The two of them sat facing each other and couldn't see each other.

But there were four people sitting in front of the tea table.

If they hadn't been talking, no one would have thought that someone was sitting in front of the tea table.

"Fu Niansheng and Zhang Liang are such losers. They were actually...humiliated by Ying Mo, an unknown young man. I have long said that Fu Niansheng and Zhang Liang are unreliable."

"Master Fu and Mr. Zhang Liang also capsized in the gutter and were accidentally fooled by Ying Mo."

"Two commanders, now is not the time to discuss this matter. The current plan is how we can protect ourselves."

"Yes, two commanders, without the cover of Confucianism, we will soon be exposed. At that time, the tyrannical Qin will definitely kill us all."

"Humph, you want to kill me? There is no such person in the tyrannical Qin. If I want to leave, who can stop me?"

"Dao Zhi, you must not underestimate the people of the tyrannical Qin. Don't forget Master Fu and Mr. Zhang Liang."

"Gao Jianli, I think you are scared, what is there to fear about the Qin people?"

These people are none other than Gao Jianli, Dao Zhi and others of the Mohist School.

Dao Zhi and Gao Jianli quarrel with each other whenever they are together.


To be precise, Dao Zhi liked to confront Gao Jianli whenever he saw him.


Dao Zhi's words were not pleasant to hear, always insinuating and sarcastic.


Gao Jianli was startled.

"Don't move, someone is coming."

As soon as this was said, everyone was shocked, and even Dao Zhi was silent.

The next moment!


The front door of the house was kicked open by brute force,

Hula la!

Hundreds of county soldiers rushed into the house and quickly surrounded all the rooms in the house.

"Spread out."

Gao Jianli made a prompt decision.


They have been exposed.

"You don't need to tell me."

After that, Dao Zhi rushed out first.

"You lackeys of the tyrannical Qin, I'm here, come and catch me if you can!"

Dao Zhi sneered and mocked these county soldiers.

In his opinion, these county soldiers could not catch him at all.

Not to mention the county soldiers, even if they were the shadow guards, even if they were led by Zhang Han, he was not afraid.

He didn't know how many times he had escaped from Zhang Han's encirclement.

As soon as the voice fell.

Swish, swish, swish!

Dozens of arrows flew towards him.

Dao Zhi sneered and raised the sword in his hand, not taking these ten arrows seriously at all.

Clang, clang, clang!

In just a few strokes, Dao Zhi blocked eight or nine arrows.


Dao Zhi waved his sword to block another arrow.

Da Da Da!

Dao Zhi was knocked back a few steps by the arrows,

Even his arms were numb.

Dao Zhi was shocked and quickly put away his contempt.

He didn't expect that an arrow could actually knock him back.

It turned out that the person who came was a very handsome man, holding a long spear in his hand, standing out among the county soldiers.


The person who came was Zhao Zilong.

For Mohism,

Ying Mo had no good feelings at all.

Discovering that the remnants of Mohism had a base in Xianyang City, Ying Mo deployed an absolute force.


Zhao Zilong raised the bright silver spear in his hand, and his body turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Dao Zhi.

Dao Zhi was stunned, and then quickly jumped up from the ground!

In the blink of an eye, he flew to the roof.

"Bang, even if you have a high level of cultivation, I don't believe that your Qinggong is better than mine."

"Boy, it's useless to be handsome. If you have the guts, come and chase me!"

Dao Zhi's mouth was not ordinary, deliberately provoking Zhao Zilong.

Zhao Zilong stared at Dao Zhi, dived quickly, and then jumped on one foot and flew to the roof.

Seeing this, Dao Zhi laughed out loud: "Come on, come and chase me!"

Da Da Da!

Zhao Zilong rushed towards Dao Zhi quickly.


Dao Zhi jumped and came to another roof.

When Zhao Zilong reached his previous position, he jumped again and came to another roof.

It looked like he was playing the game of eagle catching chicken.

Zhao Zilong was not angry either, he chased Dao Zhi when he escaped.

At the same time,

Gao Jianli and others also rushed out of the house.

Gao Jianli was a master of swordsmanship and a master of the top level.


At a glance, Gao Jianli killed two county soldiers.

Just when he was about to rush out with the rest of the Mohist disciples,

a man blocked him.

He was wearing a long gown, his beard grew to his thighs, and he held a five-foot-long sword in his hand.

Who else could this man be but Guan Yu!

"Boy, watch out for the knife!"

Guan Yu shouted, then held his long knife horizontally, put the tip of the knife on the ground, dragged the long knife with his right hand, and slowly walked towards Gao Jianli.

