Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 40 Marking

Raum, your name.

Art gave this raven a name, Raum, for convenience.

Its intelligence is not low, and it can have the level of a kindergarten class.

After eating, Xu Shi's mood improved, and he no longer looked at Yate like a fighting cock.

Then, Yate gave it such a name. In the myths and legends of the previous life, Raum, the demon god who ranked 40th among the 72 pillar demon gods of King Solomon, appeared in the image of a crow.

A little nasty.

His two names, Zhuang Zhou and Yate Tavel, are extraordinary, and the names of his pets certainly cannot be mediocre.

Moreover, as a pet, it is obliged to bear the same fate as its owner.

Although I don't know if the name really affects the fate.

After knowing that he has his own name, Laum is in a good mood.

Kindergarten small classes are relatively easy to coax.

Because of the unexpected joy, Art didn't sleep in the second half of the night.

In addition to skills, there is also the surprise that Muriel William's 3 wallets gave him.

More than 1,500 gold coupons!

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a local tyrant from the north, rich and powerful!

On the contrary, the guy who escaped from the laboratory only had 2 gold shields in his wallet. He is smart enough to know how to rob gold shields instead of gold coupons.

After anyone gets rich, his mood will improve.

Noon the next day.

Today's fish is even more delicious. Claire Lane ate very satisfied.

Extraordinary performance. Art explained with a smile.

Moore Ryan was unaccompanied.

What happened yesterday didn't end because of the departure of the William family. In other words, it ended on Yate's side, but not on his side.

The three of Muriel William broke into the camp in an attempt to kill his guests, and the guilt would not disappear just because they failed.

I didn't act immediately last night because it wasn't necessary.

After Muriel William and the three fled yesterday, they had no money or clothes, so they could only turn to the Pudela City Hall.

Because of the laboratory, the Pudera municipal government was very passive. Before yesterday, Muriel William and the other three refused to even talk to them.

This incident can also be regarded as indirectly helping the Pudela City Government.

As a price, Moore Lane was stopped by the city government.

However, the city government will certainly compensate him.

Today he went to negotiate with the city government, trying to get more compensation.

Ms. Lane, does this mark only have the function of summoning 'her'? Art finally found a chance to communicate with Claire Lane alone.

The reason why she has been called Ms. Lane is that although she is the same age as Art, she is already married. It's just that her husband passed away very early, and for some reason, she didn't stay at her husband's house, but returned to Ryan's house.

I don't know the specific reason, and I didn't ask much.

Are you worried that it will be bad for you? Claire Lane's originally lazy and arrogant eyes suddenly became clear and sharp, telling his thoughts clearly.

It's not me, it's my blood instinct that is very afraid of you. Art explained with a wry smile.

The reason why he confessed his demon warlock bloodline yesterday was also because he suspected that Claire Lane might have known about it a long time ago.

The prey can sense the presence of the predator, and there is no reason why the predator cannot sense the prey.

The most obvious evidence is that it takes mana to move that arm!

Don't worry, she won't hurt you. Claire Ryan looked slightly relaxed.

With you here, I'm naturally not worried. Art said skillfully.

By the way, what about when you're not around?

No question.

What if there is a hidden danger?

That arm is very fierce, and it is not impossible to backfire.

Claire Lane turned her head slightly, as if she felt that what he said made sense, her sharp eyes gradually narrowed, and became hazy and lazy again, like a cat basking in the sun with its eyes squinted after eating and drinking.

Art's eyes twitched slightly.

Won't you just fall asleep like this?

She takes a lunch break every day.

But he dared not disturb her.

A boss who has a weird body and can poke you to death with one finger, or a boss who is mentally abnormal, do you dare to disturb her to doze off?

After a while, she came back to her senses and spit out a strange syllable: Ιχθε.

Art was not in a daze, but immediately wrote it down.

Although the pronunciation was weird and his mouth was twisted, he could easily reproduce the pronunciation after learning the Devil's language.

Ιχθε. Repeatedly.

The original intention was to tell Claire Lane that her language learning ability is very good, but after she finished speaking, she suddenly felt that there was something more in her body.

This feeling... coordinates?

Tag yourself?

It is difficult for ordinary people to notice this slight change, but he is familiar with this thing!

His face suddenly became very ugly.

How did you read it? Claire Lane looked at him strangely.

I listened to you, so I repeated it. Art reluctantly hooked the corners of his mouth and replied with a forced smile.

I just let you remember this name. If she is disobedient next time and you call this name, she won't attack you. Claire Lane explained.

Can't you finish it in one breath?

Arthur wanted to vomit blood depressedly.

Can an existence who can't even pronounce his name easily be provoked by the current him?

If faced with a life-and-death crisis, she would naturally ignore other things, and she might not necessarily backfire.

After the next time, the imprint disappears, and it has nothing to do with her.

It's all right now, I added friends directly, the kind that can't be deleted.

However, Claire Lane can't be blamed entirely, Arter himself should bear at least half of the responsibility.

Is this her name? For the present, the only way to find out as much information about her as possible.


Can I know her identity?


The plan is over.

Don't check it yourself, if someone finds out, you will be arrested! Claire Lane thought that the sweet and sour fish he cooked was really delicious, so she took the initiative to remind him.

I see. Art's eyes twitched again.

Don't worry, you are different. Claire Lane only said half again.

Yate waited for a long time but didn't know what was different about him. Is it because of his meritorious service as a cook, special blood, or chaotic fate?

Also, who are you different from?

So who is what?

I don't know if she did it on purpose, or if she is mentally ill.

Art suspected that she had deliberately let herself be marked, but she couldn't find any evidence and dared not question her.

This is not cowardice, but steady.

In any case, it was an extra means of life-saving.

Just don't know what the cost of calling that arm is.

There is no price, a boss of that level will be your thug for no reason?

I want to fart!

It seems that she cannot appear in this world.

Don't look at how easily he summoned half of the arm, that's because the half of the arm can move freely, although it is under the premise of being bound layer by layer.

Could it be that she can descend with her own body if she is summoned more times?

Having read so many novels in the previous life, it is easy to think of certain plots.

Perhaps it was because Moore Ryan was not here, so Claire Ryan didn't take a lunch break too quickly today.

She didn't leave until Art stopped asking questions.


In the afternoon, Moore Lane returned and told Art he could leave.

Sorry, something happened today, so the update is late.

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