Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 356 Luck Backlash?

Click, click... After eating sea fish, the little frontal dragon let out a quick and cheerful cry.

The sea fish was brought by Ater from this world. Although the nutrition is not as rich as the sea fish in the spirit world, the taste is quite different. I'm tired of eating big fish and meat, but I still feel very refreshing when I eat some green vegetables once in a while.

Xiaoerlong's reaction attracted the other two, who also gave up on the collision and swam over.

The three little things raised their upper bodies and stared at him together.

Everyone on deck looked at him too.

Shao Hui, Angelo Nell, and Tina Hart also looked at him.

Even with his thick skin, it was a little unnatural, but he didn't dare to ignore the 3 little things and drop 3 sea fish again.

Fortunately, he carried some ingredients with him in case of emergencies.

The sea fish, more than 2 meters long, was quickly eaten by three small Elongs. When I looked up again, I saw Yate had spread his hands, indicating that it was gone.

I really didn't bring too many, and now there is only one left, even if I take it out, it won't help, so I just don't take it.

Chirp, chirp... The three little Elongs uttered another cry like a bird's song, but they didn't know what it meant.

Still swimming below the ship's side, there was no intention of leaving, and he did not hit the Eagle Turtle again.

Hey! At this moment, a woman suddenly shouted to this side.

The three little Erons were very curious, and they turned their heads to look at the past together with Yate.

A blond-haired woman is very beautiful, holding a sea fish more than 1 meter long in her hand.

There are actually people who put fish in the space bag like Yate!

Regardless of the small size in her hand, it is an extraordinary creature, far more precious than the two sea fishes in Te.

After the three small frontal dragons came over, she dropped the sea fish in her hand.

The character is not bad, and I will not do it until Art is gone.

Art turned his head indifferently, wanting to see the scenery.

Although there is nothing but a smooth mirror-like sea, the feeling of being in a painting will also be wonderful.

After all, this is only the second time for him, and the novelty has not yet passed.

Unexpectedly, the three little Elongs also turned around and ignored the sea fish!

Don't eat everything that anyone gives you!

Now, the eyes of everyone looking at Yate suddenly became a little weird.

Especially that woman.

Why don't you eat the fish you throw away?

His own fish is obviously more valuable than his fish!

Yate was stunned for a moment, wanting to scratch his hair, he raised his hand halfway but put it down again, lowered his head, and looked at the three small foreheads again.

Playing in circles in the sea below him.

Look at the two big ones, lazily following beside them, without any intention of interfering.

Art didn't like the feeling of being stared at by many people, but he couldn't let go.

What if after he leaves, 3 little Erlongs collide with the boat again?

Now everyone knows that he has this ability to stop.

Simply lie on the side of the boat and watch the three little Elong play.

This kind of creature definitely doesn't need him to feed it, at most it is eaten as a snack, so it doesn't matter whether it is fed or not.

It's just a little strange, why do you treat yourself differently?

Another spiritual officer?

It shouldn't and it doesn't look like it.

If the Spiritual Sensitivity Officer can attract some strange and strange creatures, he is not surprised, after all, he refers to Mephisto.

Is it its own charm?

But, do you have such a great charm?

It's not that he underestimates himself, if the other party is a beautiful woman of the opposite sex, he may still believe this reason, but a creature in the spirit world who is not even a human being, and he is not an old birthday star, what charm is there?

It suddenly occurred to me that many animals are very sensitive to breath.

He had just finished meditating not long ago, and he still carried the breath of moonlight on his body.

Ordinary professionals can't find it, but it shouldn't be difficult for spirit world creatures.

It's a pity that it's not convenient for him to try it under the watchful eyes of everyone.

That's right! At this moment, a gentle female voice suddenly sounded beside her.

Arthur was taken aback.

Although he hasn't adapted to the spiritual sense organ yet, his current perception is much stronger than before, but he doesn't notice anyone approaching him at all.

Turning around, I realized that it was the lady in the white dress whose age was hard to tell from the Church of Dawn!

Hello! Yate and the others hurriedly greeted.

Evie Theresa. The lady in the white skirt introduced herself.

Knowing that he knows many 7th-level powerhouses and has great potential, and the relationship between Liming Church and him is also good, so his attitude towards him is very gentle.

Ms. Teresa, do you know what's going on? Art asked proactively.

They are attracted by the breath on your body. This voyage has worked hard for you. Evie Theresa said with a chuckle.

It's unbelievable that a problem they couldn't solve was actually solved by a junior, so I came here to take a look.

Although there are not many examples of this kind of breath being liked by some kind of spirit world creature, it is not without exception.

It's good if I can help you. Arthur breathed a sigh of relief.

It really is breath.

Just as Evie Teresa was about to say something, her complexion changed slightly, and she looked towards the front of the hull.

Boom! A loud crash sounded,

Fortunately, they are all professionals, otherwise many people would fall into the sea due to the sudden stop of the ship!

Suddenly, a big-headed dragon rushed forward and forcibly stopped the Eagle Turtle!

So much strength!

What a hard head!

Shua! After a brief commotion, everyone looked at Yate.

Including Evie Theresa.

She can't afford to mess with these 2 adult frontal dragons.

Yate twitched the corner of his eyes, trying to wave to the big forehead.

After Da Elong saw it, he slammed into the front of Ying Yuan again.

Art waved again.

It hits again.

Arthur didn't dare to wave.

If we continue, I am afraid that the four churches will count the maintenance costs on themselves.

Everyone is also surprised, why is he suddenly not working well?

In other words, he can only be used to deal with children, and it is ineffective against adults.

Boom! The forehead bumped again.

It seems to be stopping us from moving forward! Art and Evie Teresa suddenly said in unison.

After the Erlong forced the Eagle to stop, it kept hitting the front end, causing the Eagle to almost turn 90 degrees, as if it was helping the Eagle to adjust its direction.

Is there any danger ahead? Angelo Nell asked.

It's not on the route description, but it may be a temporary danger. Evie Theresa said with a serious face.

In the spiritual world, any kind of danger is possible.

One of the most common dangers is the sudden arrival of a powerful spirit creature in an area.

It is especially common in the ocean of the spirit world.

It's just that the sea ahead is as smooth as a mirror, and you can't see the slightest...

Boom— Accompanied by a deafening roar, the calm sea ahead suddenly collapsed!

Just like the ground collapsed, it fell down without any warning, and the surrounding seawater had no time to replenish, and a huge pothole with a diameter of nearly a kilometer and an unknown depth appeared for a short time!

The nearest place is more than 500 meters away from the Eagle Yuan!

Everyone on the boat was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

If it weren't for this Erlong to force the Eagle to stop... Thinking about it, I would be terrified!

Sure enough, Erlong is a symbol of luck.

It was impossible for the people inside not to notice such a big commotion. The Eagle Turtle seemed to be on fire, turned around quickly, and ran away from the pothole with full power.

All the hole cards were used, and he was more than 1,000 meters away in an instant.

Still didn't stop.

Yate looked at the scene of a natural disaster behind him, and the hairs all over his body stood up. A thought suddenly flashed in his mind: Could it be a rebound of luck?

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