Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 209 Strength

The six 7th-order escaped from their predicament.

Listening to the movement, the anger seems to be not small.

It is understandable that anyone would be suffocated.

I don't know if the old man's words of leaving something can appease the anger of these five people.

Tabitha Agnes should have no appeasement.

At this time, Samantha Lily and Monroe Cromwell had arrived in the courtyard, and they both looked up at the southeast sky.

Art followed their line of sight, only to find a stream of black and red light flying from high above in the direction of the movement.

Finally have to do one.

It is impossible for Professor Hughes to be promoted to level 7 and they will bear this breath.

However, is the old man so arrogant?

1 against 6?

After Amos has been promoted to level 7, he is already an equal existence with them. As long as there are no irreconcilable contradictions, he will not fight to the death. It is difficult to kill the existence of this level. It can only hurt both sides, and the third party is in vain. Seeing his doubts and worries, Monroe Cromwell took the initiative to explain, If Amos' strength or potential is stronger than theirs, they will stop here It's not a shame to be tricked by someone stronger than yourself. If Amos is not strong enough, he needs to make compensation.

After Yate heard it, his heart fell to the ground.

No, it was transferred to oneself.

The old man has been fine since he was successfully promoted to level 7, and he is the only one who has trouble!

To what extent, it depends on how deterrent the old man is.

The old man took the initiative to fight, and there should be his reasons.

As long as the old man is strong enough, even if those people hate him, at most they will just bully him, and they won't really do anything to him.

Monroe Cromwell and Samantha Lily couldn't protect him all the time after all.

The former is okay to say, but the latter is probably only this time.

Although Samantha Lily was also a member of that club, it was already a matter of university days. It was already very good that she could come this time.

However, although he was thrown a lot of trouble, the old man also left him many benefits.

It is not only Enze, but also the old man who is breaking up with him.

At this time, the night has already opened, a crescent moon is hanging high, a few stars are dotted, the sky is clear, and there is a slight cool breeze blowing, which is a good weather.

But the people of Pudera City, not to mention admiring the night, don't even care about dinner!

People in the inner city fled one after another, and people from the government and the church were busy appeasing them, causing chaos.

No wonder no other forces approached the door again.

The appeasement work here has just achieved results, when a purple radiance suddenly erupted on the sea, soaking half of the sky in an instant!

At the same time, a black-red light erupted, occupying the other half of the sky, confronting the purple light.

From the looks of it, they seem to be on par.

Both Monroe Cromwell and Samantha Lilly took to the skies to watch.

Not only the two of them, but also capable people from various organizations flew into the sky and watched from afar.

Tier 7 battles are not so easy to see!

Don't dare to approach, can't you watch the excitement from a distance?

It's just that those people who fled towards the pier immediately turned around and ran back.

Art didn't have the ability to float, and he didn't ask these two for help, but went up to the roof of the Soul Church.

The Church of the Soul is the tallest building in the vicinity.

Just watch the excitement, as long as the line of sight is not blocked.

Unlike him, Monroe Cromwell and Samantha Lily are all focused on fighting over there!

As the two said, it was not a life-and-death fight, so there was only one person who made the move.

Judging by the appearance, it should be the Marquis of Coffey.

After all, he was the initiator of this exploration, and he lost face the most.

Moreover, four pairs of slender purple eyes suddenly appeared in the purple light, which fit him best.

The 4 pairs of pupils are arranged up and down, with a bright purple light, each about 5 meters long and half a meter high.

This one has obviously restrained his power, at least turned off the radiation, otherwise Pudera City may usher in a disaster!

The seventh-order spiritual form is not something ordinary people can look at directly.

Professor Hughes also restrained the radiation of his own spiritual form before.

The same is true now.

The black-red strange flower reappeared.

The two confront each other like this?

After a while, Art found that the two sides were still motionless.

It seems wrong again.

Art switched to Raum's perspective.


The battle between the two sides has begun!

However, their compulsion is very high, not to mention ordinary people, even a third-level professional like Yate can't see it!

Their battle is unfolding in the gap between the spiritual world and the real world. Purple light and black red light are intertwined, eroding and assimilating each other!

The competition is the strength of one's own spirituality and the degree of control over spirituality.

This is like a competition of internal strength between the two sides in martial arts novels. It looks simple and elegant, but it is actually very dangerous. If you are not careful, it will turn into the result of life, death and serious injury!

There are very few life and death fights between the 7th level, because it is difficult to kill each other. Once this opportunity is given, it will definitely not let it go!

At this time, in addition to strength, psychological factors are equally important.

Professor Hughes is under a lot of pressure.

After all, there were five other spectators who were also cheated by him.

But he didn't avoid it.

Proud and strong!

It is difficult for Art to connect his current temperament with the old man who was a bit slovenly and eclectic.

However, he does have arrogance.

In the battle between the two sides, the black and red glory has the upper hand!

He has just been promoted to the 7th rank, and it has not been a day. How many years has the Marquis of Kofi been promoted?

Among the 5 people watching the battle, one or two were a little eager to move, but they suddenly restrained themselves and continued to watch the battle in a serious manner.

The anger in the eyes of the rest of them gradually subsided.

Strength determines treatment.

It's just that I was cheated a little, and it's not without gain, there's no need to work hard.

The body of Grover Siren, that coffin is also a treasure.

There are also the remaining rituals and the destroyed teleportation station, and the knowledge involved is good stuff.

They came out so late, not only because of being trapped, but also because of their own factors.

Marquis Coffey obviously thought the same way.

Not long after, Ziguang began to back down.

The black-red brilliance did not take advantage of the situation to pursue, and also slowly restrained itself.

The fighting between the two sides is over.

In the eyes of ordinary people and low-level professionals, the two sides just confronted each other for a moment before ending in anticlimax.

It turns out that the master is like this... Art just retracted his perspective, and suddenly found that Samantha Lily and Monroe Cromwell appeared beside him at some point. The former was holding a black tights in his left hand. Man, playing with a dull dagger in his right hand!

Art shuddered and frightened.

Suddenly thinking of the old man's promise to help him clean up an enemy, I don't know if it's too late.

What did you just do? Under the lens, Samantha Lily's eyes sparkled with curiosity and inquiry.

You don't even know when someone touches you!

Who have you provoked? Monroe Cromwell asked at the same time.

This killer is obviously not a member of these organizations in Pudera City.

Amos Hughes had just defeated the Marquis of Kofi there, and these organizations are crazy to send someone to kill him at this time!

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