot.

Seeing him distracted, Yisuodi didn't bother him, and stood quietly by the side, guarding him.

Today's loyalty has reached 73 points.

Whatever you want to eat, go and get it yourself. Yate said after recovering.

Most of the meat and seafood were brought to her.

No cooking required.

She has no intention of changing her eating habits for the time being. After cooking, the energy in the food will be lost.

Raum eats nuts and seafood.

Before leaving in the morning, Art had introduced her to Raum.

While Isodi and Raum ate, Art went to the basement to set up the ritual.

No more late nights.

After the ceremony is arranged, modify the content of the contract to trade the Horadric Cube.

Take the corpse of a Tier 2 extraordinary creature as a sacrifice.

As a result, no demon responded at all.

Change to 2.

Still no response.


Although he doesn't really need the Horadric Cube right now, it's a good thing to get it early.

Moreover, he is not sure whether he can trade it.

This time there was finally a response.

But instead of trading the Horadrim Cube with him, he wanted to talk to him.

There was no such function before, and it was a change brought about by the promotion.

Moreover, if the other party can pass on the idea, the strength should not be low.

Your name? Art didn't immediately agree, but asked the other party's name first.

See if it's those demons with names.

Smith Mallers. The other party replied.

Your position? Don't try to lie! Yate realized that he had never heard the name before, and after frowning slightly, a light suddenly flashed in his mind.

As a player, you may not know the name of the monster, but you are very familiar with the map.

Military camp. The other party was silent for a moment before replying.

For Art to be silent.


Smith Mallers!

Really honest.

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