Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 249 Abyss Demon

Not questioning or doubting, just stating a fact very plainly.

It's not fear, but vigilance. Art corrected him.

Knowing that it is difficult to hide your emotions from him, it is better to be open and honest.

I remember you. Senia Clemens seemed to have something suddenly, and after saying something, he suddenly disappeared.

There was no sign, no trace, and Art was staring at him vigilantly, but he still couldn't find out how he disappeared.

Still just a statement, without emotion.

Huh— Art couldn't help but let out a long breath.

Then he took a big breath of fresh air.

This feeling of a wild tiger wandering outside the tree hole where you are hiding is extremely stressful to the mind and body.

He too was unlucky.

Although the communication just now was short, some information can be inferred. For example, this inhuman existence has no grievances with him, does not know him, and is simply attracted by his breath!

He has never relaxed his cultivation of the refraction force field, but in front of this inhuman existence, it is no different from nothing.

It's not that he doesn't work hard, but that the opponent's strength is too strong.

The other party's last sentence I remember you was not a warning, but it made him more vigilant.

Because they don't understand the other party's intentions at all!

After finally going out to relax, he was followed by an inhuman being. He was thinking, should he ask Gregoria Kate to check his luck after returning?

No longer in the mood for a walk, go straight home.

Go to Gregoria Kate first.

The latter floated in the air as always, and it seemed that he didn't need to practice or rest.

Without her asking, Art recounted the previous experience.

What you met should be a demon from the abyss, who forcibly occupied the summoner's body. Unexpectedly, Gregoria Kate gave a direct answer.

Sure enough, an old family is like a treasure.

Although Gregoria Kate is not level 7, because of her profession, she probably knows more secret knowledge than most of level 7!

Unexpectedly, there is such a risk in the profession of Demon Warlock!

What kind of profession can summon abyssal demons besides demon warlocks?

He could, but he never called.

Once he summons, the abyssal bloodline will definitely take the opportunity to revive. At that time, the two bloodlines will fight in his body, but in the end, his human bloodline will be scraped and devoured. Who can he ask for reason?

Senia Clemens stared at him, perhaps because of his abyssal blood and the aura of the demon warlock profession.

Knowing the identity of Senia Clemens, the question now is what is his purpose and how to guard against it?

Don't think he's being kind.

As for why he acted immediately at that time, or for other purposes, it is unknown.

Don't worry too much. As a demon, he will inevitably pay a high price for occupying the summoner's body, and the strength he can display is limited. If he is a professional above level 7, he may not even be able to exert the strength of level 7 now. Come out, the present world also suppresses professionals above level 7. Gregoria Kate was as calm as ever.

This is why Yvette Clark refused to reveal his full spiritual form until the end of the day.

And put it away.

Yeah. Art didn't panic, and contacted Samantha Lily in front of Gregoria Kate.

Are you interested in abyssal demons? A researcher like her should be very interested in abyssal demons.

Did you summon me to see me off? Sure enough, Samantha Lily was not only interested, but also thought beautifully.

I met an abyssal demon who usurped the summoner's body. Art said frankly.

Why do you always encounter this kind of thing? Samantha Lily complained first, and then asked him about the details.

After listening to his narration, he said, I'll send you something later, and when you meet him, give me a signal, and I'll rush over right away.

It is impossible to guard him 24 hours a day, that's the only way.


After that, Art contacted Tabitha Agnes.

At that time, the six and seventh-level people who explored the mausoleum have now walked and scattered.

The body of Marquis Coffey was taken away by Duke Clark, Christopher Micah continued to sit in the spirit world, Hiram Haydn and Monroe Cromwell left together, and the rest of them also left separately.

Tabitha Agnes also left.

However, she can come anytime.

As a professional in the shadow assassination system, she is also slightly proficient in space. If Yate cooperates, she can locate Yate's coordinates more accurately.

Art doesn't like this feeling very much.

To owe favors beyond one's ability.

But he cherishes his life even more.

What could a devil have in mind?

In the end, I decided to let Gregoria Kate look at my luck for myself.

Most prophecy professionals have this ability, but some of them are not accurate.

He didn't believe this before, but now he is half-believing.

Unexpectedly, Gregoria Kate replied directly: I can't see it.

Not only fate, but even his fate cannot be peeped!

And not only Gregoria Kate, but also other prophecy professionals can't do it.

There is some kind of very obscure but extremely high-personal power in him.

Let's call it power, because even Gregoria Kate doesn't know how to describe this presence in him.

Not the power of Lady Moon or Bloodline.

It has been analyzed to this point, and Yate still doesn't understand.


2 entries on him!

The sense of presence is not strong at ordinary times, but it can play a vital role at critical moments.

A all things return to one, originally thought that this entry had a very high quality, but unexpectedly, the personality is also very high!

A bubble that even Ms. Yue is affected, is there any need to explain it?

With these two entries on him, not to mention that Gregoria Kate is only a sixth-level psychic, even if she reaches the ninth level, she will not be able to spy on his fate and fortune!

This is the most awesome existence in him!

And his deepest secret, which not even Gregoria Kate can tell.

Then... Art was about to go home and continue his research.

Just took a day to relax, and the crisis swept over.

This is holding a knife to urge him to work hard!

However, before he could finish speaking, Gregoria Kate's expression suddenly changed, she raised her hand to make a false grab, and mobilized the power of the Church of Soul.

Bang! Something was installed on the restraint.

However, it still couldn't stop the opponent.

It just delayed the time for the other party to break in for a moment.

Sure enough, it was Senia Clemens!

It was only more than 2 hours ago that I remembered him, and now I am looking for him.

The reason is already on the face.

Senia Clemens looked very embarrassed at the moment, his hat disappeared, his swollen belly looked like a flat tire, there was a scratch on his face, one eye and half of his nose disappeared, and his cheek was almost divided into three parts. , and nearly one-third of her hair fell out.

What does a person do after a serious injury?

Of course it is to find medicine to heal the wound!

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