Daqin: Start to become stronger and live longer by picking up attributes from the battlefield

Chapter 301 The prince's unprecedented move! Will shake the world!

Just say something.

The fundamentals haven't been explained yet.

Ying Zheng directly supported it.

"First, the cars are on the same track."

"Before our great Qin unified the world, all countries had their own chariots and horses, and all countries had their own galloping roads."

"My Qin Dynasty's chariots and horses entered the Zhao territory. The chariots and horses were not in harmony, and it was difficult to have good luck on the road."

"The same is true when chariots and horses from Zhao land enter Chu land."

“Therefore, the world must be on the same road, the world must have chariots and horses, and the world’s business operations must be consistent.”

"Second, the book has the same text."

"Since the Shang and Zhou Dynasties in the past, the world's writing system has not been unified. Every country and tribe has its own writing system. Although it is said that they are born from one, the differentiation is too great."

"In the years to come, the Seven Kingdoms have developed into a tripartite kingdom, but the Chinese ethnic group in China still has seven languages. In order for the Qin Dynasty to truly be unified, the languages ​​​​must be consistent. Only in this way can the decrees be implemented correctly, and the Qin Dynasty can maintain eternal prosperity."

"Third, practice the same thing."

"Among all the countries in the world, our Huaxia ethnic group is divided into many small tribes. Although the clan names are different, they all belong to Huaxia and are of the same bloodline as mine."

"However, China has been divided for many years. The customs, customs, clothing, food, housing and transportation of different countries are all different, and even the totems they worship are different."

"My country, Qin, respects black birds and uses black birds as their totems, while other countries use bears as their totems."

"If you want the world to be unified, you must practice homology, let the world practice the etiquette of China, and not be divided. The culture and customs will be unified, and for the sake of unity, it will be difficult for the Qin Dynasty to divide in the future."

"Fourth, weights and measures."

"The world is so vast that food is measured in stones. However, in the past, the weight of a stone in various countries was different, the length was also different, and the size was even more different."

“These also need to be unified.”

"Only by implementing all these four points can our Great Qin be passed on forever and China be completely unified."

Zhao Feng said loudly.


This is also inevitable in historical development, Zhao Feng just re-applied it to this era.

What Zhao Feng said.

There was silence in the entire court meeting hall.

All the ministers were stunned.

He was shocked by Zhao Feng's national policy, which could rewrite the world.

After going on for quite a while.


"His Royal Highness, the national policy is really a good way to govern the country. After these four national policies are implemented, our Great Qin will be able to completely unite the world. As long as they are successfully implemented, the world will no longer be conquered by my Great Qin's force in the future, and Great Qin will truly Take control of the world," Han Fei said with excitement.


"The carriages share the same track, the books share the same writing, the travels share the same principles, and the weights and measures are the same."

"It's really insightful, and it's really a policy for governing the country."

"I am not talented, but I am willing to lead the implementation of one of the national policies to strengthen Qin and benefit the world." Li Si stood up and said excitedly.

Upon hearing what Li Si said.


Many ministers could not stand.

"I am also willing to lead a national policy, serve the First Emperor, and benefit the people of Qin."

"I am also willing."

Feng Quji, Feng Jie, and even Wei Liao, who had always treated him calmly, stood up and asked for orders.

Li Si reacted quickly and naturally knew what this achievement in governing the world represented. Once he became one of the officials who implemented it, his name would be remembered forever.

Who wants to miss this opportunity?

"My son Zhao Feng is not only a talented person who is good at attacking and commanding troops, but also a talented person in governing the world."

"God's blessing has brought my son back."

At this moment, Ying Zheng was also looking at Zhao Feng with great excitement.

With Ying Zheng's mind, it only takes one thought to understand what these four national policies can bring to the Qin Dynasty and what they can bring to the Chinese ethnic group.

As long as it is successfully implemented.

His Yingzheng was not only the first emperor who unified the world, but also a wise ruler who unified the world's humanity.

The name is passed down through the ages.


His son's name will be remembered forever.

"Brother, not only is he good at commanding troops, but he also wants to achieve such a national policy."

"Perhaps, this is the gap between me and him." Fusu looked at Zhao Feng's figure with a hint of respect.

He had never thought of these four national policies.


Ying Zheng spoke slowly, his tone was serious, but he couldn't help but smile on his face.


"Among all the adults, which four do you think can take on the important task of implementing national policy?"

Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Feng and asked in a gentle tone.

He directly handed over the appointment power to implement national policies to Zhao Feng.

"Four national policies and four important responsibilities."

"It should be handed over to my important minister of Great Qin."

"The book is the same as the text."

