The king of the country was in trouble.

"Do you know your crime?"

As soon as Ying Mo walked into the imperial study, Ying Zheng's cold voice came over before he could salute.

Do you know your crime?

Ying Mo was completely confused and stared at Ying Zheng in a daze.

"Father, what did I do?"

Ying Zheng was furious, stood up suddenly, and slammed the dragon case: "Asshole, it's already this time, and you still don't tell the truth!"

"Do you want me to tell you one by one!"

As soon as these words came out, Ying Mo's heart skipped a beat.

Did Ying Zheng discover the power he summoned?

Ying Mo quickly rejected this idea.

The forces he summoned were so hidden, how could they be discovered? If they were not discovered, it might be that Ying Zheng was deceiving him.

Ying Mo firmly believed in one sentence.

Leniency for confession, life imprisonment, strictness for resistance, and return home for the New Year!

"Please make it clear, father."

Anything without evidence is a false accusation, and if it was not caught at the scene, it was not done.

This is still Ying Mo's creed!


Ying Zheng changed the subject: "Yes, honor and disgrace are not surprising!"

In fact.

Ying Zheng only knew that there were two grandmaster-level peak masters, Xu Chu and Zhao Zilong, around Ying Mo, and knew nothing about the others.

If it were two years ago or even a year ago,

Ying Zheng found that there were two grandmaster-level peak warriors hidden in a prince's mansion, he would definitely banish this prince.

Xianyang City does not allow any uncertain factors to exist.

But it is different now.

Ying Zheng knows that he has little time left.

At this time,

he hopes that such a prince will appear.

Ying Mo was stunned, not understanding what Ying Zheng was up to!

At this moment, Ying Zheng said solemnly:

"Mo'er, you must never completely trust a person, even if this person is your most trusted subordinate."

As soon as these words came out, Ying Mo felt something was wrong.

How could Ying Zheng, the emperor of all ages, say such warm words? It felt a bit like an entrustment to Ying Mo!

"Father, are you feeling unwell?"

Ying Zheng has been coughing up more and more black blood recently. He knows that he doesn't have much time left, so he doesn't plan to hide it from Ying Mo.

"I always feel chest tightness and shortness of breath recently, and I cough frequently."

Ying Mo frowned: "Father, do you still often eat the elixir refined by Master Xu?"

It's not that Ying Mo didn't remember this, but he didn't dare to mention it in front of Ying Zheng before.

Ying Zheng trusted Xu Fu too much. No matter who it was, if they dared to say that the elixir refined by Xu Fu was not good, they would be punished even if they didn't die, and it was a very severe punishment!

Ying Zheng nodded.

"I take one pill every three months. After taking the elixir, I feel full of energy, but I feel very tired after a while."

Ying Mo raised his eyes slightly.

"Father, do you have any more elixirs?"

Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

"Can you give me your elixir?"

Ying Mo didn't want to argue. He knew that facts speak louder than words.

Ying Zheng hesitated and nodded.

"Xiao Si, go get the elixir."


Just when Xiao Si was about to leave, Ying Mo said, "Please catch a mouse."

Xiao Si was startled.

Catch a mouse?

What to catch a mouse for?

Xiao Si looked at Ying Zheng in confusion, and Ying Zheng was also confused.

However, when he saw Ying Mo's serious face,

Ying Zheng still nodded.

"Do as Moer says!"


After Xiao Si left,

The imperial study fell into a brief silence.

Ying Zheng was the first to break the silence.

"Moer, if you were the king of the Qin Dynasty, how would you govern the Qin Dynasty?"

Ying Mo frowned.

"First, start a massacre, then show kindness to the world."

Ying Zheng raised his eyes: "Who to kill? How to show kindness to the world?"

Ying Mo replied: "Kill all the nobles of the six countries that my father raised in Xianyang City, and leave no one alive. Issue a bounty order.

