Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 294 Stone Chrysalis

This mine passage is not the kind that goes straight up and down, but is inclined at about 45 degrees.

It sounds like nothing, but this is very deep underground, and people like Yate can't stand up straight, let alone taller Shaohui and others.


There are tracks on the ground, and you can fly all the way down by taking the cable car in Yate's mouth, which saves time and effort.

However, no one would sit down.

They are not afraid of taking the cable car, but they are afraid of encountering unknown risks.

To be honest, I am not completely relieved about the investigation of those two people.

Including those 2 people themselves.

However, it only needs to be proved that there are no major and obvious dangers.

Beverly took the lead.

Donna Morton was next.

Beverly was worried that she was alone in the crowd, so he simply walked ahead in the name of leading the way, at least to facilitate protection at any time.

Yate, Shaohui and Dylan Felton were in the rear.

The reason for this situation was that Yate and Shaohui didn't want to be in the middle, so Dylan Felton had to accompany them.

Prevent the two of them from making any small moves.

Although the cooperation just now is not bad, but the heart of defense is indispensable, especially in this environment.

At the same time prevent danger from the rear.

In the ruins, any kind of danger is possible. These are the experiences of several churches, passed down from generation to generation.

The passage is very difficult to walk!

Even if they are professionals, they can only accept this low and cramped environment honestly, move their steps little by little, and move forward cautiously.

Yate suspects that Mosier deliberately designed the passage like this!

To him, the passage was high and wide.

The passage in the mine is very hard, and it is really difficult for them to lay tracks.

However, the quality of the track paved in this way can be imagined. Some places are sticky and some places are slippery, making it very uncomfortable to walk on.

The ruins are also magical.

A corner of a certain civilization can be preserved intact!

Not to mention life, the track under your feet, if you replace it with a historic site that is farther back, it is impossible to preserve it so well!

In terms of time, it can be said that the preservation is very good!

No, the magical one should be the spirit world.

Only in the environment of the spirit world can the ruins exist.

Although it devoured one world after another, the spirit world contained the existence of these worlds.

It is said that no one knows how deep the spirit world is, including the gods in the eyes of humans.

Naturally, no one can explain exactly what kind of existence the spirit world is... Yate thought about philosophical issues inexplicably.

Fortunately, the spirituality that gradually became stronger helped him regain his mind.

The hot spirituality made the people of Vulcan Church very comfortable, but it also made the people of Shadow Church and Dawn Church complain endlessly.

The people of Terra Church don't care.

Arthur naturally liked it.

He doesn't care about the nature of spirituality, as long as it is strong enough!

That's why he didn't want to form a group.

Without these people, he could have released Pu's eyes and absorbed spirituality to his heart's content.

But now control is needed.

It is very difficult to control a child who has not yet entered kindergarten and prevent her from eating her favorite candy.

It's pretty much the same with him now.

Fortunately, the group did not encounter danger in the passage.

After all, it is not a real relic, and there are no various insects.

If you encounter bugs in the ruins, be careful!

It is very likely that they played a very important role in this fragment of civilization, and they are often relatively dangerous existences.

This is what Yate heard chatting with the three people in front of him while he was bored.

Walking to the second half, the passage has gradually become wider.

Until it becomes an extremely spacious and huge space!

It was more than 4 meters high, and the area where they stood was no smaller than that of Elmer Lane's villa.

A huge ore crusher rests against the wall.

In their eyes, it belongs to the existence of antique level.

If it was in Pudra City at night, when this thing rang, people in half the city would not be able to sleep!

On the conveyor belt, some ore and tools were thrown.

No remains survived.

Just think of the bits of flesh in Mosnil's teeth and nails and you'll know where it's gone.

There are several mines nearby, some of which have been abandoned, and some of which lead to nowhere.

In a mine of this size, getting lost is also a terrible thing.

After a brief look, everyone acted separately to see if they could find any useful clues.

There was no rush to explore the closed door.

Soon, the crowd gathered again.

After searching for a long time, I couldn't find where Mosier was before!

In the state when he appeared, there should be obvious traces!

But the traces began to appear from the entrance of the passage when the group of people came down, as if appearing there out of thin air.

When such a situation occurs in a deep and gloomy mine, professionals will also be afraid.

Yate and Shaohui acted alone again.

After all, Yate has studied archeology. Even though this is just a mine, some knowledge can still be used. When everyone was muttering, he successfully found the place where Mossier was born.

Just beside the entrance of the passage, a stone pupa!

A large vertical stone, a little taller than Mossier, is shaped like a silkworm chrysalis, and it is in an open shape. The patterns carved on it are exactly the same as those on the stone wall, so even if everyone walked in front of it many times, they still couldn't find it. Find.

More importantly, there are many such stone pupae on the stone wall!

Everyone thought it was Mosnier's special preference, or that the mine was just like this naturally. How could they have imagined that it was really a pupa-like existence!

Yate is also discovered according to the different stone materials.

Although the shape of the stone chrysalis is very similar to the stone wall, the material is completely different.

Stone chrysalis is a material similar to coral. It is formed from the secretions and corpses of certain insects. It grows on the stone wall, and it is even stronger than the protruding stones of the stone wall itself!

More than one person had supported it with their hands, but they didn't notice anything unusual at all.

After listening to Yate's narration, a group of people quietly gathered at the entrance of the passage, put up a defensive formation, and were ready to run away at any time.

One Mosnier almost wiped them out. After a quick scan, there are at least 10 stone pupae here!

There are 2 unopened ones!

Regardless of whether it is opened or not, it is not reassuring.

If it is not opened, there is a high probability that there are still monsters hidden inside; if it is opened, the monster may have run out, gone to nowhere, and may come back at any time, or is staring at them in secret!

Bang! There was a soft sound from behind.

Shua! Almost everyone looked over.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. The girl who accidentally touched the stone wall apologized hastily, her face pale.

Everyone was about to turn around, but they heard her continue: I seem to have seen that stone pupa move just now.

Everyone cheered in unison.

Which one? Someone asked in a low voice.

For fear of disturbing the stone chrysalis that moved in her mouth.

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