Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 368 Death

It's not that Yate likes to be suspicious, but anyone in his previous life would be like this.

All kinds of deceptions are rampant, and even many large companies are playing around, so it is impossible not to be vigilant.

The relationship between his predecessor and these classmates was mediocre, so he was naturally even less emotional, and it was normal to be suspicious.

Today is the 8th, there is still time.

However, even after 2 more days, his fusion period will not end.

Regardless of the risk, go to the so-called class reunion?

What are you thinking!

Throw the letter aside casually and ignore it.

Gregoria Kate has discovered that she doesn't need to tell her anything at all, he values ​​her own safety more than anyone else.

Very good!

Yate, who was used to living alone in his previous life, did not feel uncomfortable living alone.

Every day is full of time, and there is no time for cranky thinking.


Before I knew it, it was already number 11.

Art is used to getting up early every day to study.

If he can't practice, he spends his time studying. The old man left him so many books and notes, which are enough for him to read for a year and a half—not just reading them all, but learning while reading.

It was hot, but it didn't affect him much.

After fusing his spiritual organs, his resistance to hot and cold climates has also increased.

No power, just the flesh.

Just after entering the state, the sound of cicadas outside suddenly stopped.

someone is coming!

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Crack, crack, crack... The force was so strong that it made people feel irritated.

Arthur frowned.

After opening the door, I found that there were actually 4 police officers!

Art Byron? The leading middle-aged policeman looked him up and down, his eyes not very friendly.

I am, who are you? Yate also looked at the four people.

Can perceive that the four people who come are not good.

They are all ordinary people and cannot hide their emotions in front of him.

We are police officers from the Municipal Bureau, and I need to ask you some questions! The other party didn't intend to greet him at all, and got straight to the point and went straight to the point.

Very strong tone.

What's the problem? Seeing this, Art was no longer polite to them.

You just need to answer! The middle-aged policeman frowned and reprimanded in a bad tone.

I refuse! Art said directly, too lazy to play tricks on him.

The middle-aged policeman's face darkened, his eyes were fixed on him, and his right hand was placed on the gun at his waist.

Captain, tell him so much what to do, just take him back for investigation! shouted a young policeman behind him.

Yate ignored the threat of the middle-aged policeman, glanced at the young policeman, turned around and was about to close the door.


Four policemen burst into anger instantly.

The young policeman was still yelling, but the middle-aged policeman in charge calmed down instead.

The very effective methods in the past have no effect in front of this Art Byron. People who can ignore his threats and live in this kind of place are probably not simple.

Don't know Art.

At his level, he did not have access to all of Yate's information.

Monica Crane is dead! Seeing that Art was about to close the door, the middle-aged policeman suddenly said.

What? Arthur froze.

Although he had no relationship with those college classmates, after all, he was with classmates, and suddenly heard that a person died, and it was definitely an abnormal death, so it was inevitable that he would have some emotional fluctuations.

What's more, Monica Crane just found his home two days ago and invited him to the class reunion, how could he not care!

Monica Crane is dead! the middle-aged policeman repeated, his eyes fixed on Art's expression.

When, where, and how did you die? Art asked a series of questions.

Last night, at the class reunion at the Sterling Club, someone stabbed him in the heart with a table knife and died. The middle-aged policeman replied very cooperatively.

You guys should investigate that Sterling club, what are you looking for me for? Art narrowed his eyes slightly and asked.

Sure enough, it has something to do with that party!

He wondered if it was aimed at himself.

Although this method has no effect on him, what if it is someone who doesn't know him?

Just like the four policemen in front of him, they all harbored malice towards him.

According to our investigation, she came to your place a few days ago. The middle-aged policeman said.

That's right, but I was not at home at the time, and she left an invitation letter and left. Art replied in a nonchalant tone.

Show us the invitation letter! The middle-aged policeman said immediately, as if he had discovered some important clue.

It was thrown away by me. Yate naturally couldn't hand it over to them, and planned to check it again.

Gregoria Kate only tested for harmful substances, not sure if there was anything else.

Like clues.

Mr. Byron, I want to remind you that this invitation letter is likely related to the death of Monica Crane! The middle-aged policeman frowned, obviously not believing his words.

It's indeed thrown away. I don't know her well, and I don't plan to attend any parties. What are you keeping? Art shrugged.

Mr. Byron, I don't know if you have ever thought that you may also be in danger? The middle-aged policeman saw this and persuaded him in another way.

The means are quite sophisticated.

It's a pity he met Art.

Yate naturally didn't care about the so-called danger, but looked at him strangely.

This is the first time I have seen such a conscientious policeman!

Or, his real purpose is that letter?

Otherwise, how could he think that he still kept the invitation letter?

Micro-expressions are impossible, and Yate can be sure that he has no expression changes.

The middle-aged policeman was stared at by him inexplicably, and finally couldn't hold back his anger, and said directly: Mr. Byron, if you don't hand over the invitation letter to us, we will go in and search!

You can try. Yate didn't mention search warrants or anything to them, but smiled lightly and said disdainfully.

In Pudera City, the status of the police is really not high.

Not to mention that these four guys are very weird. Instead of searching the Sterling Club, they stared at him and looked for the invitation letter in his hand. Even if they were not weird, it was impossible for him to have his home searched.

His reaction greatly exceeded the expectations of the four.

For a moment, the four froze there.

He is not stupid, and from his reaction, it can be seen that he has something to rely on, and he is full of confidence.

The seemingly irritable young policeman also lost his voice.

Mr. Byron, don't you worry about your own safety at all, and you don't want to find out the truth about the murder of your classmate? The middle-aged policeman suppressed his anger again, trying to persuade him.

As I said, it's already lost! Besides, shouldn't the target of your investigation be the Sterling Club? The more they didn't want to mention the Sterling Club, the more Yate wanted to bring the topic to it.

Our colleagues at the Sterling Club are investigating! the middle-aged policeman said calmly.

However, the young policeman behind him showed resentment on his face.

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