"My son hopes to hand it over to Prime Minister Han."

"The cars are on the same track."

"My son, I will hand it over to Tingwei."

"Practice the same thing."

"I will hand it over to the young master."

"Weights and Measures."

"My son, I leave it to Zhi Su Nei Shi."

Zhao Feng didn't think much at all and immediately selected the candidate.

And after hearing what Zhao Feng said.

Han Fei, Li Si, Wei Liao, Xiao He.

All four important court officials stood up.

Xiao He.

Perhaps he is known as the person who has been promoted the fastest after Han Fei, also because of his ability.

After managing the captured territory, the ability has been demonstrated.

"Just as Feng'er said."

"Four dear friends."

"The important responsibility of implementing these four national policies will be left to you."

After receiving Zhao Feng's formulation, Ying Zheng said immediately without any hesitation.

"Please rest assured, the First Emperor."

"Prince, don't worry."

"I will definitely live up to the emperor's orders."

The four ministers said in unison.


"Besides these four national policies, what other proposals do you have?"

"Just say it today." Ying Zheng said with a smile, looking at Zhao Feng with eyes full of expectation.


"It will take at least two years for these four national policies to be fully implemented successfully."

"If I, my son, mention anything else, my great Qin will be helpless."


"For the sake of the stability of the country."

"My son has another suggestion. Let us stabilize the Qin Dynasty and make it even more difficult for the remnants of the Six Kingdoms to survive." Zhao Feng said with a cold smile.


"I'm looking forward to it."

Ying Zheng immediately smiled.


"If you want books to have the same text, in addition to creating a text that is popular all over the world, you also need to collect books from all over the world. After the new characters appear, you need to make books and promote them all over the world."


"In order to avoid war and reduce chaos in the world, we must collect the world's copper and iron, and collect the world's armor. The people are not allowed to have soldiers, the people are not allowed to have armor, and the people are not allowed to make weapons."

"Once discovered, he will be punished as a serious crime." Zhao Feng said slowly.

"Good strategy."

"This way."

"Those remnants of the subjugated country want to rebel and conspire, but they have no soldiers and armor, so they are vulnerable." Ying Zheng said with a laugh.

I fully agree with Zhao Feng's two strategies, especially the latter's collection of soldiers.

This is simply the household that wiped out the remnants of the Six Kingdoms.


"It may be feasible to collect the world's soldiers, but there is one thing."

"The folk need copper and iron not only for weapons, but also for hunters, butchers, and even hoes."

"If all the soldiers and armors in the world are banned, what will happen to the survival of the people?" Wei Liao said with some doubts.

"That's a good question, Master."

"This matter."

"Gu naturally has a backup plan." Zhao Feng smiled.

Then he scanned the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.

"After collecting the world's soldiers and armor."

"Blacksmith shops all over the world can register with the government, and the government can allocate copper and iron for people's livelihood. The amount of copper and iron needs to be inspected by the government every month. Once the loss is too large and exceeds the use of the people, it will be handed over to the Tingwei immediately. investigation."

"Prevent the remnants of the Six Nations from taking advantage of us."

‘And all the copper and iron veins in the world are under the control of the imperial court and cannot be circulated among the people. ’ Zhao Feng said.

Hear this.

Wei Liao nodded: "I admire the prince's plan."

"Since then."

"It has indeed cut off the opportunity for the remnants of the Six Nations to continue to grow."

I heard Wei Liao make a sound.

Ying Zheng immediately laughed and said, "I deeply agree with what Feng'er said."

"Preach my will."

"The four national policies are implemented by the four princes selected by the chief officials."


"Let the world know that our Qin government will do its best to collect the books of the Six Kingdoms. Anyone who fails to hand over the books will be punished! Those who respond to the order and pay will be rewarded!"

"Now that the world is united, I, the Qin Dynasty, rule the world."

"My Chinese ethnic group will no longer have the disaster of war. When our great Qin soldiers conquered the world, the armies of the six countries left many war armors among the people. Today, we have made a decision that the people do not need soldiers and armors, and the people do not need to defend themselves. Our great Qin warriors will Protect the people of the world."


"The Qin Dynasty will collect the weapons of the world, resmelt copper and iron, and forge weapons."

"After this decree is issued, the local government will declare it one month later, and the government will conduct a search one month later. Anyone who hides weapons or armor privately will be punished with a serious crime."

"The copper and iron needed for people's livelihood will be dispatched by the government to blacksmith shops in various places."

Ying Zheng said loudly, and the decree was drawn up accordingly.

"The First Emperor is Shengming."

All the civil and military officials in the court shouted in unison.


"My lords, let's continue the discussion."

