Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 22 Out of Control

After a while, the cyclone gradually weakened.

At the same time, a translucent figure was gradually outlined.

Just like painting with a brush, the whole process is clearly visible.

When the cyclone disappeared, the figure was also completed.

A young woman, with a dull expression, seems not to be awake.

After a long time, her expression finally changed, as if waking up from a deep sleep, her eyes were a little dazed, and she scanned around slowly.

Like an outsider, he is indifferent to the dilapidated scene around him.

After seeing the church, fly to the broken top window and look out.

The moon is bright and the night is dark.

The buildings are undulating and chaotic.

Most of the houses in the outer city are built by the residents themselves. There is no fixed pattern. There are various shapes such as spires, flat tops, and domes, and there are various aesthetics such as white, red, black, and variegated colors. There is no architectural layout to choose from. Word.

But in the chaotic layout, there is also a distinct vitality.

With a large population, there are so many different aesthetics, and there must be many foreigners.

No matter what era, population represents potential.

Compared with decades ago, the city of Pudera is now much more prosperous.

The church fell 50 years ago, during the war that nearly tore through the city of Pudera.

The female spirit stared at the window for a long time.

I do not know when it quietly disappeared.


Art returned home, and after a little tidying up, he summoned Oguto.

Didn't you say that your studies will be suspended today? Oguto asked strangely as soon as he appeared.

Because the time flow of the two worlds is different, it will arrange the affairs in the camp in advance every time it comes.

This time it came unexpectedly.

I want to exchange some identification scrolls and city return scrolls from you! Art didn't ask if it was available, but said directly that he wanted to exchange it.

These days of learning and exchanges, the two sides will test each other from time to time, and they have already seen its cunning.

Don't give it an excuse to prevaricate.

Also, the tone is strong without urgency.

Identify scrolls and scrolls to return to the city? Oguto repeated, turning his eyes a few times, while delaying time, he secretly observed Art's expression.

Of course it knows that these two items, especially the latter, can be called life-saving artifacts.

It's a pity that only the human forces can use it.

Art stared at it blankly, waiting for an answer.

We don't have many of these two things in the camp. Augusto didn't see anything, so he could only take a compromise answer.

Yes, but not many.

It means that the price cannot be low.

It's useless for you to keep it, why don't you give it to me, and I'll prepare some more meat for you. Yate said lightly.

It has already been tested, and the creatures he summons can carry some items with him, but the things in his world cannot be brought to the dark world.

I don't know if supernatural items are available, he doesn't have the financial resources to support this experiment yet.

Therefore, it is only said to prepare more meat for Oguto, not for their group.

No! Augusto shook his head without thinking.

Throat moved.

In terms of pure taste, meat in this world is more delicious.

But after a lot of difficulty, Art wants to exchange items, how can he exchange food?

It wants power more!

If you want the first sacrificial ceremony of that level, I advise you not to speak! Yate said first.

Augusto was not impatient, but observed his expression patiently.

Do you know what the sacrifice was? The grandson of a general! Art sneered, The general is equivalent to the warlord of your race!

The quality can be lowered. Oguto couldn't help showing a surprised and greedy expression, but he had to give in.

Amazed by Art's madness.

That's the grandson of an Overseer!

However, he even dared to kill the grandson of a supervisor, what else would he not dare to do?

It's not a question of quality, but a lack of equality. I can only provide some meat. As Arthur said, he suddenly frowned, reached out to hold the bull ax beside him, and changed his posture from sitting to squatting.

Augusto's condition is wrong!

The violent and hot aura on his body suddenly intensified, the red pupils became a little more bloody, and his mouth opened slightly, revealing a trace of greedy saliva.

The ferocity of the devil is fully exposed.

Oguto! Yate let out a low growl, seemingly reminding him, but he stood up, quietly took half a step forward with his left foot, and raised his bull-head ax slightly, changing to the easiest posture for exerting force.

The momentum improved a little bit.

He was very particular about choosing the location for the ceremony, and the curtain was opened a gap, just in time for a ray of moonlight to shine on him.

In this way, you can always maintain the best condition, whether you are studying or fighting.

Roar— Oguto squeezed out a low growl from his throat, and his momentum became more and more violent, but there was a struggling expression on his face.

I have realized that my state is not right.

Not the first time.

Nor is it its own cause.

The flaws brought about by the racial distortion are caused by the greed that just emerged.

However, it is a wizard after all, with high mental value and good self-control. After realizing that its state is not right, it starts to save itself.

呲—— A sound resembling raw meat being placed on a red-hot iron plate sounded.

The skin on Augusto's body suddenly turned red!

His eyes were instantly covered in bloodshot eyes.

The neck stretched to the extreme, making one wonder if it wanted to pull its head off.

His face twitched.

His fangs were clenched tightly, and a stream of saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth.

In severe pain, the control over the muscles of the body is greatly reduced.

The violent momentum began to decrease rapidly.

Art did not take the opportunity to attack.

He and Oguto got along pretty well, and he didn't want to waste energy finding another partner, especially when he was so poor.

Of course, if Augusto gets out of control, he will definitely take the lead without hesitation.

The priorities are clear.

Sorry. After a while, Augusto finally spoke.

His voice was hoarse and he was extremely tired.

No need to apologize, just give me an identification scroll and a scroll to return to the city! Yate not only didn't care about its condition, but took advantage of it to rob it.

I'll bring it next time. Augusto was silent for a moment, and finally agreed.

Yate just didn't want to waste energy, and it wasn't that he didn't have a choice.

It is really no choice but to refuse.

So Yate didn't dare to force it too much.

However, something like this happened, it can only accept the condition that Arter is not too much.

You didn't bring it with you? Art frowned.

Zombies carry treasures with them, what's the matter with it?

Augusto glanced at him, but didn't speak.

Could it be that since the first communication with him, he decided not to carry any treasures with him?

The extra identification scrolls and city return scrolls, one for a sheep's head, how many do you have? Yate took advantage of the fire to the extreme.

5 cards. Augusto bent his body slightly and stopped struggling.

Yate still has a bit of conscience and knows to exchange it with his favorite sheep's head.

Of course it doesn't know that in this world, sheep's heads are not worth much.

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