Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 379 Show up

York Street is also an upper-level area in the inner city, with high-grade infrastructure. As far as street lights are concerned, it is not as dark as other areas. It is so bright that even the cracks in the bricks and stones on the ground can be seen clearly. .

There happened to be a street light on the corner where Marvin Elsie had stopped.

However, there is no shadow of him on the ground!

Front, back, left, right, no matter which direction!

If it is seen by ordinary people, I don't know how it will react.

As if he had discovered something, Marvin Elsie suddenly disappeared into the air.

It's like a phantom reaching the time limit.

There is no trace.

After a while, a ray of night wind blew.

Two figures suddenly appeared where Marvin Elsie was standing before.

No? one of them muttered suspiciously.

Did you find us? Another person wondered if they had exposed their whereabouts.

It shouldn't be! The previous one was obviously very confident in his own strength.

Only this reason can explain why he left suddenly. The other man was more rational.

At this time, the two female students who were half drunk before also came back.

Didn't you catch it? The two of them held each other's arms, so that there would be a sense of security, and they would not be too flustered. After all, they took a lot of risks in their actions tonight.

However, they took such a big risk, but they failed to catch anyone!

What does this make them do?

Thinking of the consequences of being targeted, the two of them turned pale and their bodies trembled slightly.

During this period of time, to be prepared, from the day when Agnette Mond came to Moya University, students from Moya University began to disappear.

1 student per day, all female students!

This also made Agnette Mond a key suspect.

The school did not fail to take action. Together with the officials, they tried to catch the murderer by fishing.

The two of them are the bait.

Just been in action for 2 days.

It was discovered today that Marvin Elsie was quietly following 2 people!

Marvin Elsie was too arrogant, and the people who were spying on and protecting him were very professional, so he never noticed it.

After all, a famous professor was involved, and Moya University hired him with great difficulty, so direct evidence was needed.

Just stalking does not prove that Marvin Elsie is the murderer, and it is entirely possible to find other excuses.

It is best to catch the current situation.

So there was just one scene.

Don't worry, we will always protect you until the murderer is caught! The mission failed, and it was probably due to their own mistakes, the two of them were not in a happy mood. However, they did not abandon the two because of the failure of the mission, saying that they would be responsible to the end.

After all, he is a student of Moya University, and it is related to his own reputation.

Thank you... After hearing this, the two girls expressed their thanks with gratitude.

This is our duty. The two professionals saw that one of the girls was still shivering, showing no sign of relief, so they took the initiative to comfort them: Don't worry, it's okay.

At this time, the other girl who was holding the girl's arm seemed to have discovered something, her face suddenly showed a frightened expression, her body trembled, her mouth opened to a surprising extent, and she wanted to scream, or I wanted to say something, but no sound came out.

People in a state of extreme panic will temporarily lose their voice.

The two professionals reacted quickly. They first threw an attack behind them, and then quickly turned around to protect the two girls behind them.

However, there is nothing behind.

Pfft! A sound of bone and muscle tearing sounded, and 2 ferocious claws pierced through the chests of the two of them, grabbing their hearts.

Warm and still beating.

The two people still had surprised and unbelievable expressions on their faces, and they tried hard to turn around, trying to see clearly what killed them.

However, even this last wish was not fulfilled in the end.

As the two claws retracted along the original path, the last breath of life of the two of them also dissipated.



The body fell down, revealing the 2 girls behind.

One person still maintained the expression of panic and lost his voice before, his whole body was shaking like chaff, and his whole body was stiff. He clearly wanted to let go of the hand holding his best friend, but his body refused to obey.

The other one is the owner of those two claws.

He still maintains a beautiful face, but his hands have become ferocious eagle claws, and the surface is covered with a layer of scales that seem to accumulate old skin. It feels as if a knife will not leave a trace, and the joints are thick. Strong, with sharp, slightly curved nails, in stark contrast to the slender, tender wrists.

I don't know when I was possessed by a monster!

The two professionals were completely unaware.

This girl opened her mouth so wide that it is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

Judging by the expression on his face, he was clearly enjoying it.

The girl next to her was already frightened.

Some wet marks appear on the feet.

It's you disgusting bugs again! Marvin Elsie reappeared as he complained in disgust.

He didn't leave!

Hearing what he meant, he seemed to recognize the origin of the monster occupying the girl's body.

Such an obvious style, as long as you know something, it is not difficult to recognize it.

By the way, he is now the voice of a middle-aged man.

Being scolded as a bug, the other party was obviously very upset, stopped savoring carefully, and ate the heart in his mouth in two or three bites, and asked hoarsely, Who are you?

You can't tell a man from a man just by his voice.

If it wasn't for the mysterious and dangerous feeling that Marvin Elsie gave him, he wouldn't be bothered to talk nonsense.

What are you guys doing here? What disgusting ritual are you preparing? Marvin Elsie asked instead of answering his question.

Being provoked twice in a row, the other party showed obvious anger on his face, but he became more cautious. He let go of his best friend to facilitate the fight, and at the same time warned Marvin Elsie: Since you know my identity, you should know Our style!

You must get revenge! Marvin Elsie said indifferently, thinking that he was bigger than the other party because of his own background, but unexpectedly he asked suddenly: Do you know who I am?

The other party was dumbfounded.

Know and ask him?

So, you don't even know who I am, so who are you going to take revenge on? Marvin Elsie shrugged confidently.

Do you think that the Church of Corpse Eaters used divination abilities for such a small character like you? The other party was about to speak, but was blocked by his words.

Corpse eaters!

You didn't choose people from so many places, why did you choose Moya University? Marvin Elsie sighed softly, and suddenly clenched his right hand.

A dog-like mouth appeared out of thin air, swallowed the opponent whole, and then disappeared into the air.

The whole process takes less than 1 second.

Simple and neat.

Small little move! Marvin Elsie snorted lightly.

The guy was stalling for time, quietly trying to poison him.

He glanced at the remaining girl, ignored the scene, turned around and disappeared.

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