Liu Huimin was a famous squire in Pei County.

He was good at making friends with gentry officials, but he became enemies with Liu Ji because of Lü Zhi.

If Xiao He was in charge of Pei County, Liu Huimin would have died.

The relationship between Xiao He and Liu Ji was as close as one person.

After returning to the mansion, Liu Huimin secretly hid a lot of gold under the toilet, and drove away from Pei County with a hundred taels of gold.

At that time,

Liu Ji, Xiao He, Fan Kuai and others gathered at Liu Ji's house, drinking and having fun.

"Xiao He, what will you do in the future?"

After Liu Ji drank a few cups of wine, his face was as red as a red date.

Xiao He smiled and said, "It's easy. We can recruit soldiers and horses secretly. Now Pei County is under our control, what is there to fear!"

Liu Ji heard it and nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Lv Zhi stepped forward and poured wine for him!

Lv Zhi is now a married woman, young and beautiful, and has endless charm.

When Liu Ji saw it, his face changed suddenly.

"Get in!"

Lv Zhi's face changed. She didn't know why Liu Ji was furious, but she didn't dare to say much, and turned back to go into the room.

Unexpectedly, Liu Ji recalled something.

When Lu Gong married Lv Zhi to Liu Ji, there was a nobleman Liu Huimin in Pei County who also loved Lv Zhi.

Liu Huimin prepared a generous gift to marry Lv Zhi, but was rejected by Lu Gong.

For this reason!

Liu Huimin not only hated Lu Gong to the bone, but also hated Liu Ji to the bone.

Liu Huimin made things difficult for Liu Ji, so that Liu Ji was poor and had no place to stand.

"Xiao He, I want to kill someone!"


"I want to wipe out his family and kill his whole family."

After speaking, Xiao He frowned.

The two had always been in contact with each other, and Xiao He knew the details of the feud between Liu Ji and Liu Huimin.


"Send Fan Kuai to lead people to secretly wipe out Liu Huimin's entire family at night."

After speaking,

Liu Ji shook his head: "No! I want to wipe out his entire family right now."

Thinking of Liu Huimin, Liu Ji gnashed his teeth with hatred.

Xiao He heard it and frowned and said: "Liu Ji, put the overall situation first!"

After this,

Although Liu Ji was unwilling, he still nodded.

At this time,

Liu Huimin fled from Pei County like a cunning rabbit.

After a little hesitation, he rushed towards Chen County like an arrow from a bow.

At this moment!

In the Chen County Governor's Mansion, Ran Min was communicating with dozens of gentry and celebrities in Chen County.

These gentry and celebrities were all anti-Qin traitors.

Seeing that the Qin Dynasty did not send troops to suppress Ran Min, they colluded and went to the Governor's Mansion to find Ran Min.

They had only one purpose!

They raised three thousand taels of gold (four thousand five hundred taels of gold) to help Ran Min recruit soldiers and horses.

Of course!

The real reason was that Ran Min already had 200,000 troops.

Even if the Qin Dynasty wanted to wipe out Ran Min, it would take a lot of effort.

This gave them hope of overthrowing the tyrannical Qin.

"Everyone, Ran Min is very grateful for your kindness."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

Ran Min?

How could it be him?

Where are Chen Sheng and Wu Guang?

A celebrity stood up and asked in confusion: "General, where is General Chen Sheng? We only want to discuss this matter with General Chen Sheng!"

As soon as these words came out,

it seemed as if time had stopped in the county governor's mansion, and the air froze instantly.

Everyone's eyes were like spotlights, focusing on the two people.


Ran Min laughed loudly, and his voice resounded throughout the mansion:

"You may not know that General Chen Sheng and General Wu Guang were seriously injured when they attacked Chen County. They unfortunately passed away three days ago. Now I will lead all the troops."

These words were like thunder, and everyone was shocked!


A celebrity stood up to smooth things over and said: "As long as they are heroes who are against Qin, we will support anyone."

The other celebrities also echoed.

