Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 203 The Secret of Over 50 Years

Yate's strength is definitely not as high as that of Xante Harold and others. The latter did not find anything strange from Professor Hughes, and he is naturally even less likely.

Although he knew that the old man had a secret, he never doubted that the old man would be the big boss behind the scenes, nor did he ever think about detecting the old man's truth.

It's just that the old man's mood towards him has changed a lot.

It's so big that it's hard for him not to notice the difference!

For a while, it was the casual and friendly feeling before, and for a while, it was a kind of indifference and greed. His eyes were like hungry snakes staring at their prey!

But most of the time it is the first emotion.

Otherwise, he would not dare to follow in.

This is the last time I will talk to you as a teacher. Professor Hughes showed a rare melancholy.

Closed his own perception of the outside world, including breathing.

Yate's bloodline is very attractive to him, so even if he suffers from intermittent amnesia, he can still remember things related to Yate.

About to leave, ready to tell Art his secret.

After all, he is his only student, and they hit it off very well, and he has always respected himself.

The point is, if you miss this time, you may never have another chance.

The next time we meet... the next time we see me, it's best to avoid it in advance, so as not to be discovered by me! After a warning, he began to recall the past.

Fifty-five years ago, he had just graduated from university, and followed his teacher to explore a ruin in the New World.

At that time, the invasion of the New World from the Old World had just started. Although the two sides fought, it was not very intense, and it was limited to local wars.

However, their team was too unlucky to be discovered and ambushed by an indigenous tribe.

More than half of them were captured and killed.

He was among the captives.

However, the native tribe didn't kill them directly, but implanted a seed in their body, and then fed them some strange liquid food.

A month later, he was the only one left alive among the original group of captives who had learned the language of the native tribe.

No one to help with translation, just study hard!

Afterwards, the indigenous tribe took another 11 batches of captives intermittently.

There are people from the Old Continent and people from other tribes, basically it’s about arresting whoever you are, no matter which side you belong to!

A year later, he was the only one left alive.

This indigenous tribe no longer arrests people, but respects him as an angel.

As the name suggests, it is the apostle of the gods.

The tribe worshiped a plant that could bring power to the warriors of the tribe by implanting the seeds of this plant in the warriors, as it had done to him.

However, since a few years ago, something has changed, and the probability of failure of the power inheritance ceremony is getting higher and higher.

And the result of failure is death!

In the past two years, there has been no success!

Therefore, the tribe began to arrest outsiders for experiments, hoping to find out the secret.

He is the only successful case in these years.

And, a year after his success, the plant worshiped by the tribe died of natural causes.

After a heated discussion in the tribe, they decided to regard him as the envoy of God, hoping that he could lead the tribe to recovery.

very childish.

But he agreed.

Because the seed had taken root in him and grown into a seedling, he needed the tribe's information for research.

He didn't know why he was able to survive, but he knew that if he didn't find a way as soon as possible, he wouldn't be able to live for long.

So he stayed in that tribe for another 2 years.

After 2 years, he finally researched a clue to reach a symbiotic relationship with the plants in his body.

Afterwards, he returned to the Old World, but still kept in touch with the tribe.

Continue to study this amazing plant inside you.

He discovered that the plant's ultimate form is to unite with humans.

The warriors of the previous tribes were not really combined with the seeds of the plants, but mutated.

Later, the plant is about to reach its lifespan limit, desperate to elect a carrier, and no longer tolerates losers.

He is the chosen carrier of this plant.

The benefits brought to him are very obvious, and one word to describe it is evolution!

Enhanced physical strength, extended lifespan, greatly increased memory, sharpened thinking, immunity to most viruses and curses... He didn't deceive Grover Siren before, and the latter's curse did have a high probability that it would not take effect on him.

However, there are also many disadvantages.

The biggest point is that this plant is greedy and picky, and the top of the recipe is all kinds of powerful blood!

Throwing corpses to it like a tribe, regardless of good or bad, is just the roughest feeding method.

After researching these, he didn't immediately implement them on himself, or he wanted more and bigger than this, but first tested them on tribe members.

There are successes and there are failures.

Fortunately, the elders of this tribe trusted and supported him enough.

There is no other choice.

With more and more successful examples, his authority has been established step by step.

After he cultivated the first 7th-level fighter for the tribe, his prestige in the tribe has surpassed most of the elders.

The tribe also began to feed back, searching for various resources for him and assisting him in exploring the ruins.

After years of research and practice, he made a walnut picking plan for himself.

Seek out those powerful bloodlines all but lost to history to feed the plants in your body.

Complements his professional expertise.

Although there are many active and powerful bloodlines, he can't afford to provoke...

And once there is one case, it may arouse the vigilance of many parties, which is not cost-effective.

It's better to explore and find slowly.

Anyway, he has a lot of time.

More importantly, he doesn't want the plants in his body to grow too fast!

The core of the Walnut Picking Project is to remove the brain of this plant and make it completely reduced to a tool!

Although it is a plant, it has a structure similar to a brain, which is hidden very secretly.

He succeeded, but also suffered from intermittent amnesia.

This is the real origin of intermittent amnesia!

However, this is only a negligible impact. The biggest impact is that after losing the restraint of the brain, the instinct of this plant is infinitely magnified!

Moreover, since this plant was already an organ of his body, these instincts were also his own!

In order to suppress his instinct, he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

So there is a series of improvement plans behind.

This plan is the last link.

The underwater palace was discovered 50 years ago as part of the plans.

That Emperor Nereid, as a rank 9 powerhouse, his bloodline is beyond doubt.

The so-called Palace of Inheritance is a rumor he spread 50 years ago.

Inside the underwater palace is the tomb of Grover Siren, the eldest son of Nereid the Great.

Those large and small mausoleums are his burials.

The Aramaic dynasty had the custom of burial.

Xavira Siren was turned into a statue by this assassin, and was taken away from the mausoleum by him as the backhand of the resurrection.

In the previous scene in the mausoleum, Grover Siren activated the back hand left on Xavier Siren and exchanged bodies with him.

Deliberately showing signs of draining the blood of the latter is actually helping the latter to purify and improve the blood. The amount is reduced, but the quality is improved.

The huge murloc in the mausoleum is actually Xavira Siren, but he has lost his mind.

Grover Siren will be conceived and resurrected in the body of Xavier Siren.

I don't know how he can ensure his own safety, because Professor Hughes didn't give him a chance.

Where are the six? Art asked silently after listening.

The old man's experience is very exciting, but what he cares more about is what will happen to those 6 people after they come out?

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