Daqin: Start to become stronger and live longer by picking up attributes from the battlefield

Chapter 312: Prime Minister again! Zhao Feng shows his authority! Recruit soldiers and reform the sy

All the eight ministers bowed to Ying Zheng and Zhao Feng.

"I will not disappoint His Majesty and the Crown Prince."

"Determine the responsibilities of the state pastor and stabilize the state and county."

The eight ministers said in unison.

"The Kyushu state pastors each control a state and hold a high and powerful position."

"The official position is equivalent to that of a senior minister."

"As for the candidates for the county governors of the thirty-six counties in Kyushu, in addition to the ones I have already drafted, the remaining vacant county governors will be drafted after the nine beloved ministers have entered their respective states and counties. After submitting the memorial, I will consider whether to grant the title." Ying Zheng said to the eight people.

"I will obey the imperial edict," the eight ministers said immediately.

"The Kyushu Prefecture has been granted the title of Mu. Each of the Kyushu has nearly 10,000 or even tens of thousands of county soldiers, which need to be controlled by generals."

"Has the Crown Prince drawn up the candidates for these generals?" Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Feng with a smile.


"The candidates for the generals in charge of the Kyushu army have been drafted."

"He is a meritorious general in the five major camps of our Great Qin Dynasty."

"The specific arrangements have been handed down by my minister," Zhao Feng said.

"Okay." Ying Zheng nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"Eight noble families.

"After you return to the states to take over government affairs, the first thing to do is to build academic palaces in counties, counties, and states." Zhao Feng said.

"Dare to ask Your Highness."

"After the academy is built, how will we recruit students from the outside? Where will the teachers come from? How much tuition fees will the academy need to charge? How long will the academy at each level teach?" Yan Bing asked respectfully.

"Good question."

Zhao Feng smiled, and then said: "After the completion of our Great Qin Jiuzhou Academy, anyone aged over eight and under twenty-five can study in the county academy. The county academy is exempt from tuition fees and can provide a basic foundation." Accommodation, but you need to bring your own food.”

"The County School Palace will last for two years."

"After two years, the academy will take the exam. Those who excel can enter the county academy. The tuition fee for the county academy is 500 yuan, and they will bring their own food for one year! After one year, there will also be an exam. Those who are talented will be promoted. Prefecture Academy, the tuition fee is 800 yuan, you have to bring your own food, and it is also for one year! After one year, you can go to the capital academy to take the exam, and those who pass it can become an official!"

Hear what Zhao Feng said.

All the civil and military officials in the court nodded their heads in admiration of the implementation of the academy system.

Moreover, their prince has already drawn up the charter.

The county school lasted for two years, and its main purpose was to teach literacy and hyphenation.

When he arrived at the county school, he began to teach various schools of thought and even the methods of government affairs.

The state capital academy is even more profound.

The Capital Academy exists because students who come from Kyushu to take the exam can become officials after passing the exam.

"This way."

"It lasts for four years. After the academy is built, it can cultivate countless talents for our Qin Dynasty. After entering the capital, we can even let knowledgeable students serve as officials." Ying Zheng said with a smile.

He seemed to have seen the scene where countless outstanding people emerged in Great Qin after the success of the Academy Strategy.

"As for the Academy Teacher."

"As for the teachers the academy needs."

"I have sent people to Qidi and invited many talented people."

"Xunzi, the great sage of Jixia Academy, is also willing to serve as the head of the capital academy and even the academy in the world, and serve as a role model for students all over the world."

"Under the call of Xunzi, many talented people in the world are also willing to enter the palace to teach students all over the world." Zhao Feng said slowly again, with a smile on his face.

Hear this.

The ministers were horrified.

"Xunzi was a great sage in the world. The prime ministers of Han and the imperial officials all came from Xunzi's sect."

"Xunzi was highly virtuous and highly respected. He always taught his students in Jixia Academy. I never thought that the prince could invite such a great sage to come out."

"The prince is worthy of being a prince, and the great sage can be invited."

"With Xunzi as the first, how can the world's most talented people not understand?"


"The Qin Dynasty opened a world academy to educate the world and open up the wisdom of the people. How could Xunzi refuse such a great virtue?"

"This is a major event that will go down in history."


"With Xunzi as the head of the Academy, our Great Qin Academy will be prosperous. In the future, Great Qin will have countless outstanding people."

"The academy established by the prince will definitely be successful."

