Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 314 Small Actions

Thin as it is, this monster is surprisingly heavy.

No effort, just running normally, but left a series of deep footprints on the ground.


Like an earth dragon turning over, a tree root suddenly drilled out from the ground, pulling him away.

Sandy's tree roots were as thick as Art's thigh, like a mutated giant python. When it got out of the ground, the whole ground was plowed open, accompanied by a rumbling sound, dust was flying, and the appearance effect was full.

The power is also really good.

With the weight and strength of this monster, it can be knocked into the air with one blow. If Sandy's strength is not 1000, it may be several hundred.

Piercing and bondage were not attempted.

For normal creatures, the piercing damage is higher, but with the monster's terrifying life force, even if the heart is pierced, it may have no effect, and it will be caught by him instead.

As for restraint, it was in the hands of the monster.

This is not the first time the two sides have competed, and they are very familiar with each other.

Boom! The monster fell to the ground, rolled a few more times, and then jumped up abruptly, roaring at Sandy and Xenia Eugen.

It is unforgivable to obstruct him from hunting!

Bend your knees and jump.

Jump directly back to the previous position from more than 20 meters away!


The dust was flying, and the ground within a radius of 5 meters from where he landed was sunken and cracked, as if what fell was not a living thing, but a huge boulder.

He himself was not affected in any way, and he suddenly reached out to grab Sandy's roots.

Flesh-colored skin is covered with various marks, but none of them can break through the skin's defenses. It is an excellent material for leather armor; the nails evolved from epidermal cells are tougher and sharper, and can be polished into 5 nails. Such as short swords; thick finger bones, hard and flexible, can be used to make special weapons such as bone whips and bone mallets, and the metacarpal bones can be made into a white bone shield... Jerome Mond muttered.

He actually recovered!

Xenia Eugen's psychological defense was frightened and collapsed before, and the whole person became confused and more silent. Because the conditions did not allow it, he was not treated for the time being.

Unexpectedly, he actually adjusted himself!

Could this guy be the legendary artifact refining maniac, who can restore even the collapsed psychological defense line after seeing the first-class materials?

Out of the corner of Arter's eyes, he saw that the expression on his face was sincere and focused, and his broken and scattered mind had gathered again.



Sandy had already expected the monster's reaction, the tree root was ready to go, and when he grabbed it, it twitched again.

However, this time it failed.

The monster was also on guard, the grab turned out to be a false move, suddenly turned sideways, and hugged the drawn tree root with two arms.


The huge impact made everyone feel a dull pain in the sternum and a feeling of being out of breath.

But the monster is completely unharmed, and has successfully hugged the tree roots.

The other two arms were also grasping the root of the tree, and the five fingers were dug into it to a depth of nearly 5 cm. Together with the arms holding it, they firmly fixed the root of the tree.

Then, he suddenly opened his mouth and gnawed on it!

This guy's teeth...

It can be polished into spikes, axes...

Art's mouth twitched slightly.

This guy's combat intelligence is not low! Yam Lloyd suddenly said, The unreasonable fighting style is very suitable for him.

Yeah. Zachary Cumberland responded.

Is this a symphony, or a tease?

Before Zachary Cumberland's voice fell, the monster was pumped away again.

Sandy is a tree!

Whose tree has only one root?

Another tree root came out, and it hit the monster's head violently.

Such a blow to the head forcefully sends the opponent flying. Even if the normal creature does not die, it will have a bunch of negative symptoms such as dizziness, paralysis, and slowness.

The monster stood up again without any hesitation.

Indeed powerful!


Art looked sideways at Yam Lloyd and Zachary Cumberland.

Both of them pursed their lips, stared intently at the field without squinting.


In the field of vision, I just saw a shadow on Patricia Lambert and disappeared into the air.

Quietly, if he didn't happen to see it, he wouldn't notice it at all.

The whole process is less than 1 second, very short.

But it just happened to be such a coincidence!

Sandra is in the front to help Patricia Lambert block the view, but he is on the right side of Patricia Lambert, and the position is also very coincidental.

Just say how could they be so honest!

Sandra's reaction was very sharp, and she turned her head to look over at the first time, just in line with Art's eyes.

Both sides paused at the same time.

Then there was Patricia Lambert, who also spotted Art, and joined the pause.

Why is it him?

A moment later, before Sandra and Patricia Lambert could react, Art looked away nonchalantly.

The two breathed a sigh of relief.

Patricia Lambert looked at Sandra.

Sandra hesitated a little, but still nodded, indicating to continue.

Since Yate didn't say anything, it means he won't tell the truth.


The monster was knocked into the air again.

If it is a competition of strength, Sandy is no match for this monster.

Compared with skills, Sandy is far less flexible than him.

So we can only use this almost rogue fighting method, not giving the monster a chance to fight in close quarters.

Xenia Eugen needed to guard against Shahem and did not participate in the battle.

Constantly being teased, especially under the enormous mental torment that the food was right in front of him but couldn't be touched, the monster suddenly went berserk.

The thin body became plump as if inflated, the muscles bulged, and the weird facial features became much more pleasing to the eye.

Although still a little ugly, but majestic, full of aura, like the transformation from a soldier to a general.

Boom! The sound of stepping on the ground was not aggravated, but it felt a little more light.

It was that kind of dead voice before, as if he didn't know how to restrain himself at all, and all his weight was pressed up.

The increase in strength may not be too large, but the control over strength has increased significantly!

Woo-- Sandy's tree roots emptied, making a strong sound of breaking through the air.

Bang! Another ambush tree root was blocked by him.

The expressions of Yam Lloyd and Zachary Cumberland suddenly became a little more dignified.

What if Sandy can't stop him?

Is it their turn for these baits?

Hiss! The monster tore off a piece of bark.

A fragrance appeared.

Sandy trembled, as if in great pain.

Even Xenia Eugen showed a slight change in expression, but it returned to normal immediately.

Shahem's power suddenly moved.

Been staring at her all the time!

I don't know what she has to do, but the time Arter has been waiting for has arrived.

Quietly throw a team invitation to Sandy.

A spiritual communication that requires no communication.

For this opportunity, he deliberately chose a location closest to the battle scene.

It is also the closest place to Xenia Eugen.

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