Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 177 Model Worker

Did anyone actually respond?

Am I delusional or has the order of the Diablo world changed?

Leaving aside the value of Mephisto's horn, it would be too cheap to pay back a Tier 2 corpse.

No matter how you put it, it is also something on the dignified Demon God!

Mephisto in the dark world is just one of the forms of this demon god. Its real form is unknown, let alone whether it has horns.

So, he is really just a bad taste.

Unexpectedly, there is actually a person with worse tastes than him, and he can't be punished all at once!

Is this the encounter with the Righteous Lord?

How to do?

The question now is if the other party dares to give it, does he dare to take it?

Don't say why you don't want to give it for nothing, although he also thinks so, but he must always consider whether it is right or not.

What is Mephisto's personality?

If he were replaced by a human being, he would be a standard type who would do anything to achieve his goals, even at the expense of selling himself!

In film and television novels and various legends, we often see news that He was killed or sealed, but the result is that most of the existences that killed or sealed Him are gone, but He is still alive and kicking.

The moment he heard the name Mephisto, any normal-minded person would first wonder if it was a trap, and if there was something worthy of his attention, and then consider other things.

This is what Arthur is facing right now.

Except for Mephisto himself, he doesn't think that other demons can come up with something like Mephisto's horn that doesn't know whether it exists.

I just wanted to get a sense of existence, but in the end I met the real boss, this luck...

Could it be that because I haven't sacrificed for a long time, the person on the opposite side got angry and deliberately arranged such an outing for me?

Or, did my previous fishing behavior attract the attention of this Demon God?

Other demon kings are unlikely to care about such trivial matters, but this one may not.

They are obviously powerful, but they like to bargain with weak targets. They use love, health, money, extraordinary power, etc. to lure the other party to sign a contract. In the end, what the other party gets is not what they really want, or not in the way they want.

This is an existence with great personality, full of evil tastes, respects the contract but loves bugs, and likes mental torture!

Although I know that I will meet these demon kings sooner or later, but that is after I have the strength to protect myself, not like the current situation where I met the ultimate boss just as I was about to leave the Novice Village!

Art went back and forth, unable to make a decision for a long time.

Isn't the reason why he keeps reminding himself that this person is terrible is because he is tempted?

Just like the news with fewer words, the bigger the matter, he has never emphasized how valuable Mephisto's Horn is, because no need to emphasize has already aroused his greed, and he will pay it back after thinking about it a few more times have to?

Even so, he was ultimately unable to defeat greed.

Greed is the driving force of human progress - the excuses are all made up for themselves!

For him, no matter whether it is Samantha Lily's first-hand data, or the inspiration of refracting positions, or other things, they are not as effective as real things!

As the demon god Mephisto, at least he should be no less than Ms. Yue.

His horn must be able to meet all of Art's needs, and may even exceed it!

If Yate is bold enough, he can even directly fuse the horn of Mephisto into his own spiritual organ, so he doesn't have to bother to build it himself.

The effect can only be better.

However, although Yate failed to control his greed, he was not arrogant enough to think that he could control Mephisto's power.

At least for now, and for a long time to come, there is absolutely no such possibility!

If he can control it, it can only mean that Mephisto wants him to control it!

Therefore, it is only intended to be used for reference and not directly integrated.

Even if it is just for reference, you must be prepared.

Trading items must not have any power of subjective consciousness, cannot have any medium that can be located, and must not have any traps. Once the transaction is completed, it must be separated from the original owner...

During the transaction, the two parties cannot spy on each other's existence in any way, cannot have any influence on the other party in any way, and cannot use any shortcomings of the other party to deceive the other party...

Started to draw up the content of the contract frantically.

Seriously than ever!

Go through the knowledge in my memory frantically, and go through all the contracts of the financial industry for customers, but beware of any contracts in it.

However, he cannot use these treaties to deceive the other party.

At least for now, he can't do it yet, he must maintain the fairness of the contract.

All terms are for both of them.

On the surface, it is absolutely fair and fair, so the binding force is stronger.

Some clauses need to be thought over and over again when drafting. For example, he doesn’t know the form of Mephisto’s existence, and he doesn’t know whether Mephisto’s horn can exist without the opponent’s power, so he can only draft “There cannot be any The power of subjective consciousness, rather than cannot have any power.

This time, he not only embeds the demon contract skills in the form of skills, but also writes a paper contract!

Densely packed, a total of more than 1,000 articles have been written!

It took over 2 hours to finish writing!

Only then reopen the transaction.

The contract is passed on.

After the other party signs it, it is passed back.

From beginning to end, he had no intention of communicating with the other party.

He couldn't even look directly at the projection of the God of Cicada, and at the level of Lao Mo, he couldn't even hear a word!

Like to sign or not, if the other party doesn't sign, it can only show that this guy really has bad intentions, and I should be glad that I escaped a trap.

If the other party signs...

He actually signed it!

Even if he is in a different world, he can still sense the contract being fulfilled.

In the ritual, the unrecognizable body of the professional disappeared, replaced by a contract and a horn nearly 1 meter long.

The contract is based on the consciousness of the dark plane as the notary, and everything that exceeds the content of the contract, regardless of power or anything else, will be purified.

This is his confidence to dare to give birth to greed.

On the contract, there is an extra black and red name, which seems to be burning with black and red flames. If you look at it a few more times, it will make people feel a sign of sinking.

Effects attached to the name itself.

This is a very ancient devil text, just like the original devil text, with its own extraordinary power.

He couldn't read it, but he knew that the name represented Mephisto.

It's not Mephisto's real name, it just represents him.

The parchment that bears the contract has become an extraordinary item because of the existence of this name!

Art carefully and solemnly put away the contract.

Save it with the previous contract.

And then there's that horn.

It looks like the horns of a male argali, covered with spiral lines, twisted and twisted, rough and strong, it doesn't look like what a delicate demon like Lao Mo should have.

But that's just the appearance.

With his sight and concentration, every line and every bump on the horn seemed to be infinitely magnified, and the deeper structure was revealed in his mental vision.

It turns out there is such an arrangement!

This particle is completely useless... No, it is indeed useless by itself, but it can neutralize and connect the two ends! If the two ends are directly connected, the characteristics will conflict, and it may explode!

No, I can't peep into the deeper power, I can't bear it now!

With the filling of new cognition and knowledge, the information, inspiration, and knowledge in his mind gradually began to boil.

Inspiration keeps coming.

If he could describe his feeling at this moment in one sentence, it would be I saw God at this moment!

However, he should say thanks to the model worker.

When he woke up, the sky was already light.

The corners in the rituals disappeared at some point.

However, he was not disappointed at all, his face was pale and weak, but his spirit was extremely excited, and he went straight to the Soul Church.

Contact Tabitha Agnes.

He needs to advance.

Thank you for the rewards of book friends Missing a piece of shop, Tone Color X Fairy, Ye Da Nuan, Uncle is so sleepy.

Thanks to all book friends for their support, I am very grateful.

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