Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 449: Tiaohulishan

Chapter 449

Have the ability, come and bite me!

Mu Wushuang deliberately slammed her, she was not afraid that the Helian family would kill her, she was afraid that they would not fight.

Now it's fun to be able to kill people in a fair way.

She is a person with clear grievances. He Lianqian wanted to kill her, so she only introduced the elder Helian to commit the crime. Then she found the place by herself and let the Helian family, one of the four great super families, be devastated. Shame in front of the monk.

The next person to challenge is Qi Dong, who is from the Qinglong Temple.

Mu Wushuang was originally not sure whether he had been ordered by the Queen, but as soon as he came on the field, he felt the Ruowu's killing intent.

It seems to be another dog, but this dog is the dog of the Queen.

Since she is only sincere about the Saint Empress, even the young emperor's woman dared to kill her, so she should help the emperor clean the door!

Qi Dong's name is very resounding, but he is a mutant spiritual root, starting from the spiritual apprentice realm to the present spiritual sovereign realm, he has always been a leader in the same realm.

At the beginning of the match, Qi Dong showed a powerful method. A golden light shone in his hand, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a glazed flame-like giant knife. The astonishing temperature rose suddenly, and even the stone platform with the soles of his feet raised white smoke. !

Mu Wushuang raised the sword and turned it very quickly, surrounded by sword lights.

The giant sword of flame came from the sky to bring up the air currents and raging waves, and the ultra-thin lightning with the thickness of the waist was curved and swimming, and it was approaching Mu Wushuang!

Mu Wushuang's sword fell, and the dazzling light circle of the sword met the giant sword of flames, making a crash and shaking the mountain. Mu Wushuang stepped back a few steps with the scorching flames rushing towards his face, and his body was shocked with blood.

She wiped the blood from her mouth, but the corners of her mouth twitched: "Finally something decent is here."

Not only was she not nervous, but she inspired fighting spirit.

Qi Dong is like her, and it is more like a challenge.

What's the point of constantly abused chickens? How can she make progress without stimulating her fighting spirit!

Qi Dong noticed the sudden change in Mu Wushuang's eyes, his eyes became dignified, Mu Wushuang was too strange and terrified that she still had something to do.

"Mu Wushuang, you are very powerful, but you are destined to die in my hands."

Qi Dong said blankly.

Mu Wushuang snorted coldly: "You are the forty-fifth person who said this to me. You have also seen the others. The corpses are beginning to have plaques."

Qi Dong didn't say much any more, he had to make a quick fight to solve the evildoer of Mu Wushuang.

At this time, the giant firework sword in the sky returned to his hands instantly, and his heart moved, and in a blink of an eye it transformed into six huge pillars of fire, which rolled up a strong wind and rushed straight into the sky.

A huge lotus-like flame in the center immediately bloomed in the air.

"Heaven, it's actually the demon-fire of the lotus! The number one fire! According to legend, it can purify all things, and as long as it is touched, even the soul will be purified into the demon-fire of the lotus!"

"Jinglian Demon Fire!"

"I'm going! The Jinglian Demon Fire is the unspread treasure of the Azure Dragon God Palace! How could it be owned by Qi Dong!"

Someone said loudly, very surprised.

The pure lotus demon fire blooms in the six pillars of fire, giving people endless coercion, as if from the venerable in the different fire, demon but powerful.

Mu Wushuang was also taken aback, never thought Qi Dong could have such a fire!

The Jinglian Demon Fire is the number one different fire in the world of different fires. It is so powerful that it is more powerful than her Nether Red Lotus! The emperor also said that after the big wedding, he would take the Demon Fire of the Jinglian Demon to devour her and strengthen her Nether Red Lotus.

Her Nether Red Lotus is only ranked sixth in the world of different fires.

However, her Nether Red Lotus has swallowed a lot of strange fires, and it is now incomparably powerful, but it is a bit worse than the Jinglian Demon Fire.

She could feel the trembling Nether Red Lotus in her body, but she was not afraid, but excited.

"Even you want to swallow it, right, I won't let you down." Mu Wushuang smiled and calmed her strange fire.

What the emperor uncle wants to give her, this dog dares to get involved, then she will take it back!

The Jinglian demon fire fell together, bringing a strong sense of crisis, and attacked her.

Mu Wushuang calmed down and raised his sword again, but this time, he did not use the previous two tricks.

I saw her sword pointed to the ground and rotated slightly, but the person flew into the air. At this moment, the tip of the sword was lifted slightly, and the body of the sword was twisted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there were circles of invisible ripples around. But there is still no trace of spiritual power fluctuations!

Suddenly there was no sign of warning, and there was a clear sound of "poof", the sword broke out of her palm, and met the demon fire of the lotus that was coming towards her!

At this time, the vertical and horizontal sword qi made an extremely clear sword chant, and the slight ripples above turned into a faint light curtain. The sword body was still distorted and fluctuated, and it penetrated the net lotus demon fire at once, and approached Qi Dong!

Under the exclamation of many people, the sword whizzed past and returned to Mu Wu's hands. At this moment, Qi Dong, who was standing still, felt the great danger, and took out a high-level magic weapon to stop him!


Qi Dong was forced to retreat for a few steps, but the high-level magic weapon on his body suddenly cracked, and his internal organs were shaken by the sword qi.

The power of a sword is so!

Countless people were amazed that this seemingly simple and no fancy sword can actually penetrate the demon fire of the lotus, and it also broke the high-level magic weapon and injured Qi Dong, which is really incredible!

This trick is unpretentious, but amazingly powerful!

At this moment, Mu Wushuang curled his lips and smiled, still using the trick just now, but the power in the sword was several times greater!

The Jinglian Demon Fire was taken back by Qi Dong and turned into a giant fire knife in front of him. Qi Dong's magic weapon brilliance flowed, his face solemnly watched Mu Wushuang's sword. He was the party involved and knew the terrible sword just now. The point, if it weren't for weakening the power through the Jinglian Demon Fire, he quickly resisted it.

He didn't expect that Mu Wushuang could actually increase his skill, he really underestimated her!

A sword intent that was several times more powerful came out of the sky, and rippling and twisted ripples could be vaguely seen on the flying sword, quickly approaching Qi Dong.

With a "stab", a visible wave of brilliance was drawn from the space between Mu Wushuang and Qi Dong. Under this peerless sword, time seemed to have stopped.

At this moment, Qi Dong moved, and the giant sword of flame that turned from the demon-fire of the lotus flower turned into countless golden lotus flowers in vain, flooding the world, as if the world was full of golden lotus flowers. In an instant, these golden lotus flowers suddenly came close together and turned into a huge golden cocoon. Between the electric light and flint, the flying sword that was approaching in front of him was wrapped.

The flying sword made a crisp buzzing sound and rushed out of the golden cocoon, but everyone saw a golden figure in the golden cocoon after the flying sword. He suddenly entangled the flying sword, and the body of the flying sword was twisted. The ripples became bigger, soaring into the sky, and the golden villain actually followed up reluctantly, as if ignoring the powerful sword intent on the sword!

"It is actually a fire spirit bred from the Demon Fire of the Jinglian Demon! No wonder it is so powerful!"

Someone in the audience exclaimed.

A smile flashed across Mu Wushuang's eyes, and he glanced at that Huo Ling more, his eyes throbbed with brilliance.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain successfully, she suppressed her mind, did not care about the flying sword in the sky, but smiled slightly, took out a large handful of talisman in her hand and threw it towards Qi Dong suddenly.

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