Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 351 Huge Change

You don't know? Seeing his expression, Angelo Nell and the three asked in surprise.

I didn't think about curing it. Art frowned.

There must be something wrong.

Although he originally had this idea, he didn't intend to implement it here.

Looking at the panel with doubts.

dramatic change.

The spirituality has skyrocketed to [200+700], and all attributes have been increased by 5 points, including intelligence. The solidification of the spiritual organs has brought him a huge increase.

There is an extra unknown (1%) in the blood, and the human blood is reduced by 1%, which makes him baffled.

Will solidifying the spiritual organs also change the blood vessels?

The spiritual rain in the ruins only has the effect of improving the bloodline, and will not create an extra bloodline out of thin air.

Moreover, the previous panels were all normal, and this bloodline only appeared after the spiritual organs were solidified, so it can only be because of the spiritual organs.

Is it because it refers to the structure of Mephisto?

But it should show the blood of the devil or belong to the blood of the dark, why list unknown alone?

More doubts.

Read on.

There is an extra skill called Luck Command in the skill column.

[Decree of Destiny - Forcibly plundering the luck of the end for your own use, there is a probability of causing backlash]

At first glance, it is difficult to understand the effect of this ability.

But he already has a good understanding of the panel, and he knows that the shorter the skill and the vaguer the introduction, the more powerful the effect.

Forcibly plundering the luck of the end for one's own use is easy to understand, it should have plundered the luck of the end in this ruin just now.

It is very domineering, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the behavior of robbers and bandits.

But he likes it.

It's just that it's not clear how to use it and what kind of backlash it will cause.

He himself didn't know where the plundered luck went or what he did!

I didn't notice it at all.

And how did this skill appear? Could it be that the illusory chance was hit by him?

Intuition told him that the changes in his body should be related to this skill, including the birth of unknown bloodlines, the solidification of spiritual organs, etc.

But now is not the time to study this, he can only temporarily suppress his doubts and ask, How long has it been?

Two days. Angelo Nell replied.

They're all gone? Arthur glanced around and found himself alone.

Yeah. Angelo Nell nodded.

There is still a boat? Art was a little embarrassed.

Eagle Turtle probably wouldn't wait for them until now.

Not yet. Angelo Nell's answer was far beyond his expectations.

It's still there!

However, it was not because Irma waited for them on purpose, but because Irma confessed to the Vulcan Church after leaving the ruins that she was bitten by a resurrected bug, which caused an unknown infection and caused the church to check all members filter.

After Arthur heard this, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

This guy is so smart!

Actively confessing, it seemed that he had fallen into a passive situation, but he saved his life. Even, if he had an accident, the Vulcan Church would try to rescue him as much as possible!

The worms in his mouth should be stone worms, and his experience was similar to that of the great-grandfather of the Eugen family.

Knowing the powerful vitality and resilience of the Alienated Body, the Vulcan Church could not have strictly protected him.

Yate's little thoughts can only be restrained.

It would be unwise to provoke a behemoth like the Vulcan Church just to express one's breath.

Who would have thought that this guy would not follow the normal script!

Can you go? Shaohui asked him.

It'll be fine once you get used to it. Art said, walking again.

As before, all kinds of complicated information is transmitted to the brain.

This time, however, there was no pause.

Instead of calculating every option, ignore it completely!

He's just walking normally, and he's not fighting or in danger, so what are these calculations for?

Wasting brainpower?

There is also a double image when looking at things, because the cognition of space has suddenly improved a lot, which is caused by the inability to digest it for a while.

good thing.

He could feel that after he digested these cognitions, a space talent skill should appear in the skill bar.

From the horns on the top of the head.

That's why he has no dissatisfaction with curing this pair of horns, it is already very good and very strong!

After walking a few steps alone, he turned around and said, It's fine.

Walking is no problem.

Angelo Nell, Shao Hui and Tina Hart followed.

leave together.

The island at this moment is already a dead island!

Shahem's body, stone worms, and alienated bodies all died, and there was no trace of life on the island, and the green mist had dissipated, and the dark cave roof could be vaguely seen, surrounded by green light.

The magma remains.

The occasional gurgling sound in the magma is probably the only movement in this cave now.

So quiet!

When Art saw the magma again, he felt very kind, and even had the urge to touch it with his hands.

Of course, he wouldn't be so stupid as to touch it with his hands.

He has only grasped some characteristics, and these magmas have been deposited for an unknown number of years!

How to deal with this ruin? On the way, he asked curiously.

Normally, it should be used, but because of the special nature of this relic, it should be sealed and monitored. Angelo Nell replied.

By the way, what happened to that altar? Art was a little curious about the function of that altar.

It was destroyed by Ms. Al Hearst. It was only used to connect to the mirror. After the mirror was destroyed, it was useless. Angelo Nell really knew, Al Hearst Ms. Te is the lady in the red dress from the Vulcan Church.

Oh. Arthur nodded in satisfaction.

Curiosity is satisfied.

Is your spiritual officer the opposite horn? Tina Hart finally couldn't help asking.

He kept looking at the pair of little horns protruding from the top of his head.

It is already nearly 3cm high, and the hair cannot completely cover it.

That's right. Art raised his hand and touched the top of his head.

After solidification, the previous itching was gone, and it was no different from my original organs.

However, now he can't hide, and needs to be covered with something.

None of the four were wearing hats.

He thought for a moment, inserted his fingers into his hair, and combed it back.

Cheats, hairspray hands!

Can this cover it? He asked after putting down his hand.

Wow! Tina Hart whistled.

It made Angelo Nell turn his head and stare at her.

Yes. Shao Hui also had a bit of surprise in her eyes.

I didn't expect that hairstyles have such a great influence on people! Angelo Nell muttered while looking at him.

The previous impression of him was that he was a little young, like a college student.

After changing to the current big-backed head, the calm self-confidence can be seen all over the body, and there is a feeling of suddenly becoming an adult.

Soon, the four of them walked out of the mine.

The first thing Art did was look up at the sky.

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