Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

The concept of 209 electricity, Edison cried! (6 more, please subscribe!!)

The concept of 209 electricity, Edison cried! (Sixth more, please subscribe!!)


The train was driving on the grassland, and Emperor Qin also said:

"I didn't expect to be able to come to this grassland in one day, it's really a thousand miles a day!

Meng Tian also nodded happily, the night fell, and the inside of the carriage became dark.

After lighting the lamp, Su Qing also spoke slowly:

"If only there was electricity! 35

Qin Huang was instantly refreshed and quickly asked:

"System, what is electricity?"

"Two-three-zero" Su Qing smiled and didn't answer, just said:

"It's coming soon, I'll tell you when I have time! 35

"If I had to ask for an answer, it would be more precious than a steam engine!


More precious than a steam engine?

What the hell is this? Today's trains and warships are all made under the action of steam engines.

Is there anything more precious than this?

Emperor Qin did not know that steam engines would be eliminated in the future, but electricity would always exist.

Completely changed the whole world.


Meng Yi is now bored at the end of the railway. In recent days, his general is just a decoration and has no use at all.

The craftsmen are working in an orderly manner and developing.

Originally, I wanted something to change, but now it seems that everything is overthinking.

Meng Yi was astounded by the diligence of the craftsmen. It was completely indistinguishable day and night. If lighting was not a big problem, it is estimated that the craftsmen would struggle day and night.

In the early stage of construction, as long as you work hard and work hard, you can get rich rewards.

Just when Meng Yi wanted to go back to rest, there was a huge bang in the distance.

The crowd stopped their work one after another and looked at the behemoth driving on the rails.

"This is the train!"

"The people who came here to build the railway at that time said that there will be a train coming here soon, so it must be this.

"It's so long and so spectacular!

People were talking about it, Meng Yi was also stupid.

"This is the train?"9

"It's really domineering!"

Soon the train stopped steadily in front of everyone, Meng Yi hurried to check.

Seeing Qin Huang slowly walking down from the train, Meng Yi was so frightened that he hurriedly saluted.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?"

Meng Tian also got out of the train.

Meng Yi looked at the two in surprise, Qin Huang said with a smile:

"Experience the train and come to see it. 35

"This grassland is developing so fast!

Qin Huang said with emotion.

Meng Yi also hurriedly said:

"That is, that is, the grassland that His Majesty brought us down must be developed quickly.

Qin Huang looked at Meng Yi and kept staring at the train behind him, and the crowd looked the same.

So he shouted aloud:

"This is the train. Since you like to watch it, you can get on the train to watch it, but you have to remove the grain and cement from the train.."

Qin Huang just finished speaking, Meng Yi was already touching the train, and he couldn't put it down.

There are still words in the mouth:

"What a good thing!"

Qin Huang waited for Meng Yi to see enough, then returned to the residence together, and then asked impatiently:

"System, what the hell is electricity?

"How many energy points are needed to exchange, I want to exchange!

Su Qing was speechless. He didn't expect Qin Huang to be so crazy now. He didn't even know what electricity was and had to exchange it.

"You have to exchange electricity before you understand electricity?"

Qin Huang said excitedly:

"Can there be anything wrong with what the system can say?

"And didn't you say that it is more wonderful and precious than the steam engine?"

Su Qing looked at the excited Qin Huang and then began to say:

"With electricity, life will change dramatically, and it is simple to say that the lighting formula can be changed. 39

"With electric light bulbs, there is no need for candles at all, and it is more convenient and brighter than candles.

"And now many items require electricity to work, such as refrigerators, air conditioners, etc.!99

"The refrigerator uses electricity to refrigerate, so that the food can be kept all the time, the air conditioner can refrigerate, and in the hot summer, you can feel extremely cool indoors!

Su Qing spoke slowly, and it took nearly half an hour to instill the concept of electricity into Emperor Qin.

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