Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 396 The Princess

Arthur woke up from the bed.

When he summoned the irritable skin, the dream constructed by Monica Crane was shattered, so he returned directly to the present world.

The moonlight is faint, dyeing the night with a touch of silver frost.

Quiet as always.

He sat on the bed for a while, then suddenly remembered something, got up and got out of bed, and found the letter that Monica Crane had left for him.

With Monica Crane's strength, it is impossible to bring him into a dream out of thin air, there must be a medium.

The invitation letter has been taken away by Harrington Finn, the identity of the medium is self-evident.

Previously, his attention was attracted by the invitation letter, and he ignored the letter.

However, there is no need to discard the damage now, but to keep it well so that Monica Crane can contact him at any time.

The two people who can't hurt each other are also college classmates, and there is no conflict of interest, so they have natural alliance conditions.

He didn't take the opportunity to squeeze Monica Crane not because his heart was soft, but because Monica Crane was stronger than him, and she also had the cover of Corpse Eater Ritual, so there was no guarantee of any weird means. Instead of keeping a servant who wants to rebel and calculate himself all the time, it is better to find an ally.

After saving the letter, he no longer felt sleepy, and practiced moon phase meditation under the moonlight.

After reaching 30% proficiency, the moon phase meditation method undergoes another qualitative change.

A first-quarter moon phase appeared in his sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

Although he didn't comprehend the new characteristics, the extinction characteristics have been upgraded to a higher level.

More importantly, it is the cultivation of the spirit!

Although his spiritual value is now close to the limit of level 3, the moon phase meditation method can also improve the efficiency of his spiritual use. Reality is not a game, the maximum value of an attribute is only a theoretical upper limit, and how much effect it can exert varies from person to person.

This is also one of the reasons why he is not in a hurry to break through Tier 4.

Some things, if you don’t pay attention to it when laying the foundation, if you want to change it later, the price you pay will be very high.

Under deep meditation, as if just in a trance, the sky has already brightened.

After finishing his meditation, he got up and took a shower.

Monica Crane didn't lure him into dreams again, presumably because her ability was limited, for example, she could only use it once a night.

Not in a hurry.

The matter of the Corpse Eater Church is handled by the government and the church. Even if Harrington Finn wants to retaliate against him, it will be after the matter is over.

It is not certain that the government and the church have already wiped out the corpse eaters at that time.

His alliance with Monica Crane is more about the future.

To be able to get the cover of Corpse Eater Ritual and to be promoted to the fourth level so quickly, Monica Crane has shown great potential.

First, though, a profile of Monica Crane.

He doesn't care who Monica Crane is, but what she does.

The new faction is also a corpse-eating cult, and if Monica Crane's behavior is the same as that of members of the corpse-eating cult, he will definitely not form an alliance.

I can't accept it.


At noon, Samantha Lily was invited over for dinner.

He invited.

Failed? Samantha Lily brought a message that the people of the church failed to hunt down the corpse eaters.

Meet a ruthless person and make your body into a worm's nest. Samantha Lily asked herself if she didn't have the courage.

Windsor Sinclair and others told her about Rez Carter and asked her for some information.

I have the same thoughts as Art, who is involved in cults, and I am sure I am right to ask Dietrich's laboratory.

Moreover, she is currently the only 7th rank on the surface in Pudra City, and if she is not sure, she will be asked for help, so there is no need to hide it from her.

In Dietrich's lab, her department has a pretty good reputation.

Unfortunately, she didn't know the origin of Rez Carter either.

Organized? After hearing her story, Art couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle just thinking about it.

It is really cruel to be cruel to yourself!

However, what the three churches should be afraid of is not Rez Carter, but the organization that may exist behind him.

It's definitely not alone! Samantha Lily had the same idea as Windsor Sinclair and the others, and Rez Carter looked like a humanoid weapon cultivated by an organization.

You don't know? Art asked in surprise.

And a cult that Detrick's lab doesn't know about?

Isn't it weird that I don't know? Actually, Samantha Lilly is weird too.

