Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 138 Moonlight Slash

After the Scimitar detached from Prudence Sommerfield's wrist, it turned into a severed hand and slowly crawled towards the only spiritual creature in the courtyard, Art.

The 5 fingers are as flexible as 5 mini feet, slow but steady.

The rapid flow of water did not affect its progress.

The sound of wind and rain covered up the movement of it crawling.

But just as it approached the shed, it suddenly stopped, as if hesitating.

On Yate, give it a sense of depression!

If Prudence Somerfield was still alive, it would definitely have retreated, but now only instinct remained, and driven by the desire to survive, it finally crawled firmly towards Art.

At the same time, Art suddenly opened his eyes.

A pair of crescent moons as thin as silver hooks appeared in his eyes!

Each eye has a round!

Looking carefully, he found that the pair of crescent moons did not seem to be his, but reflected in his pupils.

But the sky is covered with dark clouds and heavy rain is pouring, where is the moon again?

Very weird feeling.

Stared at by these eyes, the severed hand seemed to be under some kind of huge pressure, and sluggish again.

However, driven by the most primitive instinct of life, it finally chose to put all its eggs in one basket, jumped up suddenly, and pounced on Art.

Hmph! As if disdainful of its resistance to him, Yate snorted coldly.

The eyes are slightly bright.

The sporadic moonlight around the body seemed to be ordered, and suddenly gathered into a mini crescent moon the size of a thumb, slashing at the severed hand.


The moonlight dissipated, and the severed hand fell.

Spirituality is cut off!

The 1 point of spirituality that Yate had just recovered returned to 0 again.

The crescent moon in the eyes disappeared, and the eyes were slightly sore.

After closing his eyes and resting for a while, he opened them again, and there was a flash of distress in his eyes.

Spirituality is annihilated, and the benefits obtained when making sacrifices will be reduced.

Don't wait for daylight any longer, just take the body of Prudence Somerfield to the basement and prepare to sacrifice.

Spiritual organs and spirituality are complementary to each other. The existence of spiritual organs can store spirituality and greatly delay the speed of spiritual dissipation, while spirituality can maintain the vitality of spiritual organs.

If you don't offer sacrifices immediately, the spirit in the corpse may have dissipated by dawn.

On Prudence Somerfield, only a space wallet was found.

It is the size of a normal wallet, and it is of a higher grade than those two purses.

Too bad it can't be opened either.

After sacrifice, get 3 skill points.

Sure enough, the more complete the corpse, the higher the income.

This completeness also includes spirituality.


When he was making sacrifices, Noah Godwin next door immediately noticed the power fluctuations during the sacrifices.

The fluctuation is not strong, but it is very unique, exactly the same as the fluctuation in the spirit world!

Is he a believer of those three? Noah Godwin couldn't help but think of those three evil names.

However, even believers cannot easily ask existences of this level to be witnesses.

This process only needs to borrow the existence of these big bosses - the existence and name of the big bosses at the level of gods and demons have incredible power - there is no need for the big bosses to pay attention to them personally, but even so, it is not something that ordinary believers can do .

What's more, he still invites 3 people at the same time.

This is the most puzzling place.

It was also what Noah Godwin feared most about him.

And the arm that he summoned when he just woke up, the rank is so high, it doesn't feel inferior to the Storm Hammer and the lead singer!

And that sudden spiritual power.

Otherwise, how could Noah Godwin be so honest?

Already considered very honest!

At the end of the sacrifice, Art still did not rest.

Instead, continue meditating.

The improvement of the proficiency of the moon phase meditation method is not just as simple as adding attributes, nor is it just the passiveness of the one-month-old traveler, but he has never seriously comprehended it.

Meditation is the core of inheritance. It can almost be said that the profession of Moon Priest was born from the moon phase meditation. How could it be so simple?

Just like there will be new inheritance knowledge after the devil's contract skill is upgraded, the same is true for moon phase meditation.

It's just that the knowledge of this top-level inheritance needs to be explored by himself, and different people have different inheritances.

What he just used was the Moonlight Slash learned from the meditation inheritance.

This name was given by himself, and the real inheritance is just a passage about the characteristics of moonlight:


The characteristic is that it can kill spirituality!

He didn't know how he could comprehend such a characteristic.

The effect is very good.

However, he can't use it freely now, because his professional level can't keep up.

Strictly speaking, this is a skill that can only be used at the end of level 3, or even level 4, because this skill was born along with the spirit organ.

After he builds his own spiritual organ, this characteristic will be inherited by that organ, and then he can easily assume the skills.

It can be understood as his innate supernatural power, but it needs to consume spirituality, not mana.

His moon phase meditation method was gifted by Ms. Moon, which jumped directly from 12% to 20%, so he could comprehend this feature at the second level.

The point is not the jump from 12% to 20%, but the gift from Ms. Yue!

The source of the idea of ​​moon phase meditation is Ms. Yue, a boss at the level of gods and demons!

Ms. Yue's gift is equivalent to opening the VVVIP authority for him. He can choose many more characteristics than other believers, and the selection conditions are much lower than other believers.

It's nothing more than a pie in the sky.

But he didn't realize this at all before, it's impossible for the boss to give you a benefit and let you know personally. If it wasn't for his mentality change tonight, calm down, enter deep meditation, and wait for the blessing state of Ms. Yue to end, he doesn't know how he will regret it!

With this comprehension, he will naturally not give up the opportunity.

Keep meditating!

He didn't know when the rainstorm stopped.

When I opened my eyes, the sky was already bright.

Not knowing whether it was the effect of meditation or the torrential rain last night, he felt that the world in front of him was much clearer than before.

The first thing to do is knock on the walls of the Church of the Soul.

The figure of Gregoria Kate appears.

Are you okay? Arthur asked.

Well, thank you for your scarf. Gregoria Kate looked at him in a little surprise.

The change is obvious? Art also looked down at himself and asked.

Of course he can perceive the changes in himself, the most important thing is that he has already begun to build the foundation of spiritual organs!

General professionals need to be level 3 to start this step.

But the top-level meditation method can start the layout in advance.

Don't look at just this one step faster, the gap in the future will be widened from here!

Obviously! said Gregoria Kate, a lot calmer.

What she saw was not only a change in strength, but also temperament.

It's good that you're fine, there's one more thing to trouble you. Art told her about the secret method of wind.

Hunter Club— From Gregoria Kate's tone, she seemed to know this organization.

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