Slowly, but actually very quickly!

In an instant,

Gao Jianli felt a strong murderous aura enveloping him, and the closer Guan Yu got to him, the stronger this feeling became.

Before they even fought, beads of sweat had already seeped out of Gao Jianli's forehead.

You know,

Gao Jianli is a master of swordsmanship, and a master-level peak powerhouse.

Even if he faced a master of the primary level, he would not do this.


The opponent is much stronger than him.

Da da da!

Gao Jianli retreated quickly, and at the same time said to several people: "You guys rush out, I'll hold this man."

Although Gao Jianli faced great pressure from Guan Yu, he decided to stay and hold Guan Yu.

Once he left, with Guan Yu's cultivation, the other Mohist disciples would not be able to escape.

"Commander, leave quickly, don't worry about us!"

Gao Jianli said angrily: "Asshole, leave quickly!"

At this time, Guan Yu was less than five steps away from Gao Jianli.

Da Da!

Guan Yu took two more steps forward,

The long sword in his hand accumulated enough strength.


Guan Yu exerted force with his right hand,


The long sword cut through the air, making a sound of tearing the air, and a light blue flame lit up in the darkness.

Gao Jianli was shocked, and it was too late to dodge, so he could only swing his sword to block.


The long sword and the sword met.


It was just a short stop, and Gao Jianli's sword broke.

The long sword did not stop after cutting off Gao Jianli's sword, and it went down with the trend.


Just one knife.

Gao Jianli was split in half by Guan Yu.

"Unable to withstand a single blow!"

Guan Yu stroked his beard with his left hand, looking at Gao Jianli's body on the ground with disdain in his eyes.

The Mohist disciples were stunned when they saw this!

Gao Jianli was a top warrior in the Mohist family, but the top warrior of the Mohist family could not resist a single move in front of the newcomer.

"Quick! Get out!"

The next moment!

Swish, swish, swish!

Dozens of arrows flew towards them, and everyone was killed instantly.

On the other side.

Dao Zhi also found that Gao Jianli was killed by Guan Yu with one sword, and was shocked!

It turned out that

Dao Zhi had been circling back and forth on the houses.

At this moment!

Dao Zhi realized that

These people were much more powerful than Zhang Han.

He didn't dare to play anymore.

But this person was just a bad mouth.

"Okay, you lackey of the tyrannical Qin, I won't play with you anymore."

Just when Dao Zhi was about to leave,

a cold voice sounded.

"Want to leave? Have you asked me?"

At some point, Shen Lian, Zhang Ji and hundreds of Jinyiwei appeared around Dao Zhi and surrounded him.

Dao Zhi was shocked!


Dao Zhi panicked!


Shen Lian didn't like nonsense, so he ordered the soldiers to shoot.

The next moment!

Hundreds of arrows flew towards Dao Zhi,

Dao Zhi saw this, his body flew into the air, turned into a spiral, and rose rapidly,

That's right!

He dodged hundreds of arrows.

But at this time, Zhao Zilong also leaped towards Dao Zhi.

The bright silver spear in his hand was raised, and it turned into several silver dragons attacking Dao Zhi.

Dao Zhi couldn't avoid it, so he had to bite the bullet and take the attack.


He took only one attack from Zhao Zilong, and was injured by Zhao Zilong's second attack.

The bright silver spear directly disabled Dao Zhi's right arm.

Zhao Zilong took advantage of the situation and


He hit Dao Zhi's chest with a palm.


Dao Zhi flew backwards.


He fell heavily to the ground.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.


Before Dao Zhi could react,

Zhao Zilong pointed the bright silver spear at Dao Zhi's neck,

Dao Zhi was stunned!

The next moment!


Zhao Zilong swung the bright silver spear directly, cutting all the tendons of Dao Zhi's hands and feet.

This was what Ying Mo ordered.


Several screams came out of Dao Zhi's mouth, resounding through the sky.

At the same time,

Cao Chun, Nei Shiteng and others each led a team of county soldiers, and according to the strongholds of the remnants of the six countries that Jinyiwei had previously mastered,

began to clear them one by one.

In the dark city of Xianyang, screams continued to sound, scaring the people of Xianyang City to hide in their homes and tremble, not knowing what had happened.

In Ying Mo's study in the backyard of the Prince's Mansion.

Ying Mo sat in front of the desk,

and the system's prompt sound came from time to time in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the remnants of the Mo family, and reward 3,000 summoning points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the remnants of the Han State, and reward 2,000 summoning points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the remnants of the Zhao State, and reward

Three thousand summoning points."


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