After hearing Xunzi's name, many ministers in the court were filled with wonder.

Even Han Fei and Li Si were quite surprised at this moment.

"The prince is indeed very powerful. The teacher has always lived in Jixia Academy and never left the school. Moreover, he is already very old and has reached the end of his life, but he was actually invited out by the prince."

"With the teacher's personal guidance, the academy will prosper."

"Looking around the world, teachers are the benchmark for literati in the world."

Han Fei and Li Si looked at each other with a look of wonder.

In today's world.

As for the great sage whose reputation is truly resounding throughout the world, perhaps there is only one person, Xunzi.

He taught countless students, and many of them were important ministers in various countries in the past, such as Han Fei and Li Si, who were extremely popular ministers.

In today's era, he is the benchmark for literati.

It can be said.

With Xunzi's participation, the academy established by Da Qin will be recognized by the world. This is the ultimate benefit for literati to join.

"Dare to ask the prince."

"After the academy is opened, will it teach Confucianism or Dharma? Or other schools of thought?"

Chunyu Yue stood up at this moment and asked with an anxious expression.

Since Fusu left Xianyang, Chunyu Yue has become more honest, and the Confucian scholars in the court have also become more honest.

With Wang Wan and Wei Zhuang having learned from their mistakes, how could Chunyu Yue dare to act like a monster?

After all, he was just a Confucian scholar, and he entered Qin to promote Confucianism.

At this moment, the academy was opened, and Chunyu Yue was naturally very nervous. If the academy emphasized legal education, all the students in the academy would be legalists, and his Confucianism would be completely gone.

Hearing Chunyu Yue's question.

The ministers' eyes gathered on Zhao Feng.

And Ying Zheng smiled faintly, without speaking, because his son was the same as him, no matter when, the Qin would not have only one art.

"Since the existence of China, since the Spring and Autumn Period, various schools of thought have emerged one after another, and their academic knowledge and inheritance have continued until now."

"I founded the Great Qin Academy to enlighten the people of the world, and to train talents to serve the Great Qin and strengthen the national strength of the Great Qin."

"After the academy is opened, it will not only teach one technique or one method, but all schools of thought will be taught."

"The Great Qin I want is not to respect only one technique or one method, but to embrace all rivers and seas, and I want the strengths of all schools of thought."

Zhao Feng glanced at the court and said in a powerful voice.

The expressions of the ministers changed slightly, and they all looked at Zhao Feng with awe.

The sea embraces all rivers and seas, and embraces the strengths of all schools of thought.

It is enough to see Zhao Feng's courage.

"Then can my Confucianism also teach in the academy?" Chunyu Yue asked nervously.

He was worried that Zhao Feng would target him because of his past actions.

"I said."

"All schools of thought can be taught."

"Whether it is Taoism, Legalism, Confucianism, or Mohism, Gongshu, or military!"

"Any of the schools of thought can be taught. In the future, our Great Qin needs not only talents in handling government affairs, but also talents in commanding troops and fighting, as well as talents in craftsmen, institutions, and various other things."

"After the court meeting is over, I will issue an edict and announce to the world that all scholars who are willing to teach the various schools of thought can be included in the Xianyang register. I will send special people to review them. Talented people can enter the county city academy and the state prefecture academy to teach, so that the ability of the hundreds of schools can spread throughout the world." Zhao Feng smiled and said loudly.

Hearing this.

Chunyu Yue was excited and bowed immediately: "Prince, great virtue."

Many Confucian scholars in the court also shouted: "Prince, great virtue."


Zhao Feng's broad mind and his act of letting bygones be bygones made them sincerely convinced.

After Zhao Feng became the crown prince and Fusu went to the northern border, they even thought that their future situation in Daqin would be very difficult.

But Zhao Feng did not target them at all. Now he even gave them the opportunity to learn equally. How could they not be shocked?

"Teacher Chunyu, after the court meeting is over, you come to my house."

"I have an important task for you."

Zhao Feng smiled slightly and said to Chunyu Yue.

"I will definitely go." Chunyu Yue bowed immediately, and his heart was extremely shocked.

Zhao Feng smiled and looked at the court.

"My Lords."

"Let's continue the discussion." Zhao Feng said.

"Your Majesty, please report to the crown prince."

"The princess' wedding preparations have been fully prepared and can be completed in ten days."

"Please let your Majesty and the crown prince decide."