After a round of greetings, everyone left the county governor's mansion one after another.

Ran Min stared at their departing backs, a cold light flashed in his eyes, as if he wanted to swallow all these people.


Zhuge Liang's warning echoed in his mind.

At this moment, they did not need swords and swords, but to lure out all the anti-Qin traitors.


Ran Min snorted disdainfully, stood up suddenly, walked towards the backyard with dragon-like steps, and went straight to Zhuge Liang's room.

"Sir, it has been more than half a month now. When will we kill these traitors?"

Ran Min went straight to the point, his eyes were like torches, and he looked directly at Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang heard the voice, raised his eyes slightly, and his eyes were like arrows, shooting at Ran Min, and said slowly:

"General, those who accomplish great things should be as calm as Mount Tai, calm and relaxed."

"Now in the outside world, you have just captured Chen County, as if you were walking in a

We are on thin ice and have not yet gained a firm foothold. At this moment, we are like a lone boat drifting in the stormy waves, and there is a risk of being swallowed by the wind and waves at any time. "

Zhuge Liang paused and continued, "In this situation, who dares to come rashly to surrender?"

"However, Liang has a trick in mind. When the world's talents come to surrender like a flood, it will be the day for us to close the net."

Hearing this, Ran Min raised his eyes slightly and remained silent.

At this moment,

The voice of the sentry on duty sounded outside the door.

"General, sir, there is a man named Liu Huimin outside the door who wants to see you."

Before he finished speaking, Ran Min's eyes were like lightning, and he opened them suddenly. He looked at Zhuge Liang, and saw Zhuge Liang nodded slightly.

"General, look, someone is coming. "

Zhuge Liang raised his lips slightly, and said with a smile.

Ran Min secretly slandered in his heart,

This guy, only they can pretend, but he has no evidence.


"I'll go and see!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ran Min stood up.

At this moment,

Liu Huimin was sitting on pins and needles, waiting anxiously in the lobby of the county governor's mansion.

He was extremely nervous and worried, fearing that Ran Min would not use him.

Not long after,

A crisp sound of footsteps came,

Da Da Da!

Liu Huimin turned around quickly,

only to see a man who was more than seven feet tall, mighty and majestic, and wearing armor striding towards him.

With such an outfit, even if he was not the leader of the rebels, he must be an important general in the rebels.

"I greet the general. "

Liu Huimin bowed hurriedly.

Ran Min nodded slightly.

"What do you want to see me for?"

Ran Min asked while looking Liu Huimin up and down.

To be honest, after Ran Min glanced around, he was really a little disdainful of him.

When Liu Huimin heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized that the man in front of him was the leader of the rebels, so his expression became more respectful.

"General, I have a confidential matter and want to report it to you."

Before he finished speaking,

Ran Min was shocked!

Confidential matter?

"Tell me quickly!"

Ran Min stared at Liu Huimin and said.

Liu Huimin heard this, his lips trembled a few times, and he said:

"General, Pei County, not far from here, has been controlled by several gangsters. They killed the county magistrate and secretly recruited soldiers and horses. It is said that their number has reached 30,000. "

"General, you are the main force against Qin. These people with troops did not come to join you. I think they want to hide in the dark and reap the benefits when you face the Qin army."

"I think you should send people to subdue them or destroy them."

After these words came out, Ran Min was shocked!

He never expected that there would be people like Chen Sheng and Wu Guang who secretly recruited soldiers.

Thirty thousand people!

Even if it is to conquer a county, it is not a problem.

It can be seen that there must be capable people behind these people.

Although Ran Min was extremely shocked, he did not change his face.

"Very good!"

"This news is very important. You stay in the county governor's mansion."

Liu Huimin was overjoyed when he heard this and hurriedly took out gold from his arms.

"General, this is a small gift from me. I hope it can help you. "

Ran Min was shocked when he saw it.

It turned out to be hundreds of taels of gold.

In a moment!

Ran Min smiled and said, "Good! Very good! You are really good!"


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