Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 118 Appraisal Fee (for Subscription)

Professor Hughes knew nothing about him other than that he was a professional.

How did Professor Hughes know about his going to the black market?

He only mentioned it to Jim Thomson.

Moore Lane and Claire Lane knew, not surprisingly, that Jim Thomson would certainly not lie to them.

But Professor Hughes has no connection to Jim Thomson.

This is strange.

Maybe he guessed it? Claire Lane thought for him.

Maybe. Art shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Just a little weird and curious.

Professor Hughes didn't have any ill intentions towards him, and even asked someone to help him after his accident. It doesn't matter if you don't know some things.

What about this guy? Claire Ryan looked at Xavira Siren with great interest.

How could a murloc prince who lived for 7,523 years and survived in such a strange state not be interested?

If it hadn't been for Yate to stop her, she would have already started.

Why don't you ask Major Lane? Art suggested.

He doesn't have a Soul Eater, only the power to propose.

Okay! Claire Ryan really had a Soul Eater.

Smaller and lighter in color than Gregoria Kate's.

The kid came out? Moore Ryan asked the first sentence.

Thank you Major for your concern, Art said.

Is there any cargo that needs to be handled? Moore Lane really understood him.

There is a half-human statue of a murloc. Art winked at Claire Lane and said.

Claire Lane let him play.

Why did it fall into your hands? Moore Ryan asked with a wry smile after being silent for a moment.

Somewhat strange, how did he guess that the statue was the layout of himself and others.

Claire doesn't know.

However, since he has guessed it, there is no need to hide it.

I found it. After Art replied, he asked, How much can those people pay to redeem this statue?

There is a high probability that it will not cost money. Moore Lane said.

It was meant to be delivered to Professor Hughes, and it's the same if he delivers it.

He had a personal grievance with Hugh Defoe before, so no one paid attention to him. If he hindered the plan, it would be another matter.

What if I identify this statue? Art also understood that it was just a joke, and he deliberately gave Claire Lane an expression of failed plan.

Getting along with her is getting more and more relaxed. Although I have mental problems, at least I don't have to worry about her calculating myself.

No matter who judges it, the value of Pu's seventh eye far exceeds that of a level 2 professional like herself, but she lends it to herself without hesitation.

Although the price tag on my friendship is high, this kind of trust is definitely beyond the mark!

The attitude towards friends is naturally different from before.

Claire Lane pursed her lips and smiled.

The iconic whiskers appear on the cheeks.

You? Moore Lane on the opposite side asked amusedly.

He has only been studying with Professor Hughes for a long time, so many masters can't identify it, and even only expects 30% of Professor Hughes, but he says he can identify it, who will believe it?

You don't have to worry about it, just say what price you can offer! By the way, half of it belongs to Claire. It was rare for Art to be domineering in front of him.

Claire? Moore Lane didn't understand what was going on with Claire, and he was stunned for a moment before he remembered that this was Claire's soul-eating spider!

This kid is with Claire.

Second brother. Claire's voice sounded.

Hmm...um! Moore Lane replied in a daze, and then he was shocked, and immediately responded again.

How many years?

Haven't heard this title for at least 10 years!

For a while, there was a feeling of old tears.

Claire's sudden change of words must not be his reason, because he has already done what he could do, and it didn't work.

In other words, is Art?

It took him half a day to come back from the spirit world, but he did something he hadn't done in years?

Suddenly I don't know whether to be sad or happy.

Yate naturally didn't know that he had a lot of thoughts on his side, and he was still waiting for his bid.

Seeing that he didn't speak for a while, he couldn't help asking: Major Ryan?

What do you want? Moore Ryan calmed down and asked.

The corpse of a level 5 extraordinary creature! Yate was not at all reserved when he asked himself to make an offer.

Moore Lane regretted it after asking.

I have already reminded myself that I must not let him quote when trading!

He has no concept of prices at all, in order not to suffer, every time the lion opens his mouth!

I was so emotionally fluctuating just now, I forgot for a moment.

However, this offer is not impossible.

After all, there is still half of Claire in it.

Can you really identify it? First, you need to confirm whether he is really capable.

It has been identified. Art said directly.

Wait for my news. Moore Ryan took a deep breath, resisting the urge to ask, and said.

Wait! Arthur yelled hastily.

Any more requests? Moore Lane already had other requests.

After the identification, there is something wrong with this thing, and now I can't shake it off no matter what. Yate said.

Only then did Moore Lane understand why he contacted him.

If there is no problem, I don't know how he will deal with it!

What Claire means is that I may have won some kind of trigger contract. Art told him Claire's guess.

I'll think of a way. Moore Lane knew better than Claire.

However, he can find someone to ask.

There is a headache because of the sudden spiritual devouring phenomenon!

The original plan was very good. As long as this thing flows into the black market, it will definitely end up with Professor Hughes.

The reason why they circled such a big circle was naturally that they didn't want people to know that things flowed from them.

It's all right now, when things enter the spirit world, I don't know who will fall into their hands.

I don't even know if it will be picked up.

Always pay attention to the development of the situation on the black market.

I thought Earl Bertie would be able to control the situation well, but a child from an unknown family suddenly appeared, and if there was a disagreement, he would magnify his moves!

You said you have this background, just say it directly, not to mention Bertie, who would dare not give you face at the scene?

3 survivors run away.

None of the Melvilles had seen the statue either.

According to the people of the Melville family, the biggest possibility is that it will fall into the hands of that unknown child. Everyone else was too cold to go out, only that guy was alive and kicking.

If that person isn't there either, then it's gone.

Because Christopher Micah just crushed the entire market!

But the question is, where are they going to find that person?

A group of people were on fire.

At this moment, I received a message from Moore Lane.

You know that person?

Which family's child?

Is it in his hands?

Let's start with a triple question.

In their view, a professional who can summon that kind of existence must be an inheritor of a certain bloodline.

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