Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 6 Summoning Again

By the way, time!

I made an appointment with the fallen devil for 2 hours to summon the fallen wizard, and now it has passed... Fortunately, it was only 2 hours and 53 minutes.

Less than 3 hours is more than 2 hours.

Moreover, the flow of time in the two worlds may not be the same.

Arthur went back to his room.

Matt Isaac arranged the ceremony in his room with a really dark heart.

The ceremony is ready-made, no additional arrangements are required.

Now he still needs rituals to use the devil's contract, in fact, it is mainly sacrifices.

When the strength and relationship are in place in the future, they can be summoned without arranging rituals, and it is not impossible to even pay one or two sacrifices on credit occasionally.

This is the knowledge handed down by the Tavel family.

The summoned demon has its own thinking, which increases the risk for him, but also hides the benefits, such as learning knowledge from the demon, credit in times of crisis, and so on.

You can pay on credit, but you can't renege on it!

This point is very important.

The Tavel family only left such an endless sentence, but Yate understood the reason after thinking about it for a while.

The sacrifice he summoned for the Fallen Demon was Matt Isaac's blood and the soul of his predecessor, but what the Fallen Demon got was increased power. Who is the converter in the middle?

Think again that the blood of the Tavel family is not the name of a certain demon, but Abyss, don't you understand?

Plane Will!

This relationship in place doesn't just refer to the relationship with the summoned demon.

This is the difference between inheritance and non-inheritance.

How could he realize this so quickly if there were no words left by the Tavel family?

Just like the difference between someone leading and someone not leading in the officialdom, the former can at least avoid most of the potholes, not to mention the smooth journey, while the latter can only sum up experience in constant bumping into walls, and if you are not careful, you will waste your life.

Ceremonies can be omitted, and prayers are naturally unnecessary. You only need to explain your needs.

At that time, the predecessor could not speak and could only recite prayers silently. Was the ceremony still a success?

The key is coordinates and offerings.

The coordinates are the dark blood on his body, and the sacrifice is Matt Isaac.

Honestly, a bit of a waste.

Matt Isaac's blood is extraordinary, his mother is the priest of the moon of the elves, his father is the lieutenant general of the Federation's North Sea Fleet, and his grandfather is the general of the North Sea Fleet. It is said that he is a seventh-order powerhouse.

These are what Matt Isaac said when he poured them out.

The words are full of resentment towards the grandfather, because the latter did not save his parents, and even ignored him.

However, Art doesn't think that Matt Isaac's grandfather really ignored him. He can survive, and it can't be said that it is the result of his grandfather's protection. Even if no one secretly protects him, he will definitely investigate after his death. Sacrifice is the best choice at present.

What's more, the elves are involved.

It's enough trouble now, so don't involve any more trouble.

Before the candle burns out, place Matt Isaac's body in the Ritual and use the Demonic Pact.

The 1-hour cooldown has long since ended.

Somewhere, a coordinate was communicated.

Like a star dotted in the endless night, shining with a faint light.

Before I didn't have any friends, I could only randomly summon one. Now that I have a friend slot, I can call by name.

The other party seemed to be ready, and quickly responded to the call.

In the ritual, Matt Isaac's body disappeared, as if swallowed by a black hole, replaced by an old and fallen wizard with a staff, a sharp knife, a cloak on his shoulders, and a necklace around his neck.

This fallen wizard is obviously older, so that his back is bent, but his aura is much stronger than that of Allen before him, and there is a ray of heat in his rage.

The same dark red skin, the same thin and strong muscles, the same hideous appearance, but the clothes and ages are different.

The staff in his hand was very simple, just an unknown wooden stick with a skull and two horns that looked like bull horns.

That dry and hot breath came from this staff.

The cloak on the shoulders was the fur of an unknown creature. It was so dirty that its original color could no longer be seen.

The necklace on the neck is made of several sharp teeth, like the fangs of some kind of large creature, and a ferocious evil spirit can be vaguely sensed in it.

While Yate was looking at the fallen wizard, the fallen wizard was also looking at him.

After a while, the two sides looked at each other.

Previously, because of the misplaced ritual, he was inside the ritual, but the summoned Fallen Demon was outside the ritual. This time it was a standard ritual.

Are you the fallen wizard in Alan's camp? Art communicated with the other party's consciousness.

Yes, respected stranger, Oguto greets you. The sinking wizard's face moved slightly. Although he had heard the magic of the other party from Alan, he still couldn't help but shake after touching him.

However, it is obviously more calm than Allen, seemingly respectful, but it is constantly looking at the surrounding environment from the corner of its eyes, and its body is also in a state of being ready to go.

The violent and fiery breath may be emitted deliberately as a deterrent.

I need you to teach me the characters of the devil! Art said his purpose directly.

The fallen wizard is different from the lowest level of the fallen devil, the most obvious is the control of instinct, but it is the same evil.

Therefore, he does not intend to communicate too much with the fallen wizard for the time being.

Importantly, no fallen wizard is required to leave the ritual!

Although there is a contract, but with the cunning of the devil, there must be a way to avoid it. The fallen wizard in the game only has the two skills of resurrecting the fallen devil and fireball, but this is reality, not a game, and he will not naively think that the fallen wizard only has these two skills.

The power of rituals can limit demons to a certain extent, and it can also be regarded as a protection for the profession of demon warlocks.

Not the so-called devil-proof silver products.

The knowledge obtained just now when using the skill of devil's contract.

This made him wonder, is this how the professional inheritance of demon warlocks came about?

If this is the case, it is undoubtedly a good thing for him.

The fallen wizard Augusto wanted to ask him a lot of questions, but seeing his indifferent attitude, after a little hesitation, he decided to fulfill the contract first.

The contract must be fulfilled!

Even if it harbors malice towards the summoner, it must fulfill the contract before it can do other things.

Art brought two notebooks and pens, one for himself and one for Oguto.

Sit cross-legged directly outside the ceremony, with the two sides facing each other.

I'm afraid you won't be able to control your nature, so you won't let it out. He made an excuse casually.

Every fallen wizard can control his own nature. Although Oguto didn't think he would let himself out, he still explained.

If Rakanishu (Rakanishu), Bishibosh (Bi Xu Boxu), Colenzo (Carranzo) said so, I might believe it. Art made no secret of his contempt.

Lakanishu, Bisu Boxu, and Carranzo are the heroes of the Fallen Demon clan, and many Fallen Demons will call their names to boost morale during battle.

Augusto's heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, just like what Allen said, this outsider knows the Sinking Demon Clan very well!

I'll teach you how to use a pen first. Art controlled the rhythm of the communication in his own hands.

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