Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 495: Cunning and insidious

Chapter 495: Cunning and Sinister


"It lights up yellow!"

"It really shines!"

"It's not that an evil demon is coming in!"

Everyone looked at the faintly yellow magic talisman at the door, and suddenly became excited and nervous, and the voice did not dare to be too loud.

I'm afraid that there is an evil demon outside the door.

The questioning male spiritual practitioner was surprised, and the magic talisman really shined, which means that this symbol can really serve as a reminder of the evil spirits in spiritual cultivation!

In this way, he blamed Mu Wushuang!

However, is there really a demon approaching?

He doubted it in his heart.

Everyone's eyes were staring at the closed door, and even the shopkeeper and a few juniors stopped working. They stared at the door without blinking to see who was outside the door!


The door was slowly opened.

The yellow sand outside floated in from the open door, making it difficult to see the people.

The door slammed shut.

A man patted the sand on his body and walked in slowly.

He looks ordinary, has spiritual power on his body, cannot feel the slightest devilish energy, and is not like the legendary demons at all.

Everyone suddenly felt that something was wrong?

This person doesn't look like a demon!

The man who had questioned Mu Wushuang before recognized that the man who came in was his friend. He got up from his seat and sneered at Mu Wushuang:

"Liar! This person is my close friend Lin Qian, how could he be an evil demon! It is clear that your charms are fake!"

The spiritual man named Lin Qian paused, with a surprised look on his face, and asked blankly, "What kind of evil spirit talisman?"

Looks puzzled.

When everyone saw this, they felt that he did not look like an evil demon. It should be that Mu Wushuang's magic talisman had made a mistake. From this point of view, this magic talisman did not remind the evil demon at all, but would be self-defeating and recognize normal people as evil.

Mu Yuheng clearly sensed that the shark man Dan in his storage ring was hot, and knew that Lin Qian was an evil demon, but he acted too much like a normal person and deceived everyone.

Even Tang Wen and other disciples were very puzzled. Lin Qian didn't look like a demon.

But they believed in the master sister, so they firmly believed that Lin Qian was an evil demon in their hearts, but pretended to be too alike and deceived everyone.

Mu Yuheng saw that her sister was still calm, and her brother-in-law was also calm, so he didn't make a sound, but it depends on how good the demon's acting skills are.

The male spiritist approached Lin Qian and pointed to the yellow light emitting magic charm on the door and said to him:

"You can see it, this magic talisman is called a demon talisman, it is an eighth-order magic talisman, it can detect the identity of the evil demon, just now when you appeared, the magic talisman glowed, so everyone thought you were an evil demon!

His tone was contemptuous, and he deliberately said: "Lin Qian, you are an evil demon now, what do you think?"

The male Lingxiu named Lin Qian suddenly showed a dumbfounded expression, and said silently:

"I just went to the secret realm of the demon clan, and when I came back, I became an evil demon. This change is really hard for me to accept. If I were an evil demon, wouldn't all of the hundreds of spiritual cultivation that came out of the secret realm be successful? Demon?"

"Yeah, I think there is a problem with this magic talisman! A good-natured person, how could it be a demon!" someone agreed.

How can a demon be so calm?

If it's a demon, I'm afraid it would have run away long ago? Will you still stand here?

Those two 100,000 middle-grade spirit stones bought Mu Wushuang's demon talisman for the spiritual practice, which was useless at all, and the 100,000 middle-grade spirit stones could be bought with very good magic weapons.

But naturally they didn't dare to ask Mu Wushuang to refund the money, after all, the young emperor was sitting here, giving them a hundred guts and dare not go.

But they are a little unwilling, why should they be fooled of 100,000 middle-grade spirit stones for nothing!

How could they imagine that Mu Wushuang would lie?

"I just said that Lin Qian is not an evil demon! It's her magic talisman that is deceiving people! If you don't believe me, I will ask Lin Qian about the past again and see if he can answer it!"

Said the male spiritual practitioner before.

"Okay, in order to clear the grievances, I will definitely cooperate with you." Lin Qian said.

So the male spiritualist asked several questions on his face, and Lin Qian answered them one by one, and the answers were all correct.

"Look! If he were an evil demon, would he know these things happened before?" The male Xiu sneered, "You are a liar at all. You have deceived others a whole 200,000 middle-grade spirit stones!"

Wujizi couldn't stand it anymore, and said speechlessly: "Two hundred thousand middle-grade spirit stones are really nothing in our Qingyun Sword Sect. Our sect's daily income is more than this little spirit stone."

That spiritual cultivator was choked, and suddenly remembered that the Azure Cloud Sword Sect is now very rich, these two hundred thousand middle-grade spiritual stones may be really nothing in their eyes.

It's just that these two hundred thousand middle-grade spirit stones were like a fortune in his eyes, so he felt that Mu Wushuang was trying to cheat.

At this moment, Mu Wushuang looked around at everyone present, faintly said:

"Congratulations, the first time I saw an evil demon, I met a high-level evil demon, who coaxed you around."

The spiritual practitioner named Lin Qian frowned, and said, "This girl, I don't seem to have any grudges with you. Why do you want to say that I am a hateful demon?"

Everyone also felt that Mu Wushuang was too much. Others hadn't cared about anything before, but she still wanted to say that a normal person was a demon, which was a bit too much.

And if Lin Qian is an evil demon, would he describe himself as hateful? Obviously impossible.

Mu Wushuang didn't look at that Lin Qian, but still said lightly:

"Since everyone has seen the devil's cunning, Yuheng, go, you can kill him."

Mu Yuheng couldn't hold back for a long time. Upon hearing the order, he immediately drew out the Pure Sun Sword, and flew towards Lin Qian like an arrow that cut through the void.

Lin Qian immediately backed away, until then, he behaved like a normal person, showing shock and anger.

The previous male cultivator hurriedly stopped in front of Lin Qian and shouted: "What are you doing! He is not an evil demon, and you have to make a move. Do you want to bend into a trick and turn a normal person into an evil demon? You are happy! "

Others also frowned, feeling that Mu Wushuang and the others were doing things too unnaturally. Even if they admit the wrong person, they still have to take the wrong and kill it as a demon!

It's unreasonable!

Everyone stood up, and you blamed me every word.


Long Mo turned his head indifferently, and a magic talisman rose up into the sky and stuck it on Lin Qian who was about to take advantage of the chaos.


Lin Qian suddenly shouted, his face twisted.

His friend hurriedly ran over to uncover the magic talisman on Lin Qian's head, but soon his movements froze, because he saw Lin Qian's body bursting with black energy!

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