Daquan Wang

Chapter 042

Luo Yi playfully looked at Xiangpa, who was standing there with such a respectful bow 90 degrees.

It’s funny to think about it: the God of Destruction here is really exquisite! It seems that this god is still quite sensitive to his status.

So he didn’t talk to Xiangpa anymore, took the earring in his hand, held it in his hand, and slowly felt the special aura brought by this artifact.

At this time, Luo Yi also felt that the power of the original God of Destruction was like this, and its magical inheritance was so mysterious.

So it was everything!

After everything was clear, he opened his wine-like magnifying glass and shone a crack in his earring.

Seeing the cracks on the earrings are so visible in front of you, and the color is relatively dull, there is no such brilliant light that real gold earrings should have.

Thought: After all, this is an artifact that has been passed down for many generations, and it is understandable that there is a certain amount of wear, but this one of Xiangpa’s is more worn.

But think about it, it’s still a lot easier than repairing Bardos’ scepter.

After all, this is an artifact of the supervisor’s destruction, and there is no difficulty.

Looking at the ridiculous posture of Xiangpa’s 90-degree bow, Luo Yi smiled.

Thinking about it, it is not difficult for this poor subordinate.

It may be an easy thing for me, but it is a sacred and great thing for him.

Since this is the case, don’t tease him anymore, so he slowly spoke: “Xiangpa, you don’t have to be so respectful, naturally.” Since I promised, I will definitely do it, don’t you still feel at ease? ”

“Okay, you don’t have to do this 90-degree bow there, you come and take a look, so that you can see for yourself the tears and cracks on your earrings.”

“That’s why you often can’t raise your strength, after all, your earrings are already badly damaged, and they should be more seriously damaged than other gods of destruction.”

“It seems that it is indeed not the reason for your talent and lack of effort, but because this artifact has a certain difference, you come and see it yourself.”

Xiangpa, as if on the verge of amnesty, quickly straightened up, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, stepped forward two steps, and looked at the earrings in the magnifying glass.

If there are really a lot of cracks on it, they exist one by one.

Xiangpa hissed and gasped: It turns out that there are really scars on it, I have used it for so many years, I actually don’t feel anything at all, I always thought that my talent and effort were not as good as Beerus, so I have never been his opponent.

It turns out that the problem is actually here!

Why didn’t all the gods of destruction discover this problem?

It’s right to think about it, after all, Lord Daquan King’s divine position and divine power far exceed how many realms we don’t know, and only he, standing at this height, can find our actual deficiencies.

It seems that it is quite promising to mess with such a master.

Pressing the little joy in his heart, Xiangpa said very solemnly: “In that case, it is up to Lord Daquan to decide!” You can do it however you want, and I will fully cooperate with you. ”

Luo Yi rolled his eyes and said, “Who wants you to cooperate!” Just stand there and watch. It won’t take much divine power to repair this artifact of yours, and it will be repaired for you soon. You don’t need to protect the Dharma, you don’t have to do anything, you just watch from the sidelines. ”

At this time, Xiangpa’s heart was very sad, like eating a basket of lemons, it was sour from beginning to end.

Why was it so grand when the scepter was repaired for Bardos?

And she needs to protect the Dharma, and she needs to help her this and that, all kinds of reasons, all kinds of help.

Just do you just do it casually when it comes to fixing my earrings, is this a different attitude towards artifacts or a different attitude towards people?

Alas…… Never mind!

Because this has already been beaten violently, don’t pull these useless things anymore.

Since Lord Daquan said so, then I will listen to it like this.

Sometimes no matter how much you complain and complain too much, it is still easy to be beaten.

Luo Yi closed his eyes and carefully understood the structure, mana structure, and use of this artifact, and slightly realized it in his heart.

Then the two fingers squeezed so gently, which frightened the elephant Pa.

Because of Luo Yi’s pinch, he actually pinched his gold earrings into a handful of gold dust.

At this moment, Xiangpa, as if petrified, stood there dumbfounded, his eyes were about to pop out, and his entire chin had fallen to the ground.

Miscellaneous…… What the…… What is this thing? My artifact… My earrings… It was actually pinched into a handful of gold dust by him….

This…… What is this?

Is this the necessary procedure to repair the earrings?

This…… This…… Can this still fix it for me?

Finished…… I don’t feel my connection to the soul of the earrings anymore.

What to do now?

Oops, bad, bad.

My God of Destruction position!

My ancestral artifact!

Is it ruined just like that?

It’s over, it’s really now!

Oh my God! O earth! Which angel sister come and save me!

Wrong! Blah blah! The brain is already confused.

At this time, even if Sister Angel is by my side, it is useless.

Not to mention that hapless Bardos.

With her divine power, she can’t solve my problem.

What to do?

Looking at the elephant pa, who was being petrified, Luo Yi thought about it and put away his thoughts to continue to tease him.

I thought: No, I can’t tease this guy anymore, and I’ll scare this kid out of a heart attack later, then I really have to find a new candidate to destroy God, but it’s troublesome.

Since that’s the case, let’s start officially and stop joking with him.

Luo Yi condensed the divine power of his whole body, looked at the handful of gold dust held in his right hand, and the white light flashed in his left hand, and it swept over the palm of his right hand.

In an instant, all the gold dust disappeared.

At this time, he didn’t care what expression Xiangpa had, or what inner activity he had.

It’s just silently running the divine power, the erasure technique has been completed, and now it’s time to restore the technique.

So the left hand slowly swiped gently from the opposite direction, from the palm of the right hand, and shouted in his mouth: “Great Recovery Technique!” ”

In this way, little by little, the earrings of Xiangpa appeared in front of everyone in a new posture and radiantly.

At this moment, the entire earring was completely restored.

A brilliant divine light burst out, as if it had never been touched.

In this way, a brand new earring lay quietly in Luo Yi’s hand.

It is full of light and exudes a trace of destructive power.

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