Dietrich's laboratory has cooperated with many cults. Even if there is no cooperative organization, they still know some information. Such a ruthless person who suddenly appeared from nowhere is worthy of attention.

Not surprising, just a little surprised. Art said with a smile, not afraid of her.

In this world, some newly established organizations will emerge from time to time. Although most of them are eliminated, there are always some that can develop and grow. Samantha Lily said, However, this is not the most worrying situation. The most worrying thing is the revival of an ancient organization.

Probably not... Art twitched his eyes.

In the extraordinary world, the longer you live, the stronger your strength will be.

Because a lot of knowledge and experience has extraordinary power in itself!

Not to mention those ancient organizations, not to mention destroying the world, it is not surprising that they have the power to destroy a city.

Who knows. Samantha Lily told him this to remind him to be careful. Once a special situation occurs, don't be brave and run away as soon as possible.

Art nodded to mark it down.

He is not a character who likes to be brave, and he will definitely not hesitate when it is time to run away.

I just hope that the government and the church can solve this matter within a month, no matter what the result is.

After the family received his letter, it took about a month from preparation to arrival by boat.

By the way, where did you catch the ghouls in your lab? Art had been thinking about this question for a long time.

Ghouls? You mean 'living corpses'. After Samantha Lily came to Pudera City, she heard rumors about ghouls.

It took a long time before it stopped.

The name of this monster in Dietrich's laboratory is living corpse.

They were caught in the spirit world, but there are not many of them, and there are no more here. Samantha Lily looked at him, not understanding why he suddenly asked about this kind of monster.

The name of this monster is 'Ghoul', and it is a creature from a certain demon plane. Art had already thought of the words.

It's good to confirm that it was caught from the spirit world, and only he knows the coordinates representing the dark plane.

Samantha Lily reacted instantly and looked at him with burning eyes.

When it comes to the devil plane, his occupation must be the first thing that comes to mind!

Can you get this kind of monster? Because of the rumors in Pudera City, the demand for this kind of monster has increased greatly, and even Detrick's laboratory has begun to pay attention to this kind of monster. However, the monster spawn points in the spirit world are no longer refreshed, resulting in a dwindling number of such monsters. Correspondingly, the value is increasing day by day.

If you can get it, I can replace some of the interior items for you, Samantha Lily told him.

It's not all about taking care of him, and Samantha Lilly has multiple benefits as a go-between once the deal is done.

Okay. Arthur nodded, But don't confess me.

He didn't do this business before because he was worried about being targeted.

However, now that Samantha Lily is in the lead, he doesn't have to worry too much.

If it was money, he would definitely not nod, but he couldn't help being moved by the items inside Dietrich's laboratory.

The reason why officials and various organizations cooperate with Detrick's laboratory is to focus on these internal objects!

No problem! Samantha Lily understood his worry and was happy to make a name for him.

Being able to obtain scarce materials is a manifestation of ability.

If she can provide a large number of ghouls, she will be famous not only in the laboratory, but also in the entire professional circle.

Don't think that fame is useless. At her level, many things you need can't be bought, so you can only choose to barter.

However, most professionals will choose to trade with friends or some famous people.

In this regard, it is the same as ordinary people.

Wait for the night. Art said.

It is not suitable during the day, and the government and several churches have been under a lot of pressure and vigilance recently, so it is better to keep a low profile.

Samantha Lily naturally had no objection.

Specific conditions such as price and how to cooperate need to be discussed after seeing the goods.

After all, there are different levels of ghouls.

It was supposed to be about Rez Carter, but somehow it switched to dealing with ghouls.

It seems that crooked buildings are not just the innate abilities of ordinary people.

I was pulled into a dream last night... Art recounted what happened last night.

Of course, the existence of the violent skin was hidden, and he only said that he used a supernatural item to force Monica Crane to sign the ally contract.

He still knows the truth that if the emperor does not keep secrets, he will lose his ministers, and if his ministers do not keep secrets, he will lose his integrity.

Corpse Girl! After hearing this, Samantha Lily suddenly became serious.

Her occupation? Art asked.

