Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 497: Can you hide it?

Chapter 497: Can You Hide?

Yuanhai City is already a city without a master.

Several major sects were staring at Yuanhai City.

However, the appearance of Young Emperor Long Moshen made all their actions that had not been performed yet died, and directly gave up the idea of ​​possessing Yuanhai City.

It was not that they didn't want to fight for it, but the Young Emperor's tactics and vigorous and resolute methods made people besieged the entire Yuanhai City, and even a single fly did not want to fly out.

The entire streets of Yuanhai City were patrolled by the young emperor's sentries, wearing silver armor, majestic and overwhelming.

Not only that, the Young Emperor also blocked the Demon Clan secret realm, so he could only come out and not enter.

However, this approach caused a lot of dissatisfaction with spiritual practice.

Now outside the entrance of the Demon Clan’s secret realm, many protesting spiritual cultivation gathered.

"This secret realm is a land of no owner! Why don't we let us in?"

"Let's go in!"

"You don't let us in, just want to swallow the treasure in the secret realm by yourself!"

"What's wrong with Young Emperor? Can Young Emperor do whatever he wants?"

A group of people protested loudly.

This involves self-interest, and naturally many spiritual practitioners come forward to express their dissatisfaction.

They felt that the Young Emperor's move was to occupy the secret realm of the demons and monopolize the treasures in the secret realm!

Mu Wushuang and Long Moshen heard these protests as soon as they walked over.

Mu Wushuang sighed:

"The world is ignorant and only cares about immediate interests. They don't know that they are parasitic targets in the eyes of demons. They have orders to enter, but not to come out."

Along the way, she and the emperor uncle analyzed the situation here.

To be sure, the situation in the Demon Race Secret Realm was much more serious than that of the Demon Battlefield on the Nine Heavens Continent. At that time, the Demon Battlefield was the Demon Palace that appeared after the Demon Moon. Only the Demon Clan was in the Demon Palace, but there was none outside the Demon Palace.

However, there is no magic palace in this secret realm, but there are demons parasitizing spiritual cultivation. It can be seen that this secret realm is more dangerous and there are more demons.

Hundreds and thousands of spiritual practices have been entered these days, and the number of parasites is probably not small.

Now these spiritual practitioners still want to get in, which is really desperate.

"Shuang'er needn't be upset, soon they will know that they are afraid."

Long Mo Shen comforted.

"I know."

Mu Wushuang nodded.

In fact, she can understand, after all, they don't know the horror of demons. What happened in the inn just now has obviously not been passed on here.

The emperor said that they would soon know that they were afraid, because the beauty brother was there.

When he and Cangyang came out of the inn, they came directly to the entrance of the Demon Clan’s Secret Realm, because one of them had the Shark Orb and the other had the Demon Talisman. They could accurately detect whether the person coming out of the Secret Realm was spiritual cultivation or evil. .

Mu Yuheng and Cang Yang stood expressionlessly on both sides of the entrance. The solemn and solemn silver armor guards around them were all from the emperor's uncle, and each of them was a spiritual master.

Not only are the silver armor guards here are all in the spiritual realm, but all the people sent are all cultivated in the spiritual realm.

And the power of the emperor's uncle is far more than the three hundred people who came to Yuanhai City, these people only accounted for 30%.

Think about it, how many spiritual masters can there be in the entire Cangming Continent?

There are actually 80% of the people who are uncles of the emperor, who have been trained decades ago, and now every one of them can be on their own.

Many of them are well-known figures on the list, but now they all wear silver armor and respectfully obey the instructions of the emperor.

Mu Wushuang was still shocked. Although she had known that the emperor was very powerful, she did not expect that his power was so powerful.

Seeing is believing, hearing is not, seeing with your own eyes is always more shocking than listening.

The sky gradually darkened, and wounded people kept coming out of the secret realm. Many people looked lucky, as if they had recovered their lives, but there were more in their eyes, and they were still afraid.

Seeing this, the spiritual practitioners outside hesitated. The secret realm seems to have become more dangerous. Can I still enter?

Many of these spiritual practices outside are waiting for others, waiting for friends or relatives to come out of the inside.

At this time, a person walked out from inside.

The eyes of a man and a woman waiting outside suddenly lit up and greeted them.

"Big brother finally came out! It would be great if nothing happened!"

"Big brother, why didn't my husband come back with you?" The woman looked back, but she didn't see the person she wanted to see. She was anxious, her eyes filled with panic.

The secret realm that the big brother and the husband entered together, only the big brother returns, then her husband already...

Thinking of this, the woman's eyes became more panicked and afraid.

The senior brother sighed and said: "The second junior brother was calculated by someone and fell from the mountain to the bottom of the valley... Alas, junior sister, sorrow!"

"No! Impossible!" The woman didn't want to believe, shook her head vigorously.

She was lost and screamed a few times before rushing into the secret realm.

Mu Yuheng took it back with spiritual power, and said coldly: "The murderer who killed your husband is here, do you want to die when you go in?"


"What does this young man mean?"

"Didn't it mean that her husband was murdered and fell into the bottom? Is it possible that the one who killed him was among us?"

"But how does this young man know?"


The people around them all spoke out with expressions of disbelief.

But the woman grabbed Mu Yuheng's sleeve as if grabbing a straw, and said sadly and anxiously:

"Who! Who killed my husband!?"

Mu Yuheng pointed his hand, and everyone's eyes were focused on that senior brother.

"It's him? Impossible!"

"Senior brother of the same sect, I shouldn't count on his junior brother!"

"Even if this person has counted on his junior, how did this young man know?"

"Blindly talking! I also said that someone else killed the woman's husband! Now you can talk nonsense as long as you open your mouth! Funny!"

Everyone is even more disbelief. Mu Yuheng has been outside the entrance, and he hasn't entered the secret realm. How can he know who is the one who has calculated?

Isn't this nonsense with your eyes closed?

The woman and another junior also immediately shook their heads and objected without thinking:


"Big brother is kind and gentle, he won't do such a thing!"

Mu Yuheng said flatly: "Your senior brother will not do such a thing, but the evil demon is not necessarily."


"He is a demon?"

Many people stepped back subconsciously and looked at the big brother defensively.

He showed a mildly surprised expression, and then reluctantly shook his head and said, "Little brother, you can eat rice but you can't talk nonsense."

Seeing that the evil spirit was about to pretend again, Cang Yang did not have the patience of Mu Yuheng to play with the evil spirits, and flew directly towards the evil spirits, throwing out a magic seal!

Unexpectedly, the evil demon had been prepared for a long time, and even let it dodge and hide!

However, Cang Yang showed a sneer, and threw a magic seal in his hand without money!

As the most proud "disciple" of the master sister, he has accomplished a lot in making a talisman. There are as many seals and extinguishers as he wants!


Can it hide? !

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