An old minister stood up. It was Zhang Cang, the least powerful of the nine ministers.

Speaking of it,

Although his name is not as famous as Han Fei and Li Si in history, he is actually like Han Fei and others, and he is also a disciple of Xunzi.

With the return of Zhao Feng's family to their ancestral home.

Zhao Ying also became the legitimate princess of the Qin Dynasty.

The marriage of the legitimate princess is naturally a major event in the true sense.

The preparations are sufficient, and the action is also very big.


"Is your house ready?"

Ying Zheng asked with a smile.

Li Si stood up with excitement and said loudly: "Your Majesty, my house is ready and can welcome the princess into the house at any time."

For the Li family.

Once Zhao Ying is welcomed into the house.

This is not an ordinary wife, but a talisman for his Li family.

As long as Zhao Ying is in his Li family, his Li family will prosper forever.

Now the First Emperor is in power.

The prince will be in power in the future.

His Li family is a prestigious family second only to the Wang family, and it will surely prosper.

"Li You."

Ying Zheng looked at Li You again.

"Your Majesty."

"I have been ready to marry Ying'er for a long time." Li You was also excited.

His beloved was finally going to marry him. He had waited too long for this day.


Ying Zheng smiled and nodded.

"Mr. Zhang."

"The wedding date has been set. All the rites are the best."


"I, the Empress, the Crown Prince, and the Crown Princess will all come to the Court of the Supreme Court." Ying Zheng said.

"I accept your order." Zhang Cang bowed immediately.

But then.

Wei Liao stood up and said, "Your Majesty."

"A few days ago."

"In order to maintain the peace of the northeastern border of our Great Qin, the two countries of Goryeo sent people to contact the generals guarding the border of our Great Qin, and wanted to send envoys to our Great Qin, with the intention of paying tribute." Wei Liao said loudly.

"Tuan, Guli?"

"What countries are these?"

"I don't think I've heard of them before."

"These two countries seemed to be adjacent to Yan before, but not bordering our Great Qin. Now that our Great Qin has unified China, these two countries are naturally bordering our Great Qin."

"In the past, Yan could suppress them and make them afraid, let alone our Great Qin."

"These two small countries are naturally afraid of our Great Qin."


Hearing about Tuan and Guli, the court officials began to discuss, but most of them didn't take it seriously, and regarded these two countries as barbaric and small countries.

How powerful is the Great Qin now?

How prosperous is the national strength and military power?

They naturally look down upon these two small countries.

This is the pride of the great power.

For these.

Zhao Feng naturally smiled and was happy to see it happen.

Huaxia people, Qin, Qin people.

What he wants must be above all nations and races.

The power of the country and the power of the race will be demonstrated in the future.


"I seem to remember that when you attacked Donghu in the past, an army under your command wanted to borrow the road from Tuan, but Tuan stationed troops to block it, and finally let these elite soldiers take risks and return to Qin." Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Feng and asked.

"Replying to the emperor, it was Tuan."

Zhao Feng nodded and replied.


"A small country dares to be so presumptuous and block the front of my Qin army."

"Looking for death."

Ying Zheng snorted coldly, and a fierce murderous intent was released in his eyes.

"Father, calm down."

"Now our Great Qin is still stabilizing people's livelihood and stabilizing the Great Qin Shenzhou."

"For the time being, there is no need to start a war. After the implementation of the national policies of our Great Qin Shenzhou, the national strength will be even stronger, and it will be easy to destroy these two small countries."

"Now the implementation of national policies requires countless money and food. It would be good if these two small countries contribute some." Zhao Feng smiled.

"Your boy, you want to take the money and silk tributes from these two countries, and then find a reason to destroy them one day, right?"

Ying Zheng glanced at it and immediately smiled.

"Father, you know me." Zhao Feng replied with a big laugh.

In this atmosphere between father and son.

The civil and military officials of the Great Qin in the court also laughed.


"What the prince said is right."

"The implementation of the national policy has cost our Great Qin countless money and grain."

"And the construction of the academy is even more so."

"If these two countries pay tribute to us, although it won't be too much, it can also solve some urgent problems."

"These two small countries can be easily destroyed by our Great Qin army. When our Great Qin national policy is fully implemented, our national strength will reach unprecedented strength."

"That's right."


The ministers in the court also laughed.


"Then let these two countries send envoys to our Great Qin."

