Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1296: Coming early is worse than coincidence

Chapter 1296

When Patriarch Helian heard the news that Princess Wushuang was the descendant of Fairy Yaochi, his face turned pale.

I was afraid of what was coming, thinking that Princess Wushuang had nothing to do with Fairy Yaochi, who knew she immediately slapped her face.

"My clan stop! My clan stop!"

When the ancestor of the beast heard it, he said twice that my clan had stopped, and his old face became even more dry, like a circle of dead tree bark.

But the grim look under his eyes became colder and colder.

"What should I do? Patriarch! Since Princess Wushuang is the descendant of Fairy Yaochi, then she must know about our family's practice, and you killed Yaochi disciple..."

Patriarch Helian said tremblingly.

They didn't know these things, and they didn't know until a while ago.

They all thought that the summoning ability was a family talent at first, but that was not the case. The family's summoning technique was actually created by the Queen Mother of the West. The ancestors got this summoning technique by chance.

At that time, the Kunlun Jade Pool was already on the verge of extinction. They were too busy to take care of themselves, so naturally they did not come to ask for this summoning technique.

Later, this summoning technique has always been owned by the ancestor. After his ascension, the ancestor was also very low-key, worried that the Yaochi disciples would find out, but as time passed, the ancestor discovered that there was no Yaochi disciple in the fairy world, and the ancestor's strength became stronger and stronger. Even if someone who can also summon skills appears later, no matter what the identity of the opponent, the ancestors will kill them to avoid future troubles.

After hundreds of thousands of years, the summoning technique became the unique technique of the Helian family.

But after so many years, Yaochi has long been extinct, why has Wushuang Princess become the descendant of Yaochi Fairy?

Not only that, it would be nice if their family knew about it earlier, in that case, they could kill the Wushuang Princess before she became the emperor.

But Princess Wushuang is too sophisticated. She has long since ascended to the immortal realm, but she has always concealed her identity and has not revealed her ability as a summoner. Who can think that she is the enemy of the family?

Now the family is simply standing on the sea of ​​fiery knives, and no one knows when the disaster will come.

"Maybe...maybe she doesn't know these things at all, she just happened to have the inheritance of Fairy Yaochi! Our Helian family has been standing in the fairy world for so many years, how could it be destroyed in the hands of a woman!"

Helianfei gritted his teeth and said.

Patriarch Helian also hopes to do so, but this kind of thing is not well said.

"Are we just waiting now? Just like death sentence prisoners, waiting to be cut?"

Seeing that his ancestor and father were silent, Helianfei collapsed.

When did the dignified Helian family fall into such a dead place?

"Let's watch the changes first."

Wan Beast Ancestor said in a deep voice, his voice extremely hoarse.

"Bring all the remaining flat peaches from the family."

He explained again.

"Ancestor, there are not many flat peaches left in the family now. Are you sure you want all of them?" Patriarch Helian asked.

"Bring it!" Wan Beast Ancestor frowned.

"Yes! Yes!" Patriarch Helian immediately went to fetch all the remaining flat peaches from the family.

But all the flat peaches add up to only a few dozen. It is good to know that the flat peach tree blooms once in three thousand years and bears once in three thousand years. There is only one flat peach tree for six thousand years. After so many years, there are still dozens of flat peaches left.

After all, for so many years, the ancestors will absorb a lot of life from the flat peach every few decades, and the family also needs to take out some of them.

Fortunately, the family's flat peach tree has already bear fruit. If the family can survive this catastrophe, wait a few years for the flat peach to mature.

The ancestor Wan Beast was very dissatisfied when he saw this flat peach, but he didn't say much, he directly took the flat peaches, and inhaled all the vitality in the flat peaches into his nasal cavity.

In a short while, only a handful of nuclear ash remained from these dozens of flat peaches.

Patriarch Helian felt very distressed, but did not dare to say more.

The ancestor inhaled his anger, his skin looked a little fuller, but the lifelessness on his body was still heavy, and everyone knew that his life was not much.

"Go out!"

The ancestor of the beast drove people away.

Patriarch Helian and Helianfei glanced at each other, and walked out.

"Father, I have a bad premonition. It's not that I treat a gentleman like a villain. It's just that the ancestor is like this. There is a feeling that he wants to escape alone and abandon the family."

After leaving, Helianfei whispered to Patriarch Helian.

The ancestor was by no means a person who was waiting to die, but he said that he let them wait and see what they changed, and sucked in all the flat peaches, leaving no way out. This approach made him suspicious.

"Impossible!" Patriarch Helian immediately shook his head in denial, "That is the ancestor, he created our Helian family, how could he leave the family alone? Fei'er, don't think too much about it. For the current plan, think about it. Get out of this predicament!"

Helianfei frowned, his father believed in his ancestors too much, and he said that it was useless.

He squinted his eyes, and a glint flashed in his eyes.

After separating from his father, he immediately went to the flat peach tree, sent the guards away, closed the restriction, he placed the barrier, uprooted the flat peach tree, and then his figure flashed and disappeared in place.


As soon as the flat peach tree moved, the ancestor of the beasts knew it, and his figure instantly emerged and stopped Helianfei outside the Helian family.

"What did you do with the peach tree! Where are you going to escape!"

The ancestor of the beast showed cold light.

"I'm just thinking the same as my ancestors. Since I have offended the emperor, and there is no way to change the fate of the family, it is natural to escape as soon as possible and leave a spark to the family."

Helianfei made no secrets, and directly expressed his thoughts.

"Nonsense!" The ancestor's expression became colder.

He was indeed ready to escape, but not now. If Helianfei escaped, it would make it difficult for him to escape, and sometimes it would be even more troublesome to disturb the opponent.

"Ancestor, why don't we run away together, we can go to the hidden world, if I can become the immortal emperor in the future, I will come back to avenge the family."

Hellenfeld Road.

However, the Patriarch Helian, the elders and others had noticed their movements and all came out.

"what happened?"

Feeling the tense atmosphere, Patriarch Helian asked.

"Oh, it's so lively!"

At this moment, a group of people flew over, headed by Princess Wushuang and Immortal Emperor Ling Tian, ​​behind them there were many guardians of the Heavenly Palace.

Patriarch Helian had a thump in his heart and almost fell to the ground.

"It turns out that it is Immortal Emperor Lingtian and Princess Wushuang, really rare guests. I don't know if you two passed by or came to our Helian family to sit down?"

Patriarch Helian took a deep breath and said, with a smile on his face, but the smile can be as ugly as it is.

"Don't laugh anymore. Why is it uglier to laugh than crying? We are here to find the ancestor of the beast to settle an account. I didn't expect to come early than to come by coincidence, just in time."

Wushuang said with a smile, these words made the faces of the Helian family pale.

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