Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 281 Blood Stains (Part 3)

Let's go in. It always feels a bit awkward under this moon. Art said, walking into the mine first.

Shaohui naturally did not dare to underestimate his intuition, and hastily followed him in.

For the moon, he is professional.

The mine has been covered in dust for an unknown number of years. It stands to reason that the moment one enters, one should first smell the smell of decay and dust.

But the truth is absolutely not.

These smells have been emitted long before spirituality has gone berserk.

Only the slightly earthy smell unique to mines.

The environment of the mine is very poor, with broken rails, rotten mining picks, overturned cable cars, old spider webs, insect corpses, etc., just like the scene of a supernatural movie!

The light was dim, but it didn't have much impact on the two of them.

As a professional, night vision is a basic ability, even if you can't see as clearly as some professions, basic movement is no problem.

Still, Art took out a torch.

He had already prepared all kinds of supplies when he was preparing to explore the ruins. In his space bag, besides the torch, there were also water and food.

In his previous life, survival programs were really popular for a while, and he could find a lot of professional knowledge by searching his memory.

All those who talked about a bunch of technical terms and long speeches were eliminated, and the simplest preparation plan was chosen.

He came to explore the ruins, not to survive in the wild, and he also prepared the items needed for archaeology.

Learned from the old man.

Whether you can use it or not, be prepared.


The power of the fireball technique was nearly a quarter stronger than usual.

This is still the spirituality of the cold characteristic.

If it is replaced by ice spells, it will definitely be more powerful.

Shaohui walked in front holding a double mace, and Yate followed behind holding a torch.

In the dark mine, there were only the sound of footsteps of two people and the hunting sound of burning torches.

A bit oozing.

Especially when the light is getting darker and darker.

As the mine gradually descended, the light began to be compressed, and even the flames gradually became smaller.

The problem is, the monster never appears!

The unknown is the scariest thing. If you don’t see a monster, you will be startled by the slightest disturbance, and occasionally you will scare yourself.

Professionals are not exempt.

Finally, after the ninth turn, what appeared in front of their eyes was no longer the same mine.

In fact, it is still a mine, but it is no longer a corridor, but a very spacious area, and there are two excavated stone chambers.

Should be a rest area.

Under the wall, there are piles of stones that were obviously moved, and most of them are concentrated in one area. It is conceivable that the miners gathered together to chat after their breaks.

The two excavated stone chambers are connected together, the outer one is used for office work, and the inner one is used for short rest.

A foreman always has some privileges.

The smaller the authority, the more this is the case.

The outer stone room was in a mess, as if there had been a rough fight, some blood stains that were almost black were faintly seen on the stone wall.

The boulder connecting the inner room and the outer room was pushed halfway up, but unfortunately, there was still a gap that could allow people to squeeze in sideways, and the success was on the verge of failure.

On the hard stone, there are scratches with blood scabs!

Is this forcibly grabbed out with flesh and blood fingers?

That taste makes me shudder when I think about it.

I'm afraid only a desperate lunatic can do this kind of behavior!

A corpse fell on the boulder.

That gap was also blocked by a corpse.

No wonder I couldn't see the corpses outside, I thought they had weathered and disappeared, so they were all gathered here!

However, under the long years of changes, these corpses are actually more suitable to be called traces!

It's just traces in the shape of corpses!

No need to touch, just bring the torch closer, and these corpses will automatically decay and weather, turning into real traces.

To be able to leave traces is already remarkable.

I don't know which world, which era's characters must have been preserved in this way, otherwise they would have been annihilated along with civilization.

On the contrary, the bloodstains on the stone wall remained, which was a bit strange.

Arthur suddenly felt moved, and used a torch to get close to the blood stains on the wall.

Seeing his behavior, Shaohui took half a step forward, turned sideways, and waited intently.

Always mindful of your duty, always ready to have him behind you.

Having such a teammate is very reassuring.

Art is also on the alert, ready to strike or flee at any moment.

I didn't put the torch on it right away, but got closer little by little.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The breathing of the two people disappeared, and only the sound of burning torches was clearly audible.

Finally, the flames approached the blood-stained scar.

Under the eyes of the two people, the scar seemed to feel discomfort, and moved away from the flame!

Like a caterpillar, move around with an arch!

The torch suddenly stopped.

The expressions of Yate and Shaohui also froze.

This thing is actually alive!

In the stone room, there are more than one similar bloodstains!

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the two of them suddenly felt like they were being watched by a group of hunters!

The tense and oppressive atmosphere suddenly froze!

Shaohui didn't complain about his low hand, it was a blessing to be able to find out early, how could she complain.

He had already changed his posture for the first time, and changed to back-to-back with him.

However, there is also the top and bottom of the head!

Although the number is small, there are also bloodstains!

Fortunately, these bloodstains seem to have not fully recovered, giving people a feeling of laziness - Arter doesn't know how he saw it, but he just saw this emotion.

Move out gently. Said in a low voice.

Shaohui didn't make a sound, and began to move on tiptoe.

The stone room is too narrow, they are surrounded, and they don't know the ability of bloodstains... It is the best choice to change to a spacious environment before these bloodstains fully recover!

Good, didn't attack them!

The two were overjoyed, but they didn't dare to show it.

It's okay to come in with great fanfare before, but after discovering these blood stains, he didn't even dare to vent his anger out loud.

It was only 2 or 3 steps away, but they moved for nearly 3 minutes!

After coming to the spacious rest area outside, the first thing to do is to check whether there are such blood stains outside!

No wonder they are so cautious. In the ruins of an unknown civilization, a living creature suddenly appeared, and with such a strange way of existence, who would not be afraid?

If it's zombies, zombies, or even ghosts, both of them can fight directly!

No. There was another piece of good news, at least they didn't have to worry about being surrounded for the time being.

Now there are two options before them, one is to go deeper and ignore these bloodstains, and the other is to study thoroughly here first.

One question must be considered, what if there are more such blood stains inside?

At that time, not only will there be a large number, but it may have fully recovered, making it even more difficult to deal with!

Of course, there may not be any.

But neither of them is a character who pins his hopes on luck.

Make the same choice.

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