Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 416: Memory is back

Chapter 416

The dangerous situation was instantly reversed, and those ferocious and terrifying brain-eating beasts all turned into well-behaved, obedient little chickens.

What no one can do, only Mu Wushuang can do it.

"The master is amazing, how did this happen!"

Little Zhu's eyes were staring, and she was impressed.

Mu Wushuang looked at the brain-eating beast in the white mist, and said slowly:

"In the process of adjusting my breath, I realized the faint way of heaven that exists in the forbidden ground, and the spiritual power that was sealed is like breaking through the shackles, and it is a lot stronger."

With mental power, she can guard against beasts.

The stronger the mental power, the stronger her ability to guard against beasts.

That's why she can control these brain-eating beasts that kill people without seeing blood.

"My God! The master is so awesome!"

"Master is great!"

Both spirits are proud of her.

They were almost scared to death just now, and the brain-eating beasts were almost coming in. Fortunately, the master controlled these brain-eating beasts at a critical moment.

But there was no excitement on Mu Wushuang's face, she even rubbed her temples a little uncomfortably.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

The two spirits asked nervously.

"It's a bit of a headache, it seems like it's going to explode in my head."

She said.

She yelled at the brain-eating beasts: "Fuck me!"

After she finished speaking, she leaned against the tree half limp and pointed to the white mist and said, "Damn, these white mists seem to be poisonous."

"the host!"

"the host!"

Then, after only hearing the cry of Little Vermilion Bird, her eyes went dark and she lost contact with the outside world.

Mu Wushuang opened his eyes, and in front of him was a sedan chair with black black stripes.


The soft sedan curtain was lifted by a slender hand, revealing a beautiful face, and the sun shone on his carved and angular outline, drawing a beautiful dark shadow.

His features are as flawless as beautiful jade, with cold and arrogant features, a tall nose, and thin lips that are cold and watery, especially those narrow eyes that are deep and boundless, like a cold star in the midnight, making it difficult to look directly at him.

Uncle Emperor?

Mu Wushuang opened her mouth, but she realized that she couldn't make a sound, she could only stare at her emperor uncle in a daze.

He seems a little different, his appearance is very cold, she has never seen him so indifferent before her.

At this time, his eyelids were lifted, his eyes were as deep as the sea, and his body was exuding an icy breath that no human beings would get close to, but his eyes fell on Mu Wushuang's body, his voice low and probing:


Mu Wushuang wanted to nod her head very much, but she couldn't move.

What exactly is going on?

There seemed to be a lot of people watching, but they didn't dare to look at it.

Where is this place? She has no impression.

The emperor's eyes suddenly became deep, his tone changed, and he waved to her: "Shuang'er come here."

She wanted to stand up and went to hold his hand.

But she couldn't move, she even heard her own voice:

"I can't walk, Uncle Emperor~"

Such a cold voice, how could she speak such a whisper? She feels that her goose bumps are about to rise!

The emperor's uncle's face was expressionless, no happiness or anger was seen, and he took out a green jade bottle and handed it to her through the guards.

Immediately afterwards, she saw her extremely fat trotters, oh no, extremely fat hands!

It is said that the trotters have been wronged. How can the trotters have her fat hands!

She is too fat to bear to watch! How could there be such fat hands! She swears that she had never seen such a fat woman in her previous life!

The hands are so fat, let alone the face! What is she getting fat now!

Poor emperor uncle, facing her such a fat body, is so calm!

and many more……

She suddenly remembered that when she was born again, her body was as fat as a pig. Could it be that it was not long before she was born again?

She could hear the surprised voices of the bystanders at this time, surprised to say how precious the pill in her hand was, and how did the regent give the pill to this waste.

She could see her stretched out her hand to open the cork and put the pill into her mouth.

She heard her smile brightly and said: "Thank you Shuang'er, Uncle Emperor."

Then he waved to himself blankly: "Come here."

But she actually couldn't afford to rely on the ground, and said coquettishly: "Uncle Emperor, my legs are soft!"

Mu Wushuang wanted to laugh inexplicably. She wanted to know what it was like to act like a baby with such a fat body. She had already heard the retching of people around.

She also wanted to know how the emperor would react?

He opened the sedan curtain again, revealing Long Moshen's enchanting and handsome face.

His temperament is cold, like a moving iceberg, with a purple gold jade crown on his three thousand ink hair, and a dark mysterious suit, but no matter how dark the color is, he can't suppress his kingly aura.

His eyes are frosty, and his handsome face is full of breathtaking light, making it difficult to look directly at him. Many people will lower their heads subconsciously when they see him.

So this is what the former emperor looked like?

It really hasn't changed at all.

The emperor's uncle is still so handsome and compelling, like a dragon and phoenix among people, with an extraordinary temperament.

He came out, but he came out in a wheelchair.

She knew that Xiao Zhu and Xiao Que had mentioned that she cured the emperor's legs and his whole body was poisoned, but the emperor did not tell her how he was poisoned.

But even in a wheelchair, he did not reduce the imperial uncle's aura.

This man was born strong and invincible, and his aura was like a rainbow.

"Uncle Emperor!"

At this moment, a dog-like man hurriedly stood up and said:

"Meet the emperor, my nephew is here to arrest the remnants of treason. I don't know the emperor is here, and my nephew will apologize to the emperor!

This person's attitude is very modest, but the tone and appearance of his speech make Mu Wushuang feel disgusted. Who is this man? Not a good thing at first sight!

She hated this man so much, she was very annoying inexplicably.

"Remaining evil? Fourth, you are talking about my little fiancee?"

The uncle's voice sounded, and the low voice fell into Mu Wushuang's heart. For some reason, she suddenly felt sore and wanted to cry.

Little fiancee... little fiancee!

She wanted to reach out and touch his cheek.

At this moment, everything in front of her became faster, and countless memories poured into her mind like a tide.

Those lost memories are back!

She opened her eyes suddenly, and two lines of tears crossed her face in her eyes.

"the host!"

Mu Wushuang ignored Little Vermilion’s concern. Instead, he raised the **** of her right hand. The ring on it had not responded for a long time, but now it suddenly became hot, as if something was connected to her heart. Above.

Her heart was pounding.

Subconsciously raising her head, she saw a tall and handsome man walking quickly from the white mist.

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