If these guys are allowed to go on like this, this market will end sooner or later! Art thought for a while, and decided to find a stalwart excuse.

Aren't you going home to get something? Moore Ryan suddenly realized that he still underestimated him.

With his thick skin, he will become a master!

May I ask, how old are you, Major? Art did not leave immediately, but asked unexpectedly.

29, what? Moore Ryan frowned slightly.

I don't like this kind of situation where I can't keep up with other people's rhythm.

Smile more, you will look younger. After Art finished, he turned and left.

Or slip away.

The soldier twitched the corner of his mouth, not knowing whether he wanted to laugh or to say something, but finally held back forcibly, and left in a hurry after saluting.

Don't forget to close the door for him.

Moore Lane scowled.

However, after the sound of the soldiers' footsteps disappeared, his expression immediately calmed down. With his fingers moving, the water vapor condensed and soon gathered into a water mirror in front of him.


Not good, too stiff.


Laughed too hard.


too gloomy.

Moore Ryan kept making various smiles in front of the water mirror, trying to find the one that best suited his identity.

Finally found a gentle yet majestic smile.

It looks like it's really young.

People's personalities have many faces, and they often have a hidden side, especially political figures. Even if Yatt broke it, Moore Ryan would not admit it in front of outsiders, and even showed annoyance, but it did not prevent him from trying in private.

Looking at the smile in the water mirror, he retrieved Yate's information from his memory.

The old subordinates who have been with him for several years dare not make such a joke with him!

Yate met him for the first time today, and the whole process took less than half an hour, why would he dare to make such a joke on him?

Are you confident, or do you know he will listen?

Just a trial.

Yate read online in his previous life that men with a personality like Moore Lane often have a sullen side.

However, he knew that Moore Ryan would probably not do anything to him, so he dared to take action.

It's not all because of the status of Professor Hughes' student, but people like Moore Lane often don't waste energy on trivial things, that is, they don't do useless things, and their words and deeds often have strong Just like when he was under house arrest before, he also wanted to use him as a fuss to design Elmer Lane.

How to get along with this kind of person, there are ready-made examples in the film and television novels of his previous life, including real history.

Trying it out is to test whether Moore Lane can make friends.

Moore Lane is not only a noble major who controls the order of the entire Sigrid Wharf, but also a powerful professional. If he was not under house arrest, he would have no chance to contact him.

Such a person must have a lot of information and channels.

And that's exactly what he needs most.

The question is, how do you get on with Moore Lane?

For him at present, it is really a high climb.

Don't look at Moore Lane's good attitude towards him, it's because he is needed now. If he hadn't shown any other value, it would be difficult for him to see Moore Ryan again after this incident!

But this guy is very smart.

Even though he is only 29 years old, he looks like an old fox.

Is it because the elder brother's IQ is added to the younger brother?

After leaving the building, the soldier drove Art home.

What's your name? Arthur asked.

Jim Thomson, just call me Jim. Because of his Moore Ryan attitude, the soldier was no longer rigid to him as before, and could even be said to be friendly.

I'm sorry to trouble you. Yate was very clear about his position, and he didn't be proud of being favored.

What's the trouble, I can just come out for a stroll! Jim Thomson said carelessly without hiding his desire to touch fish.

It's the first time I've been in this kind of car, hehe... Yate didn't agree or raise any objections, but pretended he had never seen the world, touching this side and that side.

As expected of Moore Ryan's errands, this is to test his own character, including his attitude towards fishing at work, and whether he will report to Moore Ryan, and then decide what kind of attitude to make friends with himself?

If he just had a bunch of film and television novels and history books and biographies in his mind, let alone whether he could remember all kinds of details, even if he could remember all the details, he would not be able to apply them so freely.

There is still a big difference between theory and practice.

But the blessing of 14 points of intelligence and 41 points of spirit made him a super genius.

As long as you don't be lazy, you can always reflect the knowledge in your memory, and you can understand and absorb quickly.

In his previous life, it was not bad to be a salted fish, but there is no living space for salted fish in this world, not to mention the pressure from the elves, he can't do it unless he works hard.

It takes 1 hour to go back and forth.

In fact, he didn't have anything special to pack. The things that could not be exposed had already been hidden. He only took some simple daily necessities and Professor Hughes's book, and he didn't bring any bedding.

The main reason is to let people know that they were taken away so that no one will come to the door again.

Looking at the friendship between the brothers Moore Lane and Elmer Lane, there is a high probability that the former will not tell the latter about this.

Even if he used him to blackmail Professor Hughes, he might do it by himself.

Although offending Professor Hughes and Trolbo, there are risks and there must be benefits.

Judging from the participants, there is a high probability that this matter will involve a higher level of struggle.

But no matter which side wins, he is the unlucky one.

If Professor Hughes doesn't accept the blackmail, he will be useless here, and maybe he will be angered; if Moore Lane succeeds, Trolbo will definitely blame him.

Moreover, the winning party will not reward him.

He had no choice, he could only rely on his own efforts to see if he could get some benefits while trying to protect himself as much as possible.

The free three meals a day is just a small gain, the most important thing is to take Moore Lane.


Near noon, the aquatic product market.

Ansel Haydon and Myron Evans were still bored on duty.

Jim Thomson walked in.

Second lieutenant. The two saluted each other.

Jim Thompson was Moore Lane's half-secretary, though he was a commoner.

If you keep going, it will be almost noon. Jim Thomson casually chatted with the two.

The two are also happy to have someone to chat with.

Their duty is to maintain order and prevent tourists from other places from being bullied. In fact, they have nothing to do most of the time.

Besides, Jim Thomson was the superior in charge of both of them.

Your work is indeed boring, so nothing interesting happens?

It's true. In the morning, a young man with an unfamiliar face came here to buy fish, and was tricked by the guys from the Remo family.

Finally found the reason.

Jim Thomson finished chatting with the two, and walked towards the booth of the Remo family under their surprised eyes.

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