Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 154 Undersea Palace

The murloc undead revived and went ashore, certainly not to find someone to talk to. As a human being, it is racially correct to kill them.

Yate even injected 1 point of spirituality into the casting process!

Spirituality is the cornerstone of the spiritual world, and it is also the foundation of the extraordinary. No matter what kind of extraordinary ability, spirituality is applicable.

He also suddenly had a flash of inspiration and made this attempt.

After receiving the blessing of spirituality, some changes seemed to have taken place in the meteorite technique, but he couldn't feel any obvious changes.

After all, it was his first time using it.

Moreover, all minds are used on positioning.

Meteorites falling from outer space, even if the orientation has been locked at the beginning, there will definitely be deviations in the middle, and it needs to be calibrated at any time.

The dark clouds covering the sky were torn apart by a tyrannical force, the rainstorm stopped suddenly, and the two sides fighting below chose to stop and avoid in front of the natural disaster.

Even the undead murlocs who had recovered were instinctively driven to flee.

Although the meteorite looks small, the kinetic energy it carries is terrifying.

As soon as the dark clouds in the sky were torn apart, the crimson fireball had already caught the eyes of all living beings.

At this point, even Yate could no longer control its accuracy.

However, the deviation is not large.

On the warship that was desperately retreating, Moore Ryan and others quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The approximate location can already be estimated, and it will not cause too much impact on them.

However, isn't this location too coincidental?

Moore Lane suddenly discovered that the place where the meteorite fell was actually the place where the undead murlocs emerged!


Someone is in control?

What profession is so strong?

Boom— The meteorite fell, as if a large ammunition depot exploded, and the sea water was raised tens of meters high, centered on the place where it fell, and swept wildly around.

Fortunately, this meteorite is not big.

The waves gradually eased after sweeping nearly 100 meters.

The warships and warships were turbulent for a while, but there were no casualties in the end.

The murloc undead was miserable.

The meteorites almost aimed at their birth point and fell, no matter how big or small, all the bones were gone!

A brief vacuum-like phenomenon appears in the center.

With the help of Raum's vision, Art discovered that there was an ancient palace below!

Although it was only a glimpse, he saw towering stone pillars, huge statues, and a corner of the building.

There seems to be some kind of restriction in the palace, a circle of light blue cover resisted the impact of the meteorite.

However, under the erosion of the years, the power of the prohibition has weakened too much, and several stone pillars were shaken to a small angle.

Is this what they planned?

While thinking about it, Yate poured a bottle of mana potion and a bottle of stamina potion, turned around and ran away.

After using the meteorite, his legs were shaking!

I am very satisfied with the power of meteorite technique, but it consumes too much.

If you don't dare to stay where you are, you will be investigated if you are not sure, so running away is the best policy.

Before running away, he did not forget to use the method taught by Gregoria Kate to release the spiritual impact in the ring and wipe away all the traces of himself.

Moore Ryan's personal combat power is not taken seriously, there must be a 6th or even 7th tier among them!

Even if you didn't pay attention to this side, you will be attracted by the meteorite.

He didn't want to be caught in the act.

They didn't even dare to go to the Sigrid Pier, so they teleported all the way home.

This is the first time he uses it. No one knows that he has this ability, and it can be put on a certain vest in the future.

Fortunately, he ran fast.

Not long after he left, two figures suddenly appeared in the sea.

One was floating in the air, wearing a black robe, and behind him was a huge headless spirit body.

One stood in the air with a slender figure, which seemed to be a woman, wearing a set of tight leather armor and a mask.

It is standing instead of floating, as if the air is a physical existence for her!

The two stared at the place where the meteorite fell for a while, and after confirming each other, the huge spirit body behind the man in black suddenly disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was already on the shore, flashing quickly, searching for strangers nearby.

Search all the way to the Sigrid Pier.

Finally returned without success.

Nobody? The man in black frowned.

Maybe already left. During the search for the spirit body, the woman had already killed all the surviving murloc ghosts around her.

Both of them knew that this meteorite must be man-made without guessing.

Where is such a coincidence?

It can be called a precision strike!

I know! The black-robed man was naturally not surprised that the other party had left. What he was puzzled was that his spirit body hadn't found anything!

Could it be another high-level professional?

I'll go take a look. The woman said, her figure rushing towards the shore like a ray of light.

She is also a little afraid of this kind of professional who can summon natural disasters.

Although you can dodge in advance, what if you are trapped by someone, or you are hit in a closed place.

The speed was faster than the huge spirit body, and soon locked on the place where Art was standing before.

The traces of Yate's standing had already been washed away by the heavy rain.

It's just that there is a small area on the sea that has stopped raining because of the absence of dark clouds, and the shore is not affected.

But she was still found abnormal.

So it was cleared! The black-robed man also came here, explaining that his spirit body had failed.

The woman in the mask closed her eyes, as if she was perceiving something.

Did you find it? After waiting for a while, seeing that she hadn't spoken for a long time, the man in black had no choice but to ask.

What? The woman in the mask opened her eyes and asked back.

Aren't you looking for someone? The man in black frowned.

No! The woman in the mask replied confidently.

Then what are you doing? The man in black took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, forcing himself to calm down.

Think! replied the masked woman.

Then what did you come up with? the man in black asked.

He was also interesting, as if he vowed to ask the question to the end.

There's nothing, and I'm not a spellcaster. Although the woman in the mask spoke annoyedly, she answered every question.

I'll ask Moore Ryan! The man in black turned and left.

It's been a while since I've gotten used to her way of speaking.

The woman in the mask stayed where she was for a while, as if she had discovered something but didn't want to tell the man in black.

But soon caught up.

Moore Lane was very respectful in front of the two of them, but he didn't know anything about the caster.

He hadn't even seen anyone, and none of his friends had such a powerful spellcaster.

The two of them just asked casually, not thinking that he would really know, and asked him to spread the news of the appearance of the underwater palace of the Alami dynasty as soon as possible.

The mysterious person may have discovered it too, but it may not spread it.

No problem! Moore Lane looked eager to try.

The public opinion trend created by Yate is still going on, and its influence has really shocked him, and he has long wanted to do it himself!

Opportunity delivered to your door.

After sending the two of them away, they immediately started planning the copywriting.

However, for such an outrageous title, you still have to ask Art for advice.

He's not that kind of guy, can't figure it out.

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