Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 309 Shahem

[Chapter 308, typo]

This woman gave them a very strange feeling.

It's fine if you can't perceive it, after all, I don't know how it exists.

But telling them the secret so simply is a bit outrageous.

At first glance, this woman is not the kind of silly and sweet type who easily trusts others. Although she knows everything about them for some reason, but they can easily learn the ultimate secret of the ruins, and of course they will not refuse.

During this period, they have not given up on the detection of the surrounding environment, and have not found any abnormalities.

It's just that I didn't expect that this woman's strength is so strong!

Although Angelo Nell is a believer of the Church of Dawn, her power has a very obvious mark, but she did not use her power, and this woman does not know the existence of the Church of Dawn, but she can see at a glance that her power restrains the alienation failure body, Is the strength still need to be questioned?

They couldn't help but pay attention to this woman's purpose.

Don't know it secretly at that time, and you will also be tricked.

We didn't know at first. As Art said, he quietly gave Jerome Mond a gesture, asking him to find a way to wake Sandra and the others.

His sense of presence is not strong.

Jerome Mond did not act immediately after receiving the signal, but waited for Art to attract the woman's attention.

Since the task was entrusted to him, Art would definitely create opportunities for him.

Your understanding of power is too superficial. The woman shook her head slightly.

Please advise! Yate suddenly took half a step forward, and bowed in accordance with the etiquette of his previous life.

After getting up, it was just between Jerome Mond and the woman.

Women are very interested in his set of etiquette, a set of movements is like flowing water, expressing their respect and please without being humble.

After reading it, I also accepted his gift firmly.

Ordinary people might not care about it, but this woman has an extraordinary bearing, and she will not accept his gift in vain.

If you have a deeper understanding of power, you will find that the failure of the failed body is due to the incompatibility of two kinds of power in the body. One is the life energy of its own existence, and the other is the power of Shahem. The power is in a short-lived state of balance in the body of the failed body, as long as this balance is broken, the failed body will naturally collapse.

Her power is similar to life energy.

got it?

One gift for such an answer, although it is just scratching the surface, it is worth it.

Thank you. Art didn't salute again.

For the first time, people gave gifts in return out of novelty. If it continues, it will be forced to buy and sell.

In the face of such a strong woman, any forced behavior may lead to anger.

Is Shachem the name of this kind of bug? Angelo Nell finally found a chance to speak, and couldn't wait to ask.

When this woman answered the question just now, she used Shachem to refer to this weird bug!

Art once told her that the name of this mine is Shahemro Gold Mine, where Shahem is the name of a monster and the name of this mountain.

Today, this kind of bug is also called by this name. Could it be that this bug is a legendary monster?

It is common for rumors to spread falsehoods and lead to distortions.

That's right. The woman's gaze suddenly turned to Jerome Mond.

The latter was just about to take action, and the power condensed from the soles of his feet, trying to wake up Sandra and the others through vibrations.

As a result, the arrow was already stringed and the bow was fully drawn, but he suddenly met the woman's eyes.

Jerome Mond froze for an instant, forcefully holding back his strength!

Its difficulty is no less than just peeing but forcing it back!

That's not to mention, after holding back, Jerome Mond didn't have any expression on his face.


I haven't asked your name yet? Art said at the right time.

Xenia Eugen. The woman replied, looking away.

Only then did the cold sweat break out from Jerome Mond's body.

What scary eyes!

The moment they looked at each other just now, he felt that his whole world seemed to only have the red phoenix eyes of a woman, like an ancient giant looking down on him.

The cold sweat is only breaking out now, because under this terrifying pressure, his body functions seem to be suspended!

He felt that, not to mention the three of himself, even Sandra and others would not be enough to slap this woman!

The spiritual defense collapsed.

Art didn't know about Jerome Mond's changes yet, and after Xenia Eugen announced his name, he also reported his name: Art Tavel, it's an honor to meet you.

Intuition told him that it was best not to lie.

Do you want to wake up your companions? Xenia Eugen made a small nod of his head in satisfaction and asked proactively.

Yes! Art admitted very bachelorly.

No excuses were made.

Yes. Xenia Eugen said, stepping forward.

Art moved out of the way and stood aside respectfully.

It is still instinct to guide him.

Killing the boss is no longer considered.

He is not stupid, of course he will not believe Xenia Eugen's words throughout the article.

In his opinion, Xenia Eugen is likely to be the successful alienation body!

This strength is definitely not something they can deal with!

If it is only a little bit stronger, it is absolutely impossible for him to develop this instinct!

Even his intuition was telling him what to do, as if he was afraid that he would not be able to think about it alone, and drag everyone to seek death together.

Angelo Nell's reaction was no weaker than his.

When Xenia Eugen passed by, he suddenly lost control of his body and dared not move!

It wasn't Xenia Eugen targeting her, but simply the instinct of bottom-level creatures when they saw predators at the top of the food chain.

I didn't realize it before, because I didn't have any other thoughts at the time, I just wanted to find out the final secret of the ruins from Xenia Eugen.

After obtaining the secret, he came up with the idea of ​​crossing the river and demolishing the bridge.

She also guessed that Xenia Eugene might be a successful alienation body.

As for Lord Eugen, I haven't seen it yet, so I won't make a judgment for the time being.

Now I suddenly realize how shameful it is to cross a river and demolish a bridge!

As an excellent believer of the Church of Dawn and a genius with high hopes, how could she have such shameful thoughts?

Therefore, it is not unreasonable for her to hit it off with Yate.

As for Jerome Mond, his mind has already been broken, and he is more well-behaved than anyone else.

Xenia Eugen came to the side of Sandra and the others, stretched out his hand and gave a light push.

Several people staggered and each woke up.


After Zachary Cumberland woke up, without even thinking about it, he slashed at Xenia Eugene, a strange woman who appeared suddenly.

Sandra and Yam Lloyd moved from left to right, forming a pincer attack with him.

Who would have thought that these three guys who are not dealing with each other would cooperate so tacitly!

Judging from this reaction, we know that we have cooperated a lot in the past!

I'm afraid it's overshadowed many people.

Yate suspects that these three guys may have formed an alliance early on, just like the relationship between Angelo Nell, Shaohui and him.

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