Not a career, but a status! Samantha Lily replied, She's dead!

What do you mean, suspended animation? Art instinctively thought of Monica Crane's suspended animation this time.

It's not a fake death, but a real death! Samantha Lily explained, Then, the corpse was revived under a certain ritual of the Corpse Eater, and it was called 'Corpse Lady'.

That is to say, she is no longer her, but the corpse girl? Yate asked after a moment of buffering.

I just meeted with Monica Crane last night. Although there were some twists and turns, it was generally pleasant. I even signed a contract of not harming each other and prepared to become an ally. But Samantha Lily told him that Monica Crane had died a long time ago, and what he was communicating with was a resurrected corpse... This is a bit exciting!

It can't be said that it's not her, at least Corpse Girl has all her memories. Samantha Lily said slowly, The existence of Corpse Girl is also very rare in the Corpse Food Cult. Because Corpse Girl can only learn from ordinary people. corpse, and the Corpse Eater does not have the ability to revive the corpse. It is said that the chance of success in the ceremony is very low, and there is a high probability of turning into a monster, so it is basically a matter of luck. The religion is very important. It is the container used by the corpse food religion to summon high-level existences in the spirit world. If the corpse girl can survive after being possessed, or conversely devour the parasitic existence, there is a chance to go further and become a comparable high-level creature The presence.

After she finished speaking, she paused, looked at Yate and said: These materials also require a level 7 or senior researcher to browse in the laboratory, and there is a price to pay. Just know it yourself and don't say it to the outside world.

Okay, thank you! Art responded in a daze.

So, is Monica Crane the same as she used to be?

The person I signed the contract with is Corpse Ji?

It depends on how you understand it. Samantha Lily could see his thoughts.

In fact, she also thought about this question.

Never mind her! Yate quickly adjusted his mood. No matter what Monica Crane is now, the two parties have signed a contract anyway, and he doesn't have to be an ally with the other party. He will take one step at a time.

The Corpse Girl has her own mind? However, he needs to confirm that the Corpse Girl is not being manipulated by a certain leader of the Corpse Eater Cult.

If you are not possessed. Samantha Lily nodded.

This problem is exactly described in the data.

I think the person who recorded this information at the beginning was also very curious about this.

That's good. Arthur breathed a sigh of relief.

It's impossible for Monica Crane to be possessed at the fourth level.

Do you know the Rituals of Corpse Eating? Art asked again.

Just to make sure, Monica Crane lied to herself.

Where did you hear this name? Samantha Lily looked terrified.

She said that invitation was the cover of this book. Art replied truthfully.

It's actually the cover of this book... Samantha Lily showed signs of excitement for a moment.

This is the book of the origin of the Corpse Eater Cult, and the full version has surpassed level 9!

Even a cover page must be worth a lot!

Even if she can't cultivate, she can learn from it and expand her horizons. No matter how bad it is, she can also exchange it for what she needs!

At present, only the three of us know. Art added.

Doesn't anyone in the Corpse Eater know? Samantha Lily frowned.

She said so. Art was not sure whether Monica Crane was telling the truth.

Samantha Lily was silent for a moment.

There was such a momentary heartbeat.

Before the members of the Corpse Eater knew it, they snatched that invitation letter back.

However, I just gave up after thinking about it.

After all, it's not what I need, so there's no need to provoke those old guys.

The reason why the Corpse Food Cult can revive every time after it is wiped out is not only the existence of the Corpse Food Cult Rituals, but also the background of this church, a group of old clappers!

A group of old antiques who don't know how many years they have lived, or even whether they are dead or alive!

The corpse eater is very good at doing this kind of thing.

Although this group needs to be questioned, it is very likely that the Corpse Eater is bluffing, but even if there is only one, she can't afford it.

Although this group of old guys rarely appeared, and they might not even pay attention to the extermination of the Corpse Eater Cult, but it is another matter when it involves the Corpse Eater Canon.

After giving up the idea, he warned Art.

Arthur narrowed his eyes.

Monica Crane told him so easily, maybe she wanted to use him as a cover-up?

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