Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 157 Disruption

With this relationship, the relationship between Angelo Nell, Shaohui, Art, and Moore Lane has made a breakthrough.

At least it can barely be called an ally.

Before leaving, the two vaguely reminded Art that he hoped he could advance to Tier 3 as soon as possible.

Apparently, there has been an inclination to admit him into the clique.

Yate guessed that the two probably had some kind of welfare activity that required level 3 to participate in, but he didn't disturb his rhythm because of their words.

If he wanted to, he could advance to Tier 3 within a day!

But that's not what he wants.

He will not be promoted until his spirituality is saturated.

Advancement can improve his attributes and increase the spiritual limit he can hold, but the latter is closely related to his spiritual limit before the promotion.

For example, his upper limit of spirituality before promotion was 5, then his upper limit of spirituality after promotion may be 10. If his spiritual upper limit was 10 before the promotion, then the upper limit after the promotion may be 20.

It is not possible to upgrade infinitely, each level has an upper limit to the spirituality that can be accommodated.

Once this cap is reached, it can no longer be raised.

All these were told by Gregoria Kate, which shows the importance of teachers.

However, the example given by Gregoria Kate at that time was the 3rd and 4th order.

There are very few people who can accommodate spirituality at level 2.

Art didn't know how much spirituality he could accommodate now, but he certainly hadn't reached saturation.

There is still room for improvement.

It stands to reason that the improvement of the upper limit of spirituality cannot be achieved in a short period of time, even the top-level meditation method is no exception.

But who made his moon phase meditation method increase his proficiency by nearly 10% in one go!

This is equivalent to raising a trumpet with a large one, and it still hasn't taken off!

But this wave of benefits has been almost eaten up by him.

Next, you still have to practice hard.

When Moore Ryan and others left, night had already fallen.

On the coast closest to the underwater palace of the Aramaic Dynasty, the Church of Storms, the Church of Dawn, the Church of Terra, the Steam Association, the Wizards Association... almost all the major forces in Pudra City were present.

There has been no conflict yet, after all, the palace is still under the sea.

However, those small forces that wanted to fish in troubled waters had already been expelled from the arena, and now they were the only ones left, and the atmosphere of confrontation was very obvious.

There are no technological products here, why are you Steam Association here to join in the fun? The Steam Association is the most complained about.

Although their personal strength is not very good, their overall strength is very strong. It can even be said that they have promoted the technological development of the whole world with their power for a while. If calculated by Golden Shield, they are also the richest organization in the world, so even the Church I don't want to offend them either.

We came to watch the excitement, and how do you know that there are no technological products in it? Maybe there is some kind of lost technology! The representative of the Steam Association spoke plausibly.

Want to band together and drive them out first?

I want to fart!

If there is such a technology, we will definitely hand it over to you, isn't it good to sit back and enjoy it? Xant Harold of the Church of the Storm said.

Don't worry about us, we won't compete with you for items on the mysterious side. The representative of the Steam Association didn't believe his words at all.

It's good to listen to such words, but there is no need to take them seriously.

When interests are involved, no one will give in easily.

It's not like nothing like this has happened before.

Xante Harold shook his head helplessly, as if his kindness was not understood.

Let's find a way to get this palace out of the sea first. Someone suggested.

The palace is on the bottom of the sea, so it is not convenient to explore.

This palace has restrictions. Someone immediately poured cold water on it.

It has been discovered during the previous exploration, and it has been tested and cannot be resolved, otherwise they would not be standing here talking, but entering the palace.

But it was this prohibition that made them more convinced that the palace was of extraordinary value.

Don't the murlocs have any clues? a member of the Church of Storms suddenly suggested.

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Xante Harold turned his head and gave him a hard look.

Thinking of the clue, why didn't he tell himself secretly, but made it public in a foolish way?

The other forces all had their hearts shaken, and some people in their respective teams began to quietly leave.

A Murloc Casa clan lives nearby!

They don't have any clues either. At this moment, the Church of Dawn said suddenly.

The figures who were leaving stopped.

All the people looked at the Liming Church in unison.

Sure enough, it's their style, they like to make a fortune in silence!

Now that murloc clan might have fallen into their hands, it would be useless to find them again.

Several forces have made up their minds by coincidence, they must be watched closely!

How did these undead murlocs appear? Finally, someone paid attention to the cause of the incident.

It suddenly appeared when it was raining. If Major Lane hadn't responded in a timely manner, the consequences would have been unpredictable. Someone said.

Someone held a large-scale ceremony to wake up these undead murlocs. Someone from the wizard association suddenly said.

As this one spoke, everyone shut up and listened.

Almost all the people present were old acquaintances, and they knew each other well. The strongest ones were Tier 6, and the two from the Church of the Storm were still in the spirit world. Only a great wizard of Tier 7 suddenly appeared from the Wizarding Association!

No matter how intriguing they were before, no one took the initiative to lead the fire to the Wizards Association.

Large ceremony?

Is it the murlocs?

Is it a trap?

After learning the truth, there was an uproar at the scene.

A haze flashed in Archer Coffey's eyes. The appearance of this great wizard was not what they expected.

Quiet quickly returned.

These people at the scene can be said to be the top group of people in Pudera City, and they still need to pay attention to their manners.

Look at the great wizard again.

Who made him the strongest player on the scene?

Don't look at me, I just discovered the residual fluctuation of the ritual, I don't know anything about the rest, and I can't handle the restriction. I also made an appointment, so I won't waste time with you here. The great wizard finished, The figure disappeared directly.

It occurred to me that there was still some business to attend to.

It's already this time! I said why I'm so hungry, go back to eat.


The crowd seemed to get the signal and left one after another.

In a blink of an eye, there was no one on the beach.

However, you don't need to think about it. Although the person has left, he must still be monitoring the movement here.

Archer Coffey also went with the flow.

He had to leave, he didn't want to be the target of suspicion.

Moreover, it is also necessary to inform the three of them that they were disrupted by a great wizard.

As the figure left, the seaside became quiet again.

The corpses of the undead murlocs had been salvaged and burned, leaving only broken cliff rocks. The sea water washed against the coast, as if licking the wounds from the bombardment.

The night was getting dark.

Suddenly, 2 figures appeared like streamers.

Cough cough cough... After a pause, one of them coughed violently.

Her voice was so old that one couldn't help but worry that she might not be able to catch her breath.

Master Sira who came with Archer Coffey.

It took nearly a minute before she took a breath.

It's here, let's do a divination. The other person was the woman wearing a mask.

Here is where Art had paused.

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