Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 78 The Referrer

April Joel acted a little cowardly.

Yate definitely didn't believe him because he had met him once, and he didn't know his speculation about his identity, so he could only be classified as an old Yinbi.

Just now he discovered his whereabouts, not only did he not say anything, but hid himself at the door to ambush him, what is it if it is not Lao Yinbi?

Be more careful.

Check your status at any time, and don't hesitate to do it if something goes wrong.

Panels are still useful.

There are no spirit world creatures or monsters, it's my spell. He casually found a reason.

I don't think there are any abnormal creatures. Unexpectedly, April Joel believed it.

Yate turned on his mental perception, and vaguely realized that he was not perfunctory, but really believed that there were no abnormal creatures here.

So, does he have some way to detect abnormal creatures?

How about we let go of our grudges for a while? I have been looking for you for a long time, and I have already given up. I didn't expect to meet here again. It seems that the two of us are really destined. April Joel put away the things in his hand with a smile , indicating that he has no intention of doing anything.

Art's first reaction was to glance at his panel.

According to the book, Fan Yinbi likes to sneak attack the moment the opponent relaxes his vigilance.

April Joel's methods are weird, and he has to guard against them.

Fortunately, there is no abnormality on the panel.

What do you want from me? Art seemed to let his guard down and asked.

If I'm right, you should be a rookie? April Joel asked.

That's right. Arthur admitted frankly.

I know an underground trading circle, do you want to join? April Joel originally wanted to be his guide and recruit him as a team member, but now he has no such idea, and just wants to introduce him to join the underground trading market.

You can get certain rewards for recommending newcomers to join, and the newcomers can get a commission for the first three transactions.

Are there any familiar routines?

Even though this circle has become semi-public, since it bears the title of underground, it is doomed not to stand in front of the stage openly, so the organizer of the underground trading market proposed this referrer system.

If there is no fresh blood to join, the trading market is full of these old people, and there are no powerful people. In the end, there is only one result, which is to slowly go bankrupt.

The host finally came up with such a way.

Moreover, if the referral is a professional with its own resources, the rewards and share will also increase.

Being Yate's guide and teammate is of course more profitable, but it is difficult to achieve at present.

The most important thing is that he dares to live here alone!

Whether it is confidence or ignorance, it is no longer suitable for April Joel to think about other ideas.

After all, April Joel is a professional, different from ordinary people, and even because of his occupation, he knows more than ordinary professionals.

On the ruins of the Church of Souls, there was a very obscure aura that made him extremely afraid!

It gave him the feeling that as long as he touched it, his soul would be plundered!

What shocked him even more was that after coming here today, he discovered that the dark aura lingering on the ruins of the Church of Souls had disappeared!

To be honest, when he first found out, he had the urge to turn around and run away, but he just thought that he might have fallen into the vision of the other party, so he resisted the panic and continued the process.

After occupying this place for 50 years, how could it be possible to suddenly disappear without any movement?

The biggest possibility is that the things inside have awakened, so he can't feel the breath!

That's why he abandoned the guy leading the way without hesitation.

If it wasn't for the fear of being spotted, he would have wanted to do it himself!

The sneak attack on Yate is also half of the acting.

Can't let Art know that he found the strange shape of the ruins of the Church of Souls.

Always in control of the topic.

Underground trading circle? Art was a little interested.

This kind of place is often a good place for the protagonist to make a fortune.

In the beginning, it was a place where wild professionals without inheritance and resources exchanged ideas. Nowadays, many officials, nobles, and churches also join, but they need someone to introduce them to join. Aip Joel briefly introduced.

Introduced to the outside world, it is natural not to say that the circle is eager for new blood to join, but to emphasize its own style.

Although Yate has the knowledge of a world, but he doesn't know the information of the professional circle, so naturally he didn't understand the words of April Joel.

Furthermore, it seems to be like this in many novels.

So, he was moved.

He just didn't want to take the initiative to contact him before, but now that he has some self-protection power, he can try to contact him.

Morning and evening.

How to join? Art asked, paying attention to his panel.

Find a time, I'll take you there, after getting your ID card, you can go by yourself. April Joel replied.

I'll think about it for two days. Art didn't immediately agree.

April Joel's expression froze.

She was clearly moved, why did she suddenly regret it?

Looking at his expression, it suddenly occurred to him, wouldn't he ask the person behind him for a recommendation?

This feeling of being voted in vain is very uncomfortable.

However, he couldn't be angry.

Mainly because I dare not.

It is suspected that Yate not only has a background, but also has a relationship with the one in the ruins of the Church of Souls!

Is there any benefit in recommending new people to join? Although Art didn't know anything, he got a clue from April Joel's expression.

It was very obvious that I was flattering myself and tried my best to introduce the customer, but finally the manager handed over the order to another colleague in the blink of an eye.

You can get rewards for introducing newcomers to join, and you can get 30% commission of the first three transactions of newcomers. Aip Joel didn't expect him to be so sharp, but he answered truthfully.

His previous reaction did not seem to be fake, it was true that he knew nothing about the underground trading circle, but he noticed this from his own reaction.

Sure enough, it was a seed carefully cultivated by a certain force or family!

Don't worry, after I inquire about it, I will ask you for help. Yate said with a faint smile.

He just wasn't sure whether April Joel would have something wrong with him, so he planned to find someone to verify it.

If there is no risk, it is okay to ask him to help recommend.

Presumably Jim Thomson wouldn't care about this reward.

Who else could he be looking for but Jim Thomson?

April Joel suddenly became in a good mood again.

Want to sit down? Art finally invited him into the house.

Then I won't be polite. April Joel really wanted to leave quickly, but he agreed anyway.

The two walked towards the living room one by one.

After April Joel approached him, his expression suddenly froze again.

But this time it was like being hit by some kind of huge surprise.

His eyes became dull, and he kept twitching his nose, as if he was inhaling some kind of breath crazily.

Art, who had been paying attention to him, was taken aback.

He hurriedly walked a few steps, entered the living room first, and faced him instead.

I dare not let him stand behind me again!

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