Anyone who provides information about the remnants of the six countries can get a Qin half liang ranging from one thousand to one hundred thousand. Kill all the remnants of the six countries who are hiding in the dark like rats."

"Even if they cannot be slaughtered, they must be like rats crossing the street, and dare not show their heads at all."

"In this way, the remnants of the six countries will never turn over."

Ying Zheng's eyes were gloomy.

"How can you be sure that the information provided by the people is accurate? If they report each other randomly, wouldn't the Qin Dynasty be in chaos?"

Ying Mo smiled slightly: "Father, this is very simple.

After the information is obtained, we will send people to verify it. We will pay them only after the verification is accurate. In addition, we will protect the people who provide the information and will not disclose their names. "

"Father, think about it. No matter where the remnants of the six countries hide, there must be people around them who know about it. If so, is there any place for the remnants of the six countries in the Qin territory?"

Ying Zheng half-closed his eyes and pondered.

Just at this time, Xiao Si walked in.

He held a very delicate brocade box in his left hand and a cage in his right hand. There were two mice in the cage.

"Your Majesty, the elixir and the mice are here."

Ying Zheng blinked slightly.

"Give it to Mo'er!"


Xiao Si walked to Ying Mo's side.

"Sixth Young Master. "

Ying Mo nodded slightly, took the brocade box handed over by Xiao Si, and opened it.

The next moment!

A mist came out of the brocade box,

It almost filled up his eyes!

It gave people a feeling of fairy spirit.

No wonder an emperor like Ying Zheng would be deceived.

Ying Zheng stared at the elixir in Ying Mo's hand.

To be honest, if Ying Mo hadn't asked, no one else could get this elixir.

But the next moment!

Ying Zheng's eyes almost popped out.

Ying Mo picked up the elixir and crushed it directly with his fingers, and then fed it directly to the mouse.

Ying Zheng was stunned, and Xiao Si was also stunned!

After a while, Ying Zheng's angry voice sounded in the imperial study.

"Ying Mo, do you know what you are doing? "

As he said that, Ying Zheng quickly stood up and walked towards Ying Mo.

Ying Mo ignored him and quickly fed all the pills in his hand to the mouse. When Ying Zheng rushed to Ying Mo, all the so-called elixirs were fed to the mouse.


"Do you know how noble the elixir is? You actually fed it to the mouse."

"Ying Mo, what crime should you be punished for?"

Ying Mo was furious, and his voice echoed in the imperial study.

Because he was too excited, Ying Zheng began to cough violently.

Cough cough cough!

Xiao Si was frightened and ran to Ying Zheng's side.

"Your Majesty, calm down. If the elixir is gone, let Master Xu make it again. Don't get angry and hurt yourself."

Ying Zheng pushed Xiao Si away and glared at Ying Mo.

"Ying Mo, you disappoint me too much."

"Xiao Si."

"I'm here! "

"Draft an edict. The Sixth Prince Ying Mo is unruly and has bad conduct. He is exiled to Beidi County..."

Just at this moment,


Ying Zheng looked in the direction of the sound and

was stunned!

The mouse that Ying Mo had just fed the elixir with was dead!

It died miserably, bleeding from all seven orifices.

At this moment,

Ying Mo, who was already sweating profusely, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, if the mouse had died a little later, he might have gone to Beidi County.

Ying Zheng walked to the cage in surprise to check,

That's right!


The mouse is dead!

He turned his head and looked at Ying Mo.

"Mo'er, did you know that the elixir was poisonous?"

At this moment, Ying Mo was sweating profusely, but he deliberately did not wipe it off.

"Reporting to my father, I just think the elixir is poisonous, but I have no evidence."

Ying Zheng took a deep breath: "Just thinking that you dare to do this? Aren't you afraid that I will punish you?"

Ying Mo nodded: "I am afraid, but I am more afraid that my father will continue to take this poisonous elixir. For my father, it is worth taking some risks."


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