On the other side,

Lady Hu carried a bowl of homemade chicken soup and headed for Li Xuan’s yard.

After a while, she arrived outside Li Xuan’s yard.

She stepped forward and stretched out her jade hand to knock on the door.

Beep, beep!

In the room,

Li Xuan was just about to practice when he heard a knock on the door.


He frowned, looking puzzled.

“Someone is looking for me?”

At the same time, the beautiful lady Hu outside opened her red lips and called out,”Li Xuan, are you there?”

As soon as Li Xuan heard it, he knew who was coming.

“Lady Hu is looking for me?”

He stopped practicing.

Then his body flashed and landed on the ground.

He strode out.

He came to the yard and opened the door.

Soon, Lady Hu appeared in front of him.

Li Xuan asked softly:”Second Miss, why are you here?”

Lady Hu’s almond eyes lit up, and she said with a sweet breath:”Li Xuan, I’ve been trying to make soup recently.”

“This is a chicken soup I made myself. Would you like to try it?”

As she spoke, her almond eyes were filled with anticipation.

She had finally brought a bowl of chicken soup over, but she didn’t want Li Xuan to refuse it.

Li Xuan was slightly startled.

“Chicken soup made by Lady Hu?”

According to what he knew, Lady Hu, the second young lady of Huoyu Villa, was a real amateur and had never cooked chicken soup in the kitchen.

On the contrary, the eldest young lady, Madam Hu, liked the kitchen and often liked to cook some food.

For example, she was proficient in dry food and beef jerky.

So at this moment, Lady Hu’s chicken soup was unexpected.

In fact,

Lady Hu was indeed trying to make soup these days.

The reason for this was that she had seen her sister make beef jerky for Li Xuan before.

She also wanted to make something for Li Xuan.

But she didn’t know how to make dry food and beef jerky.

Complex dishes were not learned all at once.

So she learned the simplest way to make soup.

Noticing Lady Hu’s expectant look

, Li Xuan’s eyes flashed and his face softened,”I’m a little hungry, so I’ll try it.”

In fact, he had just finished his meal and his stomach was full.

But Lady Hu’s kindness was made by hand.

How could he refuse such a kindness?

“Then you try it!” Lady Hu smiled when she heard it.

Then she handed the bowl of chicken soup to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan took it and said with a smile:”Second Miss, it’s a bit cold outside, come into my room.”

After that, he turned and walked into the yard.

“”Hmm!” Lady Hu followed happily.

After entering the yard, the two stopped at the tea table in the yard.

As soon as Li Xuan put down the cup, Lady Hu opened her white lips and said,”Li Xuan, I’ll pour you some chicken soup.”

She picked up a porcelain bowl on the tea table.

Seeing this, Li Xuan didn’t hesitate and asked Lady Hu to do it.

Lady Hu opened the lid of the cup and poured the chicken soup into the bowl.

The chicken soup in the cup, which was steaming, appeared in the bowl.

Li Xuan smelled it and felt it was not bad, with a fragrant aroma.

He praised sincerely,”It smells good.”

Lady Hu smiled and said,”Then try it.”

She picked up the porcelain bowl and handed it to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan took it and drank it down.

As soon as he finished drinking, Lady Hu couldn’t wait to ask,”How is it? Is it delicious?”

She had a nervous look on her pretty face.

She was worried about hearing a bad review from Li Xuan.

Li Xuan pondered for a moment and smiled,”Not bad, very delicious”

“Beauty, have another cup!”

Hearing this, Lady Hu finally put down her worries and came to

“”Well, I’ll pour you another bowl.”

She smiled happily and poured soup for Li Xuan again.

This was her first time making soup for someone. She was naturally very happy to receive such praise.


Li Xuan followed suit and drank several bowls in a row.

After a while, he drank all the chicken soup that Lady Hu brought.

Finally, he put down the porcelain bowl, looking like he was still not satisfied.

“Beauty, the chicken soup is delicious, thank you for your reward.”

Hearing this, Lady Hu was very happy.

She looked at Li Xuan with her crystal clear almond eyes, and said with her white lips:”Then I will make soup for you tomorrow.”

Li Xuan showed his expectation and said:”Then I am looking forward to it.”

Although it was the first time for Lady Hu to make chicken soup, she was obviously very attentive.

And she asked the cook of Huoyu Villa for advice.

So the chicken soup she made was really not bad.

Maybe it didn’t reach the level of a cook, but it was definitely of medium level.

Lady Hu was very satisfied with the results of today.

She opened her red lips and said:”Li Xuan, I’ll go back first.”

“I’ll take you out.” Li Xuan replied.

The two began to clean up the dishes.


Outside the yard, a shadow came silently.

It was the wolf that was preparing to assassinate Li Xuan.

The wolf stopped and stared at the yard in front.

“found it!”

“This is Li Xuan’s yard”

“Tonight, I will make you pay with blood!”

The wolf’s cold light burst out, and the murderous aura boiled.

But just as he was about to sneak in


He was startled and immediately restrained his breath.

“Is there anyone there?”

He heard the noise coming from inside.

Then, he saw Li Xuan and a woman coming out.

“Li Xuan and the second young lady of Fire Rain Villa, Lady Hu!”

He had seen Lady Hu’s portrait before, so he recognized her.

“good chance!”

“Just in time to kill two people at once!”

He only wanted to get rid of Li Xuan this time.

But he didn’t expect that he would have an unexpected gain, an extra Lady Hu!

Buy one get one free, which made him even more satisfied.

Soon, the wolf disappeared and approached quietly.

He inquired and found out that

Li Xuan had strange means and could attack from a distance.

To be on the safe side, he planned to get close before launching the attack.

In this way, it would be foolproof.

On the other side.

Li Xuan and Lady Hu walked out of the yard.

The two walked to the front and stopped to communicate face to face.

Lady Hu pursed her red lips:”Li Xuan, I was worried that the chicken soup I made was not to your taste.”

The chicken soup she made contained some spicy ingredients.

This is the way it is made in the Baiyue area.

She was worried that Li Xuan would not like it and it was not to his taste.

?Li Xuan smiled and said,”Spicy taste is just what I like.”

Before he traveled through time, he liked to eat medium-spicy dishes.

The chicken soup made by Lady Hu was only slightly spicy.

He could accept it naturally.

Lady Hu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled,”Okay, I will make soup for you in the future, just like today’s flavor.”

Li Xuan replied,”I look forward to seeing you.···”

He was just halfway through his speech when his expression changed drastically.

“There is a problem!”

His keen perception made him look forward suddenly.

?at the same time

“Li Xuan, Lady Hu, both of you, go to hell!”

The evil wolf approached and rushed forward.

He held a long knife in his hand and chopped at her with all his strength.

He directly attacked head-on, intending to chop Lady Hu in half, and then kill Li Xuan. With his initial innate strength, he was confident that he could kill both Li Xuan and Lady Hu with one blow.


Li Xuan’s eyes suddenly condensed.

The next moment, he hugged Lady Hu without thinking.

Then he used his left hand to protect Lady Hu.

His right hand moved his elbow forward and subconsciously blocked.

At this distance, he could not make more movements. He could only take this method to block the wolf’s attack.

Of course, he could not take this defense.

But in that case, Lady Hu would definitely die tragically under the wolf’s knife.

Of course, he was not stupid.

His warrior broke through the intermediate warrior, and his physical strength soared.

He was confident that he could block the wolf’s attack.


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