Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 174 The Villain

There are no computers in this world, and calculation is a very complicated and energy-consuming thing, so the calculation method is particularly important.

As we all know, mathematics is the foundation of all sciences, no matter what you study, you will use computing power.

You don't even know the data, so what research are you doing?

How could Samantha Lilly not be aware of the importance of how calculations work since she started working on them decades ago?

On the contrary, Yate, the explainer, is not even considered a half-way monk, and his sensitivity to this aspect is far from enough.

Even though Samantha Lily kept asking questions in this regard, he was only instinctively feeling a little superior at the time, an emotion that normal people would have.

In order to show his sincerity, he deliberately spoke in great detail and with great care.

Didn't react until now.

Not much regret, but relieved.

Otherwise, I don't understand why Samantha Lily is so generous, and she always has a little care in her heart.

He got a lot of first-hand experimental data and paid the price, which is fair.

Moreover, compared to the knowledge in his memory, these calculation methods for Samantha Lily are just a drop in the ocean.

It wouldn't do him any harm if Samantha Lily could draw inferences from one instance and draw inferences from another.

Don't be blinded by jealousy because others have gained a lot of benefits, and you can't see the benefits you have gained.

Originally, it was a transaction between you and me, and the most important thing is to gain and grow yourself.

Do you know what she said about the smell of moonlight? Before returning home, she asked Tabitha Agnes for advice.

When the elves are born, they will be blessed by Ms. Moon. Some professionals can distinguish this unique smell and call it the smell of moonlight. Tabitha Agnes really knew.

Although Yate is not an elf, he practiced the moon phase meditation method, and he also received the blessing of the moon lady, and he also had this taste.

Do you know how to hide this smell? I exchanged some of the elementary skills in the inheritance of the Son of the Night with you, and this is also a thank you for your help. Art said smoothly.

While the class cannot be changed, Tabitha Agnes can use it as a reference.

High-level skills often require the extraordinary power of the profession itself and matching professional characteristics, so instead, the basic low-level skills are more suitable for reference.

Refraction position can distort and deflect the target's peeping at you, including sight, smell, spiritual perception, etc. Sure enough, Tabitha Agnes is an expert in this area.

She probably didn't want Art to be discovered by the elves, so she agreed very simply.

Thank you! Although he already knew her character to some extent, Yate was still taken aback for a moment before hurriedly thanking her, It's not convenient now, I'll ask you for advice when I get home.

Even the sense of smell and mental perception can be distorted and deflected by this skill, which makes him a little worried about gains and losses.

Naturally, I like it very much, but I don't know if I can afford it.

Tabitha Agnes is indeed straightforward and generous, but he can't take advantage of it, thinking that if he pretends to be stupid, others will follow suit.

Once this impression point is lost, it will be difficult to find it back.

The other party may not care about the value of this little thing, but they definitely don't like being fooled by others!

There is no traffic jam in this world, at least there is no traffic jam in Pudera City, and the journey home is unimpeded.

At the entrance of the alley, I suddenly saw the figures of a few homeless men.

Seeing the car, instead of fleeing, those homeless men stood and watched not far away, just like wild beasts who want to measure the size and strength of the two sides before hunting.

Dick Barry and Benny had asked him about it back when he had decided to buy the place, but it never showed up, and he'd almost forgotten it.

Unexpectedly, after several strange rumors spread here, he was targeted by homeless men instead.

He didn't understand what these vagrants were thinking, and he didn't need to speculate on the thoughts of a few vagrants. He stopped at the entrance of the alley and walked down.

Only then did I realize that it was not appropriate to describe it as a tramp.

5 homeless people, 1 male, 1 female, 2 adults, plus 1 male, 2 female, and 3 children in their early 10s.

The five people stared straight at him, with numbness, shrinking, guarding, and a hint of longing in their eyes.

Yate suddenly realized that perhaps things were not as simple as he thought.

There are very few children among the homeless, because parents with children generally try to find a job if they can.

Even if there are parents who wander with their children, they will choose the inner city, because there are many sympathetic children there, and women who show their compassion.

Also, the inner city is far safer than the outer city, especially for children.

Just dodge the eviction from the police.

Even if there is such a family of 5 homeless people who don't like to go to the inner city, they will not choose him.

The weird rumors not long ago made many adults afraid to approach him. How could parents bring their children here?

Extraordinary existence is a well-known thing.

So, someone specially arranged?

Do you think he would be sympathetic when he was young?

Now that he has gradually appeared in the sights of many people, it is not surprising that some people come to test him. He has long been mentally prepared, but he did not expect it to be done in such a way.

It seems that he doesn't know much about him.

Who told you to come? Art asked directly.

No one answered him.

The five vagrants are not actors, and their aura and eyes cannot be concealed. The most likely possibility is that they were hired.

It has nothing to do with whether they want to, they only have the right to agree.

Don't dare to say? Seeing this, Yate suddenly raised the corners of his mouth into a smile, his eyes squinted, and at the same time imitated the breath of Isodi.

Full of evil, cold and chilling!

Looking at people with squinted eyes, if you don't control it well, it will easily give people a feeling of imbecility. He has practiced hundreds of times in front of the mirror before he can achieve the current effect.

As a demon, Yisuodi wanders around the ghostly place like the cold plain every day, and spends every day in the killer, the breath on his body can be imagined.

The two kinds of aura are combined on him, and he deliberately stands on the boundary line between the shadow of the wall and the sunlight, the effect is immediately full, and he is a proper villain!

Watching so many horror movies in the previous life was not for nothing!

Although the aura of many villains is more paradoxical, it requires profound acting skills, and it is easy to draw tigers and become anti-dogs.

This is enough for now.

The numb eyes of the five homeless people on the opposite side were suddenly replaced by panic and shrinking.

The woman instinctively pulled the three children behind her.

I'll ask you one last time, who told you to come? His voice gradually became soft and silky, and the last few syllables gave people the impression that a snake crawled under the quilt while sleeping and snaked along your calf. And the feeling of being above.

This is the talent of his predecessor. If it was placed in his previous life, there is a high probability that he would become an excellent voice actor.

The 3 children were the first to break the defense.

His body was trembling, his little face was pale, he bit his lip to prevent himself from making a sound, his pupils shook violently, and it seemed that he might collapse at any moment.

Thank you book friend A Little Soldier in the Sky City for your reward, thank you very much!

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