Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 179 Hugging Your Thigh Feels So Exciting

This organization is very powerful? Moore Lane valued this organization so much. Naturally, Yate would not despise the other party just because he easily killed a Tier 2 member, and asked in detail about the strength of the Hornets organization.

Although the Hornets don't have 7th-level powerhouses, there are quite a few 6th-level powerhouses! Moore Ryan frightened him first, but seeing that he was not panicked, he continued: However, they are usually sent out for targets of any level. What level of members do it, it is said that it is to hone the members, so you don't have to worry about professionals above level 4. However, once you confirm that your strength is far beyond the same level, it is possible to send members of a higher level, and the means are not limited.

That is to say, I have to face Tier 4 professionals? Art frowned slightly.

Prudence Somerfield made him see the gap between Tier 3 professionals and Tier 4 professionals. Even if he was promoted to Tier 3 and his strength improved substantially, he would inevitably be stretched in the face of unscrupulous Tier 4 professionals.

Are you about to be promoted to Tier 3? Moore Ryan was stunned for a moment before he realized it.

Yeah. Arthur nodded.

This is the speed of promotion! Moore Ryan shook his head and sighed.

When I first met him, he was just a young guy who had just started working. It hasn't been long before he is about to become a Tier 3 professional!

Although it is not enough to be called a strong man, it is also enough to be treated courteously in many places.

Yate was about to speak, but he changed his subject and changed to preaching: However, the promotion from level 3 to level 4 is where professionals can widen the gap. Many professionals spend less time at this level than the previous 3 levels. It takes a long time, and some professionals are too impatient, resulting in unstable foundations at this stage, and the subsequent promotion speed and upper limit will be seriously affected, you must grasp this speed.

Claire turned her head slightly, and suddenly said, I seem to have heard this passage before.

This is what my father taught me. Moore Ryan said frankly.

Thank you. Arthur nodded, indicating that he had listened.

But all ambitious professionals will want to go their own way, and some of them who are a little smarter know that they can't ignore the experience of their predecessors because of this.

You can't go your own way behind closed doors. The experience of the predecessors can save you many detours.

Moore Lane told him many of the mistakes that are easy to make at this stage.

For example, a professional may be a perfectionist who always wants to build his spiritual organs to be perfect, but ends up wasting decades of time at this stage. And mediocre.

At this stage, what you see as perfect is not really perfect at all.

The pursuit of perfection is something after the 9th level!

Art listened with relish and asked a few questions from time to time.

It made Moore Lane more interested.

This is the same as that between men and women, effective interaction can help improve each other's interest.

After listening to it for a while, Claire felt bored, wandered around the yard by herself, and finally stopped in front of the date tree struck by lightning, staring blankly.

The jujube tree was split in half vertically by lightning, but it survived tenaciously, and now new shoots sprouted on the side where the trunk was split.

Claire was staring at the new shoots in a daze.

Occasionally, when flying insects fly by, they will instinctively bypass her.

Not only her, Moore Lane and Art were not approached by flying insects either.

If you don't even have this ability, why are you still a professional?

Half an hour later, the two ended their conversation.

Claire? Moore Ryan softly called out to Claire who was in a daze.

Not just love for my sister, but also an instinctive vigilance.

After all, I don't know what kind of personality Claire is in this state.

Seeing it in his eyes, Art could only sigh in his heart, no wonder Claire likes to come here.

No matter which personality, it is Claire himself, and all personalities will be affected by one of the warnings.

But Moore Lane's love for Claire is true, there must be reasons he doesn't know, so he didn't talk too much.

Claire didn't seem to hear Moore Lane's call, and remained motionless.

Art walked over, just like a favorite prank in school days, and suddenly shouted in her ear: Hey!

No matter which personality Claire is, she is generally pure in heart and longs for normal interaction.

It's just expressed differently.

Moore thought he was going up to wake Claire up, but he didn't know that he was trying to kill him, and he was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat!

Bringing Claire here every day is not just for food, but also to stabilize Claire's emotions.

Knowing that he has no fear or use of Claire.

But if he died like this, if he was injured by Claire, would it create a barrier?

I hope Claire doesn't strike too hard.

Always ready to rescue.

However, unexpectedly, there was indeed a cold air on Claire's body that no one should enter, but he was not angry. Even after seeing Art, the cold air on his body quickly disappeared.

Hey... At first he laughed successfully as a prank, and then he looked at the sprout and said, It's amazing, isn't it, when the tree was half struck by lightning, I thought it wouldn't survive Yes. But life is tougher than we thought.

Hmm. Claire's eyes lit up slightly, as if she had received some kind of sympathy.

I don't know if the dates will bear fruit this fall. Art continued.

It should end, the branches are still green. Claire, who was the arrogant and alienated personality at the moment, responded to him rarely.

I'll leave some for you at that time. Art said, looking up at the few remaining tree crowns.

En. Claire responded lightly, then turned around suddenly, left a sentence of I'm leaving, and walked out.

It turned out that he knew everything about the outside world.

Moore Lane waved at Art sullenly, and didn't bother to say anything.

Why can he do this, but he, the older brother, can't?

But I can't find Claire's theory.

Yate sent the two of them outside the door, and after watching them leave, he returned to the jujube tree and scratched his hair: It seems that we need to take care of it seriously.

I didn't take care of it at all before, and let it fend for itself.

As soon as the words fell, the Soul Eater suddenly received a contact from Moore Ryan.

I just left, did I forget something?

By the way, a breakthrough was made over there today. You probably didn't know about it after sleeping all day. It was the progress of the underwater palace.

Arthur didn't care much.

Now, with the shelter of Tabitha Agnes and Gregoria Kate, he doesn't have to worry at all. Instead of caring about this, it is better to think about how to solve the troubles of the Hornets.

The night gradually darkened.

Art came to the Church of the Soul, exchanged contact information with Gregoria Kate, and asked about some matters that should be paid attention to in the 3L4.

The spirituality is saturated, and you can be promoted when the sacrifices are in place.

Tabitha Agnes was more efficient than he thought.

Just as he was asking Gregoria Kate for advice, Tabitha Agnes came over with dozens of corpses of extraordinary creatures.

Levels 4, 5, and 6 are available!

Go to sea today and kill now!

Yate just wanted to say one thing, hugging his thighs feels really cool!

The promotion can begin.

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