Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 499: Almost mature

Chapter 499

The president of this spiritual guild is Ling Xiaoxian.

Knowing the situation of Yuanhai City, Ling Xiaoxian joined several guild elders to come personally.

By the way, Long Moshen asked Ling Xiaoxian to bring his son over.

I didn't know the specific situation of Yuanhai City before, so I didn't let Xiao Xuanxi follow.

However, after discussing with Long Moshen, Mu Wushuang decided to let his son come to Yuanhai City.

The resurrection of demons cannot be wiped out in a day or two.

No one knows how many demons are hidden in every corner of this continent.

In the future, the son will also deal with demons. His son is not an ordinary person. It is not a bad thing to let him know about demons in advance.

What's more, she and the emperor uncle have enough ability to protect the safety of their son.

Mu Wushuang went back to the inn to draw amulets, and asked Zongmen's younger brother to come over some of the charms from the charm shop, which could be sold at a high price to people who would stay in Yuanhai City.

Those who stayed are brave and not afraid of death, and they will certainly not be soft when buying magic charms.

Of course, the most important thing is that Yuanhai City must have hidden a lot of demons, and the spiritual cultivation in the city has magical charms, which can quickly eliminate demons.

Mu Wushuang entered the space and drew hundreds of Demon Slayer Talisman, and also drew fifty eighth-order Demon Talisman.

She left the magic talisman to the silver armor guard of the emperor's uncle. They patrolled the city and naturally couldn't do without the magic talisman.

Coming out of the space, the son’s whispering voice and the little fox’s wailing voice came from the room.


As soon as Xiao Xuanxi saw her, he galloped over, preparing to throw into her arms.

He was quickly picked up by his father's eyes, but the flaming little fox in his arms flew into her arms by inertia.

Long Moshen glanced at the little fox, his face gloomy.

He hadn't carried his enthusiastic daughter-in-law himself, so he wanted to throw the little fox out.

The little fox felt the chill and hid in Mu Wushuang's arms shiveringly.

Mu Wushuang snorted and laughed.

If Ali were not for a female fox, the emperor would definitely throw it out.

"Someone is jealous again~"

She walked up and hugged his solid waist, and by the way, she surrounded her son among them. The family of three and a little fox were warm for a while.

"Where is my grandfather?"

Mu Wushuang remembered that Ling Xiaoxian brought his son here, and asked.

Long Mo deeply smoothed the hair on her forehead, "Go to the Demon Secret Realm."

Mu Wushuang glanced outside, the sky was already bright, and she said, "Then let's go take a look."

"No, I went there last night."

He said.

Mu Wushuang hurriedly asked, "Is it dangerous to go at night? What is the situation?"

"The situation is not very good." Long Moshen said:

"All the spiritual practices that were missing these days were parasitized by demons and formed a demonic legion. Under the secret, a channel was dug to connect the underground river, which leads to a magic palace. If not surprisingly, it was when the Tianjiao event was held. The place of demons we lost."

He told her carefully about some things he had seen with his own eyes last night, and Mu Wushuang frowned when he heard it.

It turns out that there are many demons in this demon clan secret realm, and this secret realm is several times larger than the demonic secret realm of Nine Heavens Continent.

I don't know exactly why the secret realm appeared, but it is obvious that this is a conspiracy of evil spirits.

The purpose is to attract spiritual cultivation in, parasitic in spiritual cultivation, part of it came out of the secret realm, and more parts remained in the secret realm, dug a deep channel under the secret realm.

This passage is actually connected to an ancient underground river. At the end of the underground river, there is actually a dark magic palace.

"But there are no demons in the Demon Palace. All demons live in secret realms."

Mu Wushuang asked, "How come there are no demons in the magic palace?"

"There is no demonic energy in that magic palace, they can't cultivate and survive." He muttered.

But why did they open up a road to the underground magic palace? This is obviously a difficult mystery.

"Why did the grandfather go in?" she asked.

"The elder of the Spiritual Cultivation Guild is Helianhai, the Scarlet Moon Demon King of the Sky Fox Clan and the Patriarch of the Helian Family."

With that said, Mu Wushuang understood.

People from the Tianhu and Helian clan would not unconditionally believe the emperor's words like Ling Xiaoxian, and they would definitely have to investigate it by themselves before they could believe it.

"Ah! By the way, the emperor, Ali!"

Mu Wushuang suddenly surprised.

Ah Li, the daughter of Nanyu and the Scarlet Moon Demon King!

The Scarlet Moon Demon King is here, has Ali been discovered by him?

A smile appeared on Long Mo's stern face and calmed her: "Grandfather will arrive first with his son and Ali, and the Scarlet Moon Demon King will be the latest."

Mu Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief, which meant that the Scarlet Moon Demon King hadn't seen A Li.

She was afraid that the Scarlet Moon Demon King saw A Li and forced A Li back. She promised that the male lead would take care of her daughter and let A Li grow up carefree, and she would not let A Li follow the Scarlet Moon Demon King back. To Yaozu.

What's more, Ali and his uncle Wu Liao loved it, and many elders and disciples of Qingyun Sword Sect liked it, and it was definitely unwilling to leave the Qingyun Sword Sect where it grew up.

The fluffy Ali was still very early in its transformation, and it was still a little ignorant, turning around with its big eyes, completely unaware of what they were talking about.

They only knew that they mentioned "Ali", and when they mentioned it, its long tail wagged.

Xiao Xuanxi took A Li back and took him to play.

He knew that his parents were talking about A Li's life experience, and he didn't want the little A Li to hear this.

Mu Wushuang thought for a while and said to the emperor:

"Just in case, I'd better put Ali in my space these days."

This person, the Scarlet Moon Demon King, has some means. If he knows that Ali is his blood, he will definitely take it back.

Therefore, the only way to never let the Scarlet Moon Demon King know about Ali and see Ali. At least before Ali grew up, it was like this.

Of course Long Moshen nodded, even if she threw Ali away, he would nod his head.

The sky is big and the wife is the oldest.

Speaking of space, Mu Wushuang told Long Moshen with a smile:

"Uncle Emperor, I have good news for you, Pantao has grown up and is already this big!"

She gestured with both hands, about the size of a yellow peach.

The sacred flat peach tree in the space is tall and big, and the green flat peaches on it are pressed on the branches, which looks heavy, but it is extremely fulfilling.

Not long ago, the sacred flat peach tree blossomed. Not long ago, flat peaches the size of a fingernail grew on the tree. Now it is almost ripe!

"In less than a month, the flat peach will mature! At that time, the emperor's uncle and my life will be extended! There is also a little Phoenix, I must make it wake up!"

Mu Wushuang said with a smile.

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