
Li Xuan suddenly thought of the special features of the Fire Rain Agate Mine.

So he entered the mine to see if he could trigger the special sign-in.

As it turned out, he was right!

“Sign in!”

He said silently in his heart.

“Sign in to the Agate Mine, congratulations on receiving: Telekinetic Flying Knife*36!”

“Telekinetic Flying Knife: Originated from the Devouring Star World, made from rare metal materials from Meteorite Ink Star”

“”Sharp edge, indestructible!”

This is a flying knife from the Devouring Stars world.

And it is a telekinetic flying knife specially made for telekinetic masters.

Li Xuan thought and extracted it.

Soon, a set of flying knives appeared in his hand.

There are 36 in total, and each one looks the same.

Palm-sized, S-shaped scimitar, double-sided blade, sharp edge.

This is a flying knife specially made for telekinetic masters.

The material is hard, the killing is sharp, and it is indestructible.

Under the urging of the telekinetic master, it quickly swirls to attack and can cut everything.

“Made of the same material as the Red Flame Saber, it is absolutely sharp and hard.”

By checking the information, Li Xuan knew the situation of the telekinetic flying knife.?

“Test the sharpness!”

Li Xuan was a little eager to try.

Then he moved his mind power and controlled one of the flying knives to fly up.

Under his control, the flying knife flew up.

Li Xuan did not add any power to it. He just controlled the flying knife and slashed it towards a big tree in front.


The thick trunk of the bucket was easily cut like tofu.

This scene surprised Li Xuan.

Because the flying knife with mind power was too sharp.

It was effortless to cut such a thick trunk.

“Daggers can be eliminated completely.”

Just now he killed the enemy with a dagger.

?But the dagger is made of ordinary materials and has a single shape.

Just now, when Li Xuan was controlling the enemy, he felt that it was a bit troublesome and unsatisfactory.

He could not fully exert his telekinetic power.

Now that he has replaced it with a real telekinetic flying knife, he no longer has this worry.

He can even use his telekinetic power to the fullest.

“Let’s test the power again.”

Li Xuan controlled the flying knife again.

This time his target was a stone pillar not far away.

This was a stone pillar that was as thick as a bucket.

Li Xuan controlled the flying knife with telekinesis and spun it rapidly.

The flying knife rotated at high speed, driving the airflow around it, making bursts of explosions.

Seeing this, Li Xuan’s eyes focused and commanded the flying knife to attack.


The stone pillar that was as thick as a bucket was immediately bombed.

Countless pieces of stone were blown away, splashing snakes all around.

“This power is really strong.”?

“If I had used this telekinetic flying knife to attack the wolf, I would have definitely killed it in one move.”

Li Xuan smiled, very satisfied.


Then he collected the flying knife.

“36 flying knives, a lot of rewards”

“Now I can only control one. If I want to control 36, I need to comprehend 36 pictures in the God Atlas.”

“Let alone 36 pictures, even if I have 20 pictures, I will be invincible in the world.”

Looking at the set of flying knives in front of him, Li Xuan couldn’t help but smile.

The reward of 36 flying knives was completely redundant for him.

Because he could only control one at present!

The spiritual method of the God Atlas, every time you comprehend an additional picture, you can control one more flying knife.

Comprehend 20 pictures, control 20 flying knives, Li Xuan is 100% invincible in the world.

It’s not a matter of the number of flying knives.

It’s because comprehending one picture represents one times the amplitude.

Comprehending 20 pictures means 20 times the amplitude.

20 times the amplitude, 20 times the strength.

Li Xuan’s warrior level is currently a primary warrior. With full force burst, it is about 1,000 kilograms, which is 1 ton of force.

20 times the strength is 20 tons of force.

Of course, 20 tons of power is not invincible.


After Li Xuan comprehends 20 pictures of the God of Heaven, his warrior level can’t be kept up, right?

At that time, he will definitely break through the level of a general.

Calculated based on his strength as a junior general.

And according to the combat power of a spiritualist, it is two levels higher than his own warrior level.

In other words, under normal circumstances, Li Xuan can burst out the power of a high-level general. ?

The standard fist force of a high-level general, 32,000 kilograms, 32 tons of power!

20 times the increase, that is 640 tons of power.

Can the heavenly strongman in the Qin world have 640 tons of power with a full-strength attack?

This is still calculated according to the lowest standard!

“Keep it for now, maybe it can be used later.”

Li Xuan shook his head slightly, dispelling his thoughts.


In the evening,

Li Xuan settled down in a house in the mine.

At present, the mining team has all withdrawn to the mine.

Hu San is making orderly arrangements and resting the team.

Tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, they will set off again and return to Huoyu Villa.

In the room,

Li Xuan had dinner and prepared to calm down and practice.

But at this moment, there was a fierce quarrel outside.

There was also the sound of some swords colliding.

“what happened?”

“Are there any enemies?”

Li Xuan was startled and walked out quickly with the Red Flame Saber in hand.

After walking out, he saw the situation at the scene clearly.

Hu San and his guards were confronting a group of people.

“It’s those guys!”

Li Xuanying’s eyes condensed, revealing a cold look.

The ones confronting Hu San and others were the latecomers.

They set out from Huoyu Mountain Villa in the morning, and arrived in the evening after a journey of dozens of miles.

It’s conceivable how arrogant and slack they were.

No wonder Hu San and others glared at them, exuding a strong murderous aura.


“Hand over the fifty taels of silver for this mission immediately, and then get out of here.”

“You are not worthy of being guests of Huoyu Villa, you are fired!”

Hu San roared with murderous intent.

Clang clang clang clang!

Clang clang clang clang!

Dozens of guards immediately drew their swords and protected Hu San.

The miners and helpers around him also gradually surrounded him with various weapons.

They were all loyal to Huoyu Villa and had long been dissatisfied with this greedy and idle guest.

What happened today made them completely unable to hold back and burst into anger.



Many guests swallowed their throats when they saw this.

Although they were reluctant to hand over the fifty taels of silver, they had to show fear in the face of the people who surrounded them with murderous intent.

As guests, although they were powerful, they were also afraid of being outnumbered, and two fists could not beat four hands.

Others were afraid, but the leader among the guests, the early post-natal strong man

, was calm. He looked at Hu San’s injured arm and sneered,”Hu San, do you really want to get back the fifty taels of silver?”

Hu San said toughly,”Forget about the previous rewards, but you must hand over all the fifty taels of silver that Lord Huoyu has issued recently.”

“Otherwise, don’t even think about leaving the mine.”

“Also, get out of here immediately. You are not welcome at Fire Rain Villa from now on.”Hearing this, the guest official of the early stage of the post-natal period was furious and wanted to teach the injured Hu San a lesson.

But at this time, someone on the side hurriedly reminded him,”Li Xuan is coming out.”

Hearing this, the guest official of the post-natal period hurriedly looked over.

When he saw Li Xuan coming out with a sword, he was shocked.

He had already learned about what happened today and knew Li Xuan’s terrible strength.

The fierce wolf and the crippled wolf among the three wolves of Broken Hair both died in the hands of Li Xuan.

His strength was far inferior to the two, so he didn’t dare to seek death.


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