"However, for this Tu Anguo, give me a good deterrence." Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

"I will obey your order and will instruct the border officials to execute it." Wei Liao smiled immediately.


"Now the war in our Shenzhou has been settled and all the countries have perished."

"In the past, we would recruit young and strong men from Great Qin to join the army every year."

"Now we have to change this national policy." Zhao Feng said at the right time.

Hearing this,

Ying Zheng nodded in agreement, with a thoughtful look on his face: "Feng'er is right."

"In the past, we recruited young men to join the army every year to supplement the troops and make our Qin army strong forever, but now we have to make changes."

"Feng'er, what do you think?"

Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Feng again.


"You really don't want to be tired at all, and you have to think about this matter for your son?"

Zhao Feng said with some helplessness.

Hearing this.

The ministers in the court were holding back their laughter.

Since Zhao Feng became the prince, he has been in charge of the government.

Although the court is still majestic, the atmosphere in the court has ushered in a change.

In all dynasties, I have never seen such a harmonious relationship between the king and the crown prince.

"The more capable, the more work." Ying Zheng laughed.

"My son proposes strategies, and father implements them." Zhao Feng smiled.

"That's natural." Ying Zheng nodded immediately.

"As for the recruitment strategy, we can continue to recruit soldiers, which is different from the previous recruitment of young and strong soldiers."

"From now on, the generals of the five camps will report the number of retired soldiers to the Shaofu, and then the Shaofu will hand it over to the Recruiting Hall to select strong men from the young and strong men in various parts of our Great Qin to be reorganized. After the camps are fully reorganized, the remaining young and strong men will be the garrison troops."

"First, open up wasteland in various parts of our Great Qin, and second, build highways and cities."

"This is corvée labor."

"The term is two years. During the service period, the annual salary is given according to the ordinary soldiers. After two years, you can choose to stay or return home."

"Our Great Qin must fully utilize the young and strong manpower to strengthen the country." Zhao Feng said immediately.

Hearing this.

The court officials nodded one after another.

Zhao Feng's implementation this time is still to allow the Great Qin military merit recruitment system to exist, and secondly, it will also reuse the young and strong manpower recruited.

"Generals, Shaofu."

"Have you heard what the prince said?"

"The policy of recruiting soldiers and cultivating land should be implemented this year." Ying Zheng said with a smile.

"We will obey the imperial edict."

The generals and Wei Liao responded immediately.


"Today's court meeting is almost over."

"But before that."

"I have one more thing."

Ying Zheng looked down at the court with a serious face.

The expressions of the court officials also became serious.

"Wei Zhuang assassinated the prince, and his entire family has been executed. The position of right prime minister is vacant."

"I have thought about it for a long time and have made a decision in my mind."

Ying Zheng spoke slowly.

As the voice fell.

The ministers ranked among the nine ministers breathed quickly, making them full of expectations.

Especially Li Si.

At this moment, the hands in his sleeves could not help but clenched, very nervous.

When Wang Wan's clan was exterminated, he had imagined that the position of right prime minister would be his, but Han Fei suddenly appeared, which made Li Si very disappointed.

It was not until later that he understood something.

In addition to his own ability, the most important reason why Han Fei was able to take the position was Zhao Feng. Han Fei and Zhao Feng were good friends. Because Han Fei was a disciple of the prince, he was entrusted with important tasks and was promoted to the right prime minister.

Under the gaze of everyone, Ying Zheng's eyes fell on Li Si.

"Tingwei Li Si."

"You have good abilities. Since entering Qin, you have made many contributions to the Qin Dynasty and swore to serve me until death."

"You should be promoted to the right prime minister."

As Ying Zheng's voice fell.

Li Si's face showed a touch of ecstasy.


He immediately stood up and bowed to Ying Zheng and Zhao Feng: "Thank you for your majesty's trust and thank you for your trust, Your Highness the Prince."

"I am willing to swear allegiance to the Qin Dynasty until death."

Seeing Li Si like this.

Ying Zheng smiled slightly: "I hope you will not live up to the responsibilities of the right prime minister."

"I will never let your majesty and the prince down." Li Si said immediately.

"Yes." Ying Zheng nodded.

The expressions of the officials in the court were all reflected in his eyes.

"My Great Qin wiped out all the countries and ruled China."

"My government affairs are complicated, and I have difficulty handling many memorials from all over the world."


"I have invited back a capable minister of my Great Qin, who is also my elder."


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