Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 201 Indigenous

The battle is so intense from the very beginning!

However, Xante Harold and the others didn't have the slightest desire to watch the battle, so they quickly brought them to the teleportation point.

Get ready to get out of here first!

What if those people get excited and break this space?

They don't want to face the space turbulence!

Coincidentally, Xavira Siren is also in the hands of Professor Hughes.

The thrown Zavira Siren has shrunk severely, and now it is only 160cm at best, and Professor Hughes can move it with one hand!

It is also a miracle that he is not dead after shrinking from a height of 3 meters to this extent.

No need. Professor Hughes shook his head, took Zavira Siren to the teleportation point, and said, You can leave directly.

None of Xante Harold and the others had any doubts.

When he came, he had already established the status of Master and gained everyone's trust.

After Professor Hughes waited for everyone to stand up, he recited a spell.

Some of the clumsy language of the Aramaic Dynasty did not seem like the sounds that human organs could make, but he spoke it very smoothly, with high and low syllables and clear rhythms, and there was an inexplicable sense of sacredness.

The waypoint was activated by a spell he uttered.

A flash of light sent them back to the temple.


Amid the howling wind and sand, there seemed to be a few light sounds like broken stone slabs on the teleportation point.

The sound is very small, and the sound of wind and sand is too loud. I'm not sure if it's the sound of wind and sand hitting it.

No one paid attention to it for the time being.

Xant Harold, Windsor Sinclair and others returned to the temple from the water-blue halo.

That murloc is a legend... March Pale said excitedly as soon as he landed.

The blood from the corners of his eyes, ear holes, and nasal cavity could not stop his determination to show his presence.

This is the root of a person, and it is difficult to change.

However, just halfway through the conversation, he realized that the atmosphere was not right.

The heads of the Church of Dawn, Church of Storms, Wizards Association and other organizations stood motionless, their bodies felt very stiff!

At first glance, one would think they were frozen!

Turning around slightly, I finally saw two strange natives standing on the steps outside the door.

They are the aborigines who are rumored to live in the New World!

It was the first time he saw it.

One waist is wrapped with the fur of an unknown creature, and the rest is exposed. He is thin and dark-skinned. He is only about 170cm tall. He has tattoos on half of his body, which cannot be seen as symbols. His eyes are cloudy and yellow, his hair is sparse, and his hands Holding a wooden javelin with a blackened tip, he looked like a low-level coolie who had been working in the wild all year round but couldn't get enough to eat.

The other one is hunched over, with a stature of only about 150cm. He is very old, with a grass skirt wrapped around his waist, revealing a thinner and older body than his partner. He is leaning on a wooden crutch taller than himself, like It was made by chopping a branch at random, with a huge burl on the top, and a wooden mask on his face that was bigger than his head, with a lot of red, black and green patterns painted on it, I don't know what kind of dye was used, Gives people a particularly hideous and weird feeling.

Both were barefoot, showing rough, scarred, callused feet.

It was these two seemingly weak natives who stopped this group of people with the highest status and strength in Pudera City, making them stiff and afraid to move!

Although Ma Qi Pale likes to make small calculations, he is not stupid. He shrinks back and hides behind his thighs again.

He couldn't tell, but Windsor Sinclair, Xante Harold and others could tell that these two were both rank-7 powerhouses!

And it is the kind of 7th-order powerhouse who has been killed for a long time!

The bloody smell on the two of them was almost condensed into substance. When the spiritual perception approached them, the first thing they felt was the wailing of countless dead!

The few people who just released their spiritual perception don't look very good at the moment.

The mind is shocked.

This means that the other party did not deliberately fight back!

For the strong, killing will not become a demon, but will be cursed by the dead.

These curses can easily attract all kinds of terrifying spiritual creatures!

Therefore, the 7th level that can be promoted from killing are all very powerful ones!

Xante Harold and the others felt like they had seen a ghost.

Where did two such powerful natives come from?

Why did it appear here?

Behind the scenes?

They all saw the defense of the Marquis of Kofi and the six people, and they were already worried about this, so it was easy to think of the mastermind behind the scenes.

However, this idea was immediately overturned by themselves.

It is impossible for two natives to have this ability!

So, someone else is behind the scenes, and deliberately let these two 7th-order natives wait here to ambush them?

For a moment, his face was extremely ugly.


The hatred between them and the natives of the New World cannot be described with blood feud!

One side wants to snatch the other side's living space and resources. Is there any need to describe this kind of hatred?

The war has lasted for decades, and the hatred has long been irresolvable.

At this time, they naturally ignored Professor Hughes and the others, and prepared the last resort to save their lives.


The eyes of the two natives suddenly focused, and their bodies straightened slightly.

Xante Harold and the others were taken aback, and almost resorted to the last resort!

A figure suddenly walked around from behind.

Professor Hughes?


Both sides greeted at the same time.

It's just that Xant Harold and the others were puzzled, while the two natives on the opposite side were respectful.

The native language is different from theirs, but the word professor is spoken in a correct manner, and it is obvious that they have worked hard and come from the heart.


Professor Hughes?!

The doubts of Xante Harold and others turned into shock.

Professor Cotter, March Paller and several colleagues were even more shocked.

How could it be him?

The face is incredible!

Professor Hughes ignored them for the time being, but said something to the native holding a javelin.

The native language used was incomprehensible to everyone on the opposite side.

Then I saw that native suddenly thrust a javelin into Xavira Siren's forehead!

Although it is a wooden javelin, it seems to be extremely sharp, directly piercing the head of Xavira Siren!

Zavira Siren struggled suddenly, and let out bursts of unexpected and unknown roars.

It seems to be scolding and cursing!

The native held the javelin in one hand, but it made him completely unable to break free.

The other stooped native took out a jar the size of a human head from somewhere.

Mingming has nothing on her body except a grass skirt and a mask.

I don't know what kind of material the jar is made of, but it is crystal clear, as if it brings together the beauty of craftsmanship in the world!

Xante Harold and others are well-informed, but they have never seen a jar more beautiful than this meme!

It's a pity that people used the same dye as the mask to paint many weird vertical lines, which suddenly made the originally beautiful and beautiful jar weird and gloomy.

The aborigine easily inserted the crutch in his hand on the stone steps, and after respectfully handing the cover to Professor Hughes, he came to Xavira Siren's side, and suddenly danced strangely, chanting words in his mouth.

Xante Harold and the others looked at everything in front of them numbly.

Since Professor Hughes stepped forward, nothing can shock them anymore.

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