Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 303 Roots

In the process of moving forward, Yate gradually analyzed the characteristics of the green mist.

Volatilized from the magma, which is equivalent to a new spirituality with a lower concentration.

It's amazing, after turning into a mist form, the new spirituality seems to be inert, and the erosion and aggression are actually restrained. Except for the pungent bitter taste, which affects breathing and vision, it will not cause other damage to people in a short period of time.

After discovering this, he started thinking about this kind of spirituality.

After Angelo Nell and his party arrived, he had nothing to do for the time being, so he could concentrate on his own business.

Like Shaohui, Angelo Nell knew the purpose of his trip, so just treat him as a transparent person and provide assistance at critical moments.

Paddle comfortably.

Once people are free, they naturally want to find something to do, so they turn their ideas to the dense green mist around them.

To be honest, he was a little envious of this domineering, weird, and extremely corrosive new spirituality.

As a warlock, if you don't have the whole green energy, it always feels incomplete.

His demon warlock profession is the most primitive form, and there are not so many detailed classifications... No, it should be said that there is nothing but a demon contract skill!

Everything, professional ability, knowledge, etc. must be realized from this skill by yourself!

The disadvantage of this is that it is very unfriendly to ordinary people, just like when he first came to this world, he even thought it was an incomplete profession, and he didn't even have a serious professional skill.

But the advantages are equally obvious, that is, for a genius like him with high intelligence and a civilization system, the upper limit is infinitely higher!

He has gradually touched the core of this profession and is walking on his own path.

One of the characteristics is inclusiveness, which can accommodate the power of various systems for its own use.

For the time being, we can only use sacrifices and contracts to borrow power from other existences.

Just like the dark professional skills, he borrowed them.

If you want to truly transform into your own strength, there is a long way to go.

Although I can't chew too much, but if I encounter another powerful force during this period, I still can't help but be moved.

Regardless of whether it can be chewed or not, first draw it into your own bowl and then talk!

Once in the bowl, you can eat whenever you want, and you don't have to worry about not having it when you want to eat.

Originally, because of the powerful aggression and erosion characteristics of the new spirituality, he had no choice but to think about it. The discovery of the green mist was simply a big gift bag that fell from the sky for him!

He had already quietly touched the edge of the purification barrier.

Unlike when Donna Morton and Dylan Felton led the team, no one is watching him now, and no one is stopping his behavior.

That's the benefit of having someone above.

His behavior of touching quietly did not hide the truth from the people next to him.

Even those who need to concentrate on casting spells can't ignore a big living person walking past them!

He didn't use any ability, there is a difference between sneaking and sneaking. The former just doesn't want to attract others' attention, while the latter just wants to hide it from others.

The purification barrier only excludes and prohibits other spiritual beings, it has no effect on people, and they can enter and exit freely.

This can be regarded as a shortcoming, otherwise the consumption would not be affordable for them.

It cannot be said that there is absolutely no such ability with low consumption and great power, but it is also extremely rare.

At first, he just jumped repeatedly on the edge of the purification barrier, and then simply fell outside the barrier.

The spiritual organ once again conveyed joyful emotions.

In the purification barrier, although spirituality can still be absorbed, the taste is too single and the efficiency is low, so I don't like it.

He actively controls the spirit organ to absorb and transform the spirit in the green mist.

Familiarize yourself with it before trying to do it yourself.

That is to say, Angelo Nell and Shao Hui are the team leaders, otherwise his weird behavior would have already attracted questions.

Because they don't know what kind of risks are hidden in the fog, the speed of several teams is not fast.

All I see so far is desolation.

There is no vegetation, no buildings, let alone human habitation.

There are only stones, gravel, etc. accumulated by the secretions of these tiny creatures and corpses.

It wasn't until several hundred meters later that they encountered the first plant.

A calf-high weed that appeared to be covered with the same stone.

Angelo Nell asked someone to pull it out and check it.

It's not that the surface is covered with stone, it's petrified!

What was once a real plant has been petrified by this tiny creature!

Seeing this, everyone has already guessed.

Could it be that this miraculous underground mine was eroded by this kind of creature and perished?

Could it be that this creature is still alive, or revived?

Compared with powerful creatures, this weird tiny creature is more difficult and more terrifying.

It is very possible that it has been eroded without knowing it!

But I have come here, and I have not flinched.

The danger must continue!

Going forward, it seems that because it is gradually approaching the center, the number of petrified plants gradually increases.

Each plant still maintains its original shape, at first glance it looks like exquisite and lifelike stone carvings.

But no dead animals were seen.

Until there is a building, it remains the same.

An outlying camp seems to be the place where the patrols live, with a dozen low houses that are so simple that they don't even have windows.

The original material can no longer be seen, and now it is all this kind of stone.

It is semi-circular, black and gray, with bumps and bumps on the surface, like the skin of a toad, and it oozes people when you look at it.

Some are still missing a part, as if they were eaten by something.

Art suddenly thought of the half of Mosir's body that was eaten.

It is very possible that half of Mosir's body was eaten by this creature!

Could it be that this creature is also the source of the mutation?

One of Mosnier's annotations is alienation failed body!

Didn't see the dead animals, is it because all the failed ones have been eaten?

Although Mosir failed, he didn't fail completely, so he kept half of his body.

I don't know if there is any successful alienation body?

In an instant, works like XX Crisis flashed crazily in his mind.

He would rather the final boss be a successful alienation body than this kind of creature!

Ability aside, the key point is that this is their home field!

Unless they jumped into the magma or flew in the air, they stood on the body of the same kind of people, what to fight with them?

The team takes a break here.

Those people need to take turns swapping breaks.

Also investigate the clues.

Art found Angelo Nell and told her his guess.

Alienation failed body?

Donna Morton and Dylan Felton were also there, and they all looked ugly regardless of his concealment of this information.

The failure body is already so strong, how strong is the success body?

Even more outrageous is his guess!

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