Ying Zheng smiled. The national policies that Zhao Feng proposed one after another were of great use, and Ying Zheng also seemed very happy.

By the time the court meeting came to an end.

Zhao Feng suddenly said: "I'm going to tell my father, I have something else to tell you."

"Feng'er, tell me." Ying Zheng smiled.

"Now my son is the crown prince and crown prince, and holds great military and political power."

"It seems that my son no longer needs to hold the post of Imperial Lieutenant."

"Therefore, I recommend General Wang Jian to be the national captain and command the four major camps of the Qin Dynasty." Zhao Feng announced loudly.

Hear this.

The officials were not surprised.

Because after Zhao was granted the title of crown prince, news about Wang Jian's appointment as a state captain had already spread.

After all, Zhao Feng is already the prince and does not need the position of national captain.

When Wang Jian heard this, he was extremely excited.

"Since it is the prince's start."

"And General Wang Jian is indeed capable of taking on this important responsibility."

"I'm sure."

Ying Zheng smiled, waved his hand, and approved directly.

"My minister, I will not disappoint the First Emperor."

"I will not disappoint His Royal Highness." Wang Jian walked into the hall and bowed to Ying Zheng and Zhao Feng.

"General Wang Jian has been promoted to captain. Feng'er, who do you think should be the general in Lantian Camp?" Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Feng again and asked.

Obviously, the decision-making power was handed over to Zhao Feng again.

"Wang Ben has the talent to lead the army and can be held in a big position." Zhao Feng said immediately.

Naturally, outsiders cannot take advantage of this position.

Hear this.

Even though there were many ministers in the court who wanted to speak, they did not dare to say anything.

Following Zhao Fengfeng, he became the crown prince and crown prince.

He is not a weak prince, but a prince with high prestige in the army and the world.

With him.

As long as Zhao Feng is alive, the throne will definitely be his in the future.

Anyone who dares to speak out against it is openly against Zhao Feng and is looking for death!



Ying Zheng smiled and nodded immediately.

In Ying Zheng's view.

He is not worried that his son will have too much power and rebel. After all, the future of the world belongs to Zhao Feng, and Zhao Feng's ability is not worth it.

Since it has been handed over to Zhao Feng, Ying Zheng will give him the greatest authority and hand over the power of the country to him.

"Father is wise." Zhao Feng said immediately.

Seeing that Wang Jian and his son have received great imperial grace.

In the court, countless ministers looked at Wang Jian with envy.


"The Wang family is really lucky."

"The daughter of the Wang family unexpectedly married the prince."

"Who could have thought of that?"

"It would have been great if we had made a good relationship with the prince when he first entered the court."

"Wang Jian is the national commander, and Wang Ben is the military commander."

"The Wang family has too much power."

"All this is because of the prince..."

Many people were extremely envious and wished they could start over and make friends with Zhao Feng at that time, so that after Zhao Feng became the prince, they might also get a chance.


"Now you are the prince of my Great Qin."

"You should go to the ancestral temple, recognize your ancestors, and enter the family tree." Ying Zheng said with a smile.

"Just follow my father's orders." Zhao Feng said immediately.


Ying Zheng nodded, then looked at Li Si: "How did you deal with Ying Xi?"

"Report to the First Emperor."

"Ying Xi confessed to his crimes."

"Just wait for the First Emperor's order to execute him." Li Si replied immediately.


Ying Zheng shouted without any hesitation.

"Your servant obeys the order." Li Si withdrew after receiving the order.

"Since there is no Zongzheng anymore."

"Then I will choose a day."

"Ten days later, all officials will witness that the prince, the princess, and the prince's children and descendants will all go to the ancestral temple to recognize their ancestors." Ying Zheng announced immediately.

"The First Emperor is wise."

The ministers shouted.

"Your son obeys the order." Zhao Feng naturally accepted the order with pleasure.

All officials dispersed.

Only Ying Zheng and Zhao Feng were left in the court hall.


"I didn't expect you to be so talented in government affairs."

"Today you proposed four national policies and two confiscations."

"You really impressed your father." Ying Zheng laughed and said, very pleased.

"In the next period of time, the remnants of the six countries will definitely fight back."

"Because they will definitely know that my Great Qin is cutting off their roots."


"These people in Xianyang should also be unable to hold back." Zhao Feng smiled, but there was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"What do you mean by this?" Ying Zheng's expression changed slightly.

"Now that I am the prince, do you think they will sit back and watch?"

"Power moves people's hearts."

"They have to do it." Zhao Feng smiled coldly.

"Then what are you going to do?" Ying Zheng asked.

"They want my life, so I will give them a chance." Zhao